माहितीचा अधिकार अधिनियम








Organization, Functions and Duties [Section 4(1) (b) (i)]

Sr. No.

Name of the Organization Address

Functions & Duties






 Co. Ltd.

Head office –


C-19 , E- Block,

Bandra  Kurla


Bandra  ( E )

Mumbai - 51.

1) The Company shall be primarily in the business of transmission of electricity and it shall be vested with the transmission assets, interest in property, rights and liabilities of the Maharashtra State electricity Board (The “Board” ) necessary for the business of transmission, as per the Government of Maharashtra’s decision to reorganize the Board under the provisions of Part-XIII (Reorganization of Board) of the Electricity Act, 2003 (and the transfer schemes notified there under) and the resolutions, circulars, ordinances and notifications issued in this regard. The Company shall act as Transmission Licensee under the Provisions of Section 14 of the Electricity Act, 2003 and the company shall also act as State Transmission Utility if notified by the State Government under the provisions of Section 39 of Electricity Act, 2003.

2) To undertake planning and coordination activities in regard to intra-State Transmission, works connected with the intra-State transmission, in the State of Maharashtra, Load Dispatch functions, to introduce open access in transmission on payment of transmission charges and such other functions as may be assigned to the company by law or otherwise by Government or Government Authority concerning the operation of the Power System and to ensure development of an efficient, coordinated and economical system of intra-State transmission lines for smooth flow of electricity from a generating station to load centers and to provide non-discriminatory open access to its transmission system as per the provisions of the Electricity Act, 2003.

3) To plan, acquire, develop, establish, construct, take over, erect, lay, operate, run, manage, hire, lease, buy, sell, maintain, enlarge, alter, work and use, renovate, modernize, electrical transmission lines and/or networks through various voltage lines and associated sub-stations, including cables, wires, accumulators plants, motors, meters, apparatus, computers and materials connected with transmission, ancillary services, telecommunication and telemetering equipment.

Manpower Strength as on 31.10.2024

Pay Group
























Operation and Maintenance of Transmission System (S/Ss and Trans Lines) of 66 k/v and above. Augmentation of Transformer Capacity in EHV Substations.


Powers and Duties of Officers and Employees [Section 4(1)(b)(ii)]

Corporate Office

Sr. no.

Name of Officer




Shri. Sanjeev Kumar (IAS)

Chairman & Managing Director

All issues of the Transmission Company like Technical, Administration & HR, Project & Finance etc.


Shri. Avinash Vinaykrao   Nimbalkar

Director (Projects) (In Charge)


All issues related to Project activities of Constructions of Sub-Stns. & lines

The administrative control of Contract and Monitoring, STU, Automation, Communication & Innovation, Project Schemes & Civil (Project related Works)


Shri. Satish Chavan

Director (Operations)

All issues related to Operations & Maintenance of Transmission system, (Sub-Stns. & Trans.Lines), Load Dispatch Centre, Procurement of Material

The administrative control of Trans. O&M (Along with CPA/ CIO), MSLDC, Designs, Protections & Civil (Other than Project related Works)


Smt.Trupti Nitin Mudholkar


Director (Finance)

All issues related to Finance & Accounts, management of funds etc. 

5. Shri. Sugat Shankar Gamare  Director (HR) ( In Charge) HR & Administration, Corporate Communication, Publicity and IR


Shri. Shashank Jewalikar

Executive Director (MSLDC)

(In Charge)

Command & Control of MSLDC, Grid Network system operation & load dispatch within state including reports and schedule.


Shri. Avinash Vinayakrao Nimbalkar  

Chief Engineer (Project Co-ordination)

All Project & Scheme Co-ordination Work


Shri. Peeyush Surendrapal Sharma 

Chief Engineer (STU)

Special Project activities implementation and Monitoring. Issues related to Transmission of electricity through Intra State Transmission System, Planning & Co-ordination relating to Intra State Transmission System with Central Transmission Utilities, State Govt., Generating Companies, Regional Power Committees, and Licensees etc., To provide nondiscriminatory open access its transmission system. To issue Grid connectivity to RE Project and EHV Consumer.


Shri.Kishor B.Garud

Chief Engineer

(Design) (In Charge)

For EHV Substation and Line Equipment/Material

1.Preparation,finalization, and revision in technical specification.

2.Drawing and design approvals.

3.Vender approval and renewal of non- critical equipment&rsquo's.

4.Proto inspection and type test witness.


Shri. Sunil Namdeo Suryavanshi

Chief Engineer


1.Engineering work of sub stn. & Line.

2.Acceptance & award of Contracts.

3.Execution of Contract agreements.

4.Monitoring of the Projects.

5.All issues related to Project activities of Constructions of Sub-Stns. & Lines


Shri. Jayant Ramkrishna Kulkarni

Chief Engineer (ACI&P) (In-Charge)

1. Ensuring real time visibility of operational data from EHV s/stn  to SLDC / ALDC through LCC / Fiber optic

2. To ensure increase in the Fiber optic communication network

3. To ensure Standardized automation of  EHV S/stn.

4. Implementation of AMR project for interface Energy meters.  


Shri. Bhushan Harish Ballal

Chief Engineer (Civil)

1.Monitoring of ongoing projects, augmentation work and various R&M work for existing MSETCL assets.

2. Project planning as per STU Plan, land acquisition, finalization of Yard level and scrutiny of estimates.

3.Various issues related to civil works such as admin approval, Quantity variation, Extra Item, Board approvals and management etc.

4.Drawing approval and issuance of civil drawings for exccution purpose.

13. Smt. Julee Milind Wagh Chief Engineer (Project Scheme)

 1.   Administrative Approval of new MSETCL EHV Schemes, renewable Schemes (Wind + Solar), EHV Consumer Schemes. 

2.  MERC Approvals, Government of Maharashtra Approvals, Power and Telecommunication  Co ordination Committee (PTCC) Approval for new EHV Lines in Co-ordination with DET,PTCC/Railway/ BSNL/ CEA for PTCC.

3. GoM Correspondence.

4.Dealing of cases with High Court/ APTEL/CERC/MERC in respect of RE & EHV Consumer

14. Shri. Mahendrakumar Chadrakant Walke Chief Engineer (Trans O&M)

1.  Interruption monitoring and analysis.

2. HVDC Project Works.

3. TF/ICT & Equipment failure Monitoring.

4. Administrative approvals and Tender Acceptance of Augmentation SCHEMES and R&M schemes.

5. Administrative approvals and Tender Acceptance of LE Scheme.

15. Shri. Kailash Asaram Kanse Chief General Manager (S&E)

Security & Enforcement of MSETCL

16. Smt. Anju Sunil Gupta Chief General Manager (F & A)  All issues related to Finance & Accounts, management of funds etc.
17.  Shri. Sugat Shankar Gamre Chief General Manager (HR)

1. HR & Administration, Corporate Communication, Publicity and IR.

2.  HR and Administration issues related to Technical and Non Technical cadres

18.  Shri. Nagsen Ambadas Wankhede Chief General Manager (IT)

1. Monitoring, Control and smooth working of IT and ERP Activities.

2. Effective Monitoring and ensuring Application development Management. design development, Devloyment, Support & Maintenance of ERP-SAP development for various modules, Web-based/   Mobile Application Development as per requirement pf the company Management.  

19 Smt. Kirti Kulkarni Chief Legal Advisor Company Related All Legal Matters  


    Field Offices

Sr. No.

Name of Officer




Shri. Jayant Deorao Weekey

Chief Engineer, EHV PC O&M Zone, Amravati

1. Tripping and remedial measures to avoid recurrence.

2. Commissioning, operation & maintenance of EHV substations & constructional activities of S/Stns & Lines.

3. PLCC system.

4. Constructional activities of EHV S/s already in service.

• Augmentation of Transformer capacity.

• Addition of Transformer capacity

• Addition of new Bays.

5. Energy received at EHV S/s and Energy delivered to DISCOM.

6. Coordination with other power units tie like PGCIL, etc in the matter related to protection, communication, metering etc.

7. Purchase of various items (including proprietary) related to EHV substations.

8. Civil Maintenance work.


Shri. Quadri Syed Shah Nasir

Chief Engineer, EHV PC O&M Zone,Chatrapati Sambhaji Nagar


- Do -



Smt. Shilpa Shekhar Kumbhar

Chief Engineer,EHV PC O&M Zone,Karad


- Do -



Shri. Satish Dinkar Aney

Chief Engineer, EHV PC O&M Zone,Nagpur


- Do -




Shri Sanjeev Gopal Bhole

Chief Engineer, EHV PC O&M Zone, Nashik


- Do -





Shri. Anil Vilas Kolap

Chief Engineer, EHV PC O&M Zone, Pune


- Do -




Shri. Mahesh Baburao Bhagwat

Chief Engineer, EHV PC O&M Zone, Vashi


- Do -



Shri.Girish Shashikant Pantoji

Chief Engineer, MSLDC, Kalwa

 Grid network system operation & load dispatch within state including reports and schedules.


Shri. Sandeep Suraj Kalntri

Chief Engineer, ALDC, Ambazari

Norms set for the Discharge of Functions [Section 4(1)(b)(iv)]

Link:  Administrative Circular No. 44 dt 19/04/2007(SOP)

Rules, Regulations, Instructions, Manual and Records, for-Discharging Functions [Section 4(1)(b)(v)]


 1. MSEB Employee’s Service Regulations, 2012 and List of Correction slip to SR

 2. MSEB Employee’s Seniority Regulation, 1961

 3. MSEB Employees’ Classification & Recruitment Regulations, 1962

 4. Administrative Circulars / Circulars

 5. MERC Open Access Regulations 2005

 6. MERC Terms & Conditions of Tariff

 7. S.T Supernumerary Employee List

Categories of Documents held by the Public Authority under its Control [Section 4(1)(b)vi]

Documents held by Public Authority

1. Files

2. Service Books

3. Log Books

4. M.Bs.

5. Minutes

6. Vouchers

7. Musters

The above documents are preserved for specific period.

Kindly refer to Link: Administrative Circular No. 150 Dated 03.06.2009

Arrangement for Consultation with, or Representation by, the Members of the Public in relation to the Formulation of Policy or Implementation thereof [Section 4(1) (b) vii]

S. Function/service


Arrangements for consultation with or representation of public in relations with policy formulation

Arrangements for consultation with or representation of public in relations with policy implementation


 Boards, Councils, Committees and other Bodies constituted as part of Public Authority [Section 4(1) (b) (viii)]


Sr. No.

Name of Public Authority

Official Address


Shri. Sanjeev Kumar (IAS),  Chairman & Managing Director

MSETCL,Plot No. C-19, E-Block, "Prakashganga",Bandra-Kurla Complex, Bandra (E),Mumbai – 400 051


Smt.Trupti Nitin Mudholkar Director (Finance)

                         - Do -



Shri. Avinash Vinaykrao Nimbalkar Director (Projects) (In-Charge)


                         - Do -


Shri. Satish Chavan Director (Operations)

                         - Do -



Shri . Sugat Shankar Gamare, Director (HR) (In-Charge)

                          - Do -


Directory of Officers and Employees [Section 4(1)(b)(ix)]

Link: Directory of Officers and Employees - Marathi 

Link: Directory of Officers and Employees - English

Monthly Remuneration received by Officers and Employees, including the System of Compensation as provided in Regulations [Section 4(1)(b)(x)]

Link: Administrative Circular 556, 557, 558, 559 dated 19/09/2019

Budget Allocated to Each Agency including Plans etc. [Section 4(1) (b) xi]

Annual Plan

Manner of Execution of Subsidy Programs [Section 4(1)(b)xii]

No subsidy programs / Activities / Schemes being implemented by this department Name of program / activity

Nature/scale of subsidy

Eligibility criteria for grant of subsidy

Designation of officer to grant subsidy


Name of program/ activity

Application Procedure

Sanction Procedure

Disbursement procedure


 Particulars of Recipients of Concessions, Permits or Authorization Granted by the Public Authority [Section 4(1) (b) xiii]

Institutional Beneficiaries Name of program/scheme

Sr. No

Name & address of recipient institutions

Nature/ quantum of benefit granted

Date of grant

Name & Designation of granting authority

Not applicable

 Individual Beneficiaries Name of program/scheme:

Sr. No

Name & address of recipient institutions

Nature/ quantum of benefit granted

Date of grant

Name & Designation of granting authority

Not applicable

 Information Available in Electronic Form [Section 4(1)(b)xiv]

Electronic format

Description (site address/location where available etc.)

Contents or title

Designation and address of the custodian of Information (held by whom?)

Note: No such facility of library / information center / Reading room for public maintained by this office. However the information required by the public is made available during officer hours i.e. 10.00 AM to 6.15 PM

 Chapter - II

 Particulars of Facilities available to Citizens for Obtaining Information [Section 4(1) (b) xv]


Description  (Location of Facility / Name etc.)

Details of Information made available

Notice  Board

Entrance hall of the office

News paper clippings, Select list of recruitment, tender notice, Birth day.

Public  Announcements

Information dissemination is being carried out from time to time

Through newspapers & Mahatransco web sites.

Information counter

Public Relation Officer

Corporate communication related issues, Circulars, News letters Brochure.


Released information as and when need arises


Office   library

Facility is not available in the office




All information about MSETCL.

Other facilities  [name])

Fax, e-mail facility available in the office

 Chapter - II

Names, Designations and other Particulars of Public Information Officers [Section 4(1)(b)xvi]

Link: Public Information Officers

Other Useful Information [Section 4(1)(b)xvii]


This page was last updated on 12 Mar 2025