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Total Records : 3930 SRM e-Tendering
Rfx No Zone Tender Title Start Date End Date View File
Budgetary Offer Vashi

Enquiry for Nickel cadmium Battery sets of various ratings to be used for the work of  replacement of existing old Battery sets and battery charger along with DCDB at various substation under EHV O&M Division Bhandup for FY Year 2024-25.

16-01-2025 23-01-2025 (161 KB)
7000032184 Nashik

(4th call)SRM E-Tender Notice Work of enhancement in transformation capacity of substation by providing additional 1X25MVA 132/33kV Transformer along with HV & LV bays at 132kV Nampur S/Stn under EHV O&M Division Nashik under MSKVY Phase - 2.0 (T/F will be provided by MSETCL) 

16-01-2025 26-01-2025 (265 KB)
7000034917 Nashik

SRM E-enquiry for the Work of Supplying Water Tankers for watering to switchyard equipment earthing on as and when required basis at 400kV RS Dhule under 400KV RS Dn Dhule.

16-01-2025 26-01-2025 (72 KB)
EE/42 Dt: 16.01.2025 Pune

Publication of E-Enquiry forAnnual Maintenance Contract (AMC) for one year for Computers (Desktops, Laptops and such a devices), Printers, general purpose and system software including supply, installation & maintenance at various substation & subdivision under EHV O&M Dn-II, Pune & 400kV RS Division Jejuri under EHV O&M Circle Pune.

16-01-2025 23-01-2025 (533 KB)
SE/EHVC/PV/TS/080 Aurangabad

E-Enquiry: The supply of Industrial Safety Shoes under EHV O&M Circle Parli.

16-01-2025 31-01-2025 (1.1 MB)
7000034927 Karad

Updation of substation with the help of DGPS & preparing substation layout in the jurisdiction of EHV CCCM Division Karad for EHV CCCM Sub division Satara I & II. (IInd Call)

16-01-2025 25-01-2025 (373 KB)
EE/400KV/R.S./DIV/Karjat/Tech/Enquiry/194 Nashik

E- Enquiry for Hiring of outsourced LMV Utility vehicle (Diesel) with fuel along with vehicle driver for 400 KV Karjat Substation under 400 KV RS Dn. Karjat. 

16-01-2025 22-01-2025 (137 KB)
7000034929 Karad

Renovation of control room building at 220KV Sub-Station Miraj, Dist.- Sangli.

16-01-2025 30-01-2025 (132 KB)
7000034355 Pune

RE-tender (3rd call) Work for Second Circuit Stringing on Existing 132 kV Degaon-Mandrup SCDC line along with 02 Nos. of end bays at 132 kV Degaon & 132 kV Mandrup S/s and erection of’ horizontal tower at Degaon substation under EHV O&M Circle, Solapur under Pune Zone. (Conductor will be supplied by MSETCL)

16-01-2025 17-01-2025 (116 KB)
EE/400kV/RS(O&M)/DN/LNKD/Tender/T-20/2024-25 dtd.15.01.2025 RFX No.7000034928 Pune

RE-tender( 2nd Call) for the work of providing and Fixing of Power Supply Unit, Tap Position Transmitter Oil Temperature Indicators and Winding Temperature Indicators under 400 KV R.S. (O&M)Dn Lonikand-I (RFX No.7000034928)

16-01-2025 25-01-2025 (901 KB)
7000034916 Nagpur

SRM E- Enquiry for Annual Maintenance Contract of Transformer Oil Testing (Including DGA & Furan Analysis) of 400/220/33 kV, 501 MVA ICT-I, ICT-II & Spare unit of 400/220 kV, 167 MVA ICT by mobile testing van at 400/220 kV Koradi-II S/S under 400 kV S/S Division, Koradi-II for the year of 2024-25.

16-01-2025 24-01-2025 (127 KB)
7000034910 Nagpur

3rd call SRM E-Tender for the "AMC of complete job work in r/o AMC for cleaning/upkeeping of 400KV Koradi-II substation and Division office under 400KV Substation Division Koradi-II including consumable material required for cleaning at 400KV Substation Division Koradi-II for the year 2024-2025

16-01-2025 26-01-2025 (124 KB)
7000034625 Aurangabad

SRM E-Tender(Second Call): Work of painting of Gantry and Equipment support structure by applying Nano technology-based acid and alkali resistant nano- modified anti corrosive coating at 132 kV Jalna MIDC Substation, under EHV O&M Division, Jalna.

16-01-2025 26-01-2025 (163 KB)
7000034884 Nagpur

Work to carry out Stub Strengthening of EHV Towers at LMS/Dn Kardha and Madgi under EHV(O&M) Division, Bhandara

16-01-2025 26-01-2025 (167 KB)
7000034513 Aurangabad

SRM E-Tender(Third Call): Work of Providing & Fixing of 220kV Bus Bar Protection Cables at 400kV Girwali Sub-station under 400kV RS (O&M) Division, Girwali.

16-01-2025 25-01-2025 (16 KB)
7000034925 Nagpur

Work of supply & application of Nano Technology based acid & alkali resistant nano modified anti-corrosive paint of 220KV, 132KV & 33KV Gantry & Equipment structure at 220/132/33KV Bhandara S/s under EHV (O&M) Division Bhandara

16-01-2025 31-01-2025 (57 KB)
RFX:7000034909(2nd call) Nagpur

Work of 'servicing/ overhauling of 132kV ABB Make Circuit Breaker Mechanism and pole at 132 KV Pardi/Mankapur and Hingna 1 sub station under R.S.Ringmain, MSETCL, Nagpur

16-01-2025 26-01-2025 (477 KB)
7000034469 SLDC Kalwa

Supply of the Oracle License & providing the ATS (Annual Technical Support) for period of two years for upgradation of the Oracle Database Software from Standard Edition to the Enterprise Edition.

16-01-2025 29-01-2025 (22 KB)
7000034630 Vashi E-enquiry to submission of budgetary offer for  2nd Extension to RFx e-Enquiry for work of 22kV Cable Support Structure for 50MVA, 100/22kV TF-1 LV Bay at 100/22kV Khopoli Substation under EHV O&M division Panvel  (RFx No.: 7000034630). 15-01-2025 22-01-2025 (773 KB)
7000034097 Nashik

3rt Call E-tender notice for AMC for Repairs of 33kV current transformers and potential transformers at various EHV sub-stations under EHV (O&M) Division, Nashik.

15-01-2025 25-01-2025 (144 KB)