EE/EHV/O&M/ Dn./JLG/ Tech/000155 |
Nashik |
E-Enquiry for Hiring of Diesel Goods Vehicle (Mahindra Utility / Tata Xenon Yodha or equivalent) along with driver on per day basis for Addl. Executive Engineer or other site works at Substation Maintenance sub-division Jalgaon under EHV O&M Division, Jalgaon
30-01-2025 |
10-02-2025 |
(2 MB)
EE/EHV/O&M/ Dn./JLG/ Tech/000154 |
Nashik |
E-Enquiry for Hiring of Diesel Goods Vehicle (Mahindra Utility / Tata Xenon Yodha or equivalent) along with driver on per day basis for Addl. Executive Engineer or other site works at Line Maintenance sub-division Khedi under EHV O&M Div,jalgaon
30-01-2025 |
10-02-2025 |
(1.9 MB)
EE/EHV/O&M/ Dn./JLG/ Tech/000153 |
Nashik |
E-Enquiry for Hiring of Diesel Goods Vehicle (Mahindra Utility / Tata Xenon Yodha or equivalent) along with driver on per day basis for Addl. Executive Engineer or other site works at Line Maintenance sub-divi'ion Amalner under EHV O&M Division, Jalgaon for FY 2025-26.
30-01-2025 |
10-02-2025 |
(1.8 MB)
7000034924 |
Vashi |
E-tender for Providing & fixing of additional jumpers on Tension towers of the various old 100kV lines using boltless C- type wedge connector for EHV LMSD, Kalwa under EHV (O&M) Division, Kalwa.- - (RFx. No.7000034924)
31-01-2025 |
10-02-2025 |
(113 KB)
7000035048 |
Vashi |
4th call for Repair and calibration of Doble make Tan delta & Capacitance Measurement Kit bearing Sr No.11221319, Model:M4100 at 400 KV Testing unit under 400 KV RS O&M Dn Padghe. for F.Y. 2024-25
28-01-2025 |
10-02-2025 |
(192 KB)
EE/400kV/RS(O&M)/Dn/GRL/Tech/No.90 |
Aurangabad |
E-Enquiry: Firm quotation for work of Annual Maintenance for Computer along with Networking Printers at various EHV S/S , Administration offices under 400 kV RS (O&M) Division, Girwali.
27-01-2025 |
10-02-2025 |
(76 KB)
7000034976 |
Karad |
Work of Annual Contract for Attending Emergency fault & annual maintenance work at various EHV Substations under EHV O&M Division Kolhapur
24-01-2025 |
10-02-2025 |
(445 KB)
7000034988 |
Aurangabad |
SRM E-Tender: Work for providing and fixing the 200 W LED high mast flood light at various EHV Sub-stations under EHV (O&M) division Parbhani.
24-01-2025 |
10-02-2025 |
(19 KB)
7000035101 |
Nashik |
2nd call SRM E-enquiry for the Work of Supplying Water Tankers for watering to switchyard equipment earthing on as and when required basis at 400kV RS Dhule under 400KV RS Dn Dhule.
30-01-2025 |
09-02-2025 |
(72 KB)
Enquiry for Budgetary Offers |
Vashi |
Budgetary Offer for supply of Orange Colour Silica Gel at various S/S under EHV O&M Division Boisar.
01-02-2025 |
09-02-2025 |
(257 KB)
7000034567 |
Aurangabad |
SRM E-Tender(Second Call): the work of providing & fixing of spacers cum vibration dampers for LILO ckt-I & II of 400KV lines under the jurisdiction of 400 KV Line Maintenance Sub Division Kumbhargaon under 400 kV RS Division Kumbhargaon, Nanded.
31-01-2025 |
09-02-2025 |
(292 KB)
7000034354 |
Vashi |
Second Call for SRM E-Tender for Supply of various size of Nuts Bolts, Clamp and Connectors at various substation under EHV (O&M) Division Mahad
31-01-2025 |
09-02-2025 |
(285 KB)
7000034950 |
Nashik |
EHV PC O&M Zone, Nashik :(5th call)SRM E-Tender Notice Work of enhancement in transformation capacity of substation by providing additional 1X25MVA 132/33kV Transformer along with HV & LV bays at 132kV Nampur S/Stn under EHV O&M Division Nashik under MSKVY Phase - 2.0 (T/F will be provided by MSETCL)
30-01-2025 |
09-02-2025 |
(263 KB)
7000035085 |
Nagpur |
4th Call SRM E-Tender for the "AMC of complete job work in r/o AMC for cleaning/upkeeping of 400KV Koradi-II substation and Division office under 400KV Substation Division Koradi-II including consumable material required for cleaning at 400KV Substation Division Koradi-II for the year 2024-2025"
30-01-2025 |
09-02-2025 |
(124 KB)
RFx No.-7000034874 |
Pune |
RE-Tender 2nd call Notice :- Work of upgradation of voltage level from 22kV level to 33kV level by replacement of 2X50MVA, 132/22kV T/Fs by 2X50MVA, 132/33kV T/Fs at 132 kV Baramati S/s under pune zone Pre-Bid Meeting :- 31.01.2025 at 12:00 PM @ EHV O&M Circle, Solapur Office
29-01-2025 |
09-02-2025 |
(85 KB)
7000034772 |
Aurangabad |
SRM E-Tender(Second Call): AMC for battery sets maintenance work (220 Volts & 48 Volts) and charger repair work at 400kV RS Thaptitanda.
30-01-2025 |
09-02-2025 |
(288 KB)
RFX:7000035001(1st call) |
Nagpur |
Work of supply & installation of advance cable transit system at 220kV Uppalwadi substation under RS Ringmain Division Nagpur
25-01-2025 |
09-02-2025 |
(472 KB)
7000035021 |
Karad |
Work of providing & fixing of barbed wire at various tower locations of 220KV & 110KV EHV Lines under EHV O&M Dn. Sangli
26-01-2025 |
09-02-2025 |
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7000035064 |
Nashik |
(2nd call)SRM E-tender –Notice for Work of Providing and fixing of Pipe Type & Counter Poise type Earthing for missing/Damage/open earthing at various locations of various towers of 400KV DHL- SSNNL ckt-1&2 and 400KV DHL-BBLR ckt-1&2, under 400KV R.S. Dn, Dhule, under EHV O&M Circle Bhusawal.
30-01-2025 |
08-02-2025 |
(16 KB)
EE/400kV/RS(O&M)/Dn/GRL/Tech/No. 094 |
Aurangabad |
E-Enquiry(Second Call): Firm quotation for the Work of Replacement of rusted/damaged/Missing members for 220kV & 132kv Line under EHV LMSD Girwali under 400kV RS O&M Div, Girwali.
30-01-2025 |
08-02-2025 |
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