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Advt. No. Title File Apply
- Merit List of Candidates for the various posts of Technical Cadre advertised vide Advt. No. 05/2009. (94 KB)
- Provisional Select List of Candidates for the Post of Deputy Manager (HR) under Internal Notification. (10 KB)
- List of shortlisted candidates called for personal interview for the post of Chief Legal Advisor against advt. no.10/2009 (21 KB)
4/2009 List of shortlisted candidates called for the selection process/interview for the post of SE(Trans)& SE(Civil)against advt. no.4/2009 (44 KB)
- List of shortlisted candidates called for interview for the post of SE(Trans) against advt. no.4/2009 (25 KB)
4/2009 Select List of candidates for the post of SE(Trans)against advt. no.4/2009 (10 KB)
3/2009 Select List of candidates for the post of Revenue Officer against advt. no.3/2009 (9 KB)
8/2009 Employment advertisement no 8/2009 for Finance & Accounts cadre (68 KB)
- Internal Notification for filling in the vacancies of the posts of Asstt. Chief Vigilance Officer/Asstt. Chief Security Officer, Deputy Manager (F&A), Dy. Manager (HR), and Assistant Accountant/ Auditors from amongst Employees working in Maharashtra State Electricity Transmission Company Limited (MSETCL) having the prescribed qualification and experience (45 KB)
Circular regarding Internal Notification dt 27.02.09 issued for the posts of EE(Trans)/(Civil) & Dy.EE(Trans)/(Civil) Circular regarding Internal Notification dt 27.02.09 issued for the posts of EE(Trans)/(Civil) & Dy.EE(Trans)/(Civil) (24 KB)