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Total Records : 3933 SRM e-Tendering
Rfx No Zone Tender Title Start Date End Date View File
7000033907 Aurangabad

SRM E-Tender First Call Extension: Work of installation, Testing and commissioning of new 5x50MVAr, switchable 400kV Line Reactors against replacement of old 5x50 MVAr, line reactor at 400kV Girwali Substation under EHV P C O&M Zone.

11-11-2024 20-11-2024 (197 KB)
7000033894 Aurangabad

SRM E-Tender First Call Extension: Augmentation for enhancement of transformation capacity of ss by addition of ICT’s at 03 nos of EHV SS 220kv Narangwadi, Jalkot and 220kv Paranda ss under CSN Zone.

11-11-2024 20-11-2024 (198 KB)
7000033851 Aurangabad

SRM E-Tender First Call Extension: Work of replacement of existing conductor along with hardware by High performance conductor (HPC) of EHV Line 132kv Bhoom kallamb and strengthening of associated line end bays for RE Power evacuation under Green Energy corridor (GEC) under CSN Zone. High Performance Conductor (HPC) under Chhatrapati Sambhajinagar Zone.

11-11-2024 20-11-2024 (269 KB)
7000033844 Aurangabad

SRM E-Tender First Call Extension: Work of replacement of existing conductor along with hardware by High performance conductor (HPC) of EHV Line 132kv Bhoom Paranda and strengthening of associated line end bays for RE Power evacuation under Green Energy corridor (GEC) under CSN Zone. High Performance Conductor (HPC) under Chhatrapati Sambhajinagar Zone.

11-11-2024 20-11-2024 (270 KB)
7000033775 Aurangabad

SRM E-Tender First Call Extension: Work of Second Ckt Stringing on a) 132kV Jalkot - Udgir b)132kV Nilanga -Omarga c)132kV Bhokar - Tamsa d)132kV Bhokar -Himayatnagar & 220kv Georai- 132kv Mahakala SCDC Lines along with construction of associated end bays under Chhatrapati Sambhajinagar Zone.

11-11-2024 20-11-2024 (297 KB)
7000033189 Aurangabad

SRM E-Tender First Call Extension: Work of replacement of existing conductor along with hardware by High performance conductor (HPC) of EHV Line 132kv Rajpimpri Paithan and strengthening of associated line end bays for RE Power evacuation under Green Energy corridor (GEC) under CSN Zone. High Performance Conductor (HPC) under Chhatrapati Sambhajinagar Zone.

11-11-2024 20-11-2024 (270 KB)
7000034074 Nashik

Notice for 2nd Extension of Sale Period for SRM E-Tender Work of replacement/retrofitting of IEC61850 compliant numerical Breaker Failure Relay (LBB) with two stage LBB function for 400kV, 220kV & 132kV bays at 400kV Khadka S/Stn & 400kV & 220kV bays at 400kV Babhaleshwar S/Stn under EHV PC O&M Zone Nashik.

11-11-2024 20-11-2024 (13 KB)
7000034176 Amravati

T-54 (1 st call) Extension Augmentation by addition 1 x 100 MVA, 220/132 kV ICTs 4th ICT along with HV & LV bays & extension of 132kV Main & Auxiliary bus at 220kV stn Malegaon (Zodga) under EHV O&M Division Akola.( ICT will be provided by MSETCL)

11-11-2024 20-11-2024 (120 KB)
7000034197 Nagpur

Supply of 2No. 220V 500AH, 2Nos.110V 200AH & 2No.48V 1000AH and 1No. 220V 300AH, 2No. 48V 200AH battery sets along with allied accessories as critical spares under Nagpur Zone. EMD Rs. 62,586.24/- & Tender Fees: Rs.500/- (GST extra)

15-10-2024 20-11-2024 (369 KB)
7000034091 7000034120 Nagpur

RFx. No. 7000034091; Work of Supply , Civil and ETC ( excluding supply of T/F) for scheme of Replacement of 2x25MVA 132/33 kV T/F by 2x50MVA 132/33 kV T/F at 132KV Ambhora Sub-station and Additional 1x25MVA 132/33KV Transformer at 132KV Lakhandur S/stn under Nagpur Zone.
EMD Rs. 247091/- & Tender Fees: Rs. 5000/- (GST extra)
RFx. No. 7000034120; Work of Supply , Civil and ETC ( excluding supply of T/F) for scheme of Work of Additional 1x50MVA 132/33KV Transformer at 132KV Amgaon Sub-station and Additional 1x50MVA 132/33KV Transformer at 132KV Sakoli S/stn under Nagpur Zone.
EMD Rs. 322291/- & Tender Fees: Rs. 5000/- (GST extra)

11-10-2024 20-11-2024 (236 KB)
7000033939 Nagpur

Work of Supply , Civil and ETC ( excluding supply of ICT) for scheme of Work for Replacement of 2x25MVA 132/33 kV T/F by 2x50MVA 132/33 kV T/F at 132KV Seloo Sub-station under EHV O&M Division, Wardha and Additional 1x50MVA 132/33KV Transformer at 132KV Mouda S/stn under Nagpur Zone.
EMD Rs. 184194/- & Tender Fees: Rs. 5000/- (GST extra)

07-10-2024 20-11-2024 (234 KB)
7000033950 Nagpur

Work of Supply , Civil and ETC ( excluding supply of ICT) for scheme of
a) Replacement of existing 80MVA,220/132kV ICT by 100MVA, 220/132KV ICT at 220KV Hinganghat S/s
b) Replacement of of existing 50MVA, 220/132kV kV ICT by 100MVA, 220/132kV ICT at 220KV Gadchiroli S/s
c) Replacement of existing 2X100 MVA 220/132kV ICTs by 2X200 MVA 220/132kV ICTs at 220 kV Butibori S/s
under Nagpur Zone.
EMD Rs. 243099/- & Tender Fees: Rs. 5000/- (GST extra)

07-10-2024 20-11-2024 (235 KB)
7000033772 Nagpur

Work of Supply , Civil and ETC for LE scheme for replacement of 220KV CBs and Various Old EHV equipment’s alongwith support structure at EHV O&M Circle Nagpur ; EHV O&M Circle Chandrapur and HVDC Circle Chandrapur under Nagpur Zone.
EMD Rs. 1214292/- & Tender Fees: Rs. 25000/- (GST extra)

30-09-2024 20-11-2024 (236 KB)
7000032160/EE/EHV (O &M ) /DIVN/MHD/Tech/Third Call/Tender-28/2024-25 Dtd.15.11.2024 Vashi

Call for SRM E-Tender for providing various consumables items for maintenance work at various locations under EHV (O&M) Division Mahad.

15-11-2024 21-11-2024 (287 KB)
7000034249/EE/EHV (O &M ) /DIVN/MHD/Tech/Second Call/E-Tender-32/2024-25 Dtd.15.11.2024 Vashi

Second Call for SRM E- Tender for Supply of digital Multimeter at various Substations under EHV (O&M) Division Mahad

15-11-2024 21-11-2024 (284 KB)
7000033413/EE/EHV (O &M ) /DIVN/MHD/Tech/Second Call/E-Tender-39/2024-25 Dtd.15.11.2024 Vashi Second Call for SRM E-Tender for Supply of Twin Terminal connector for Hybrid Pass at 220 kV Kandalgaon Substation EHV(O&M) Division Mahad.   15-11-2024 21-11-2024 (287 KB)
131 Karad

Enquiry of Budgetary offer for Supply and Istallation of Desktop Computer, UPS and Printer for EE, PAC Division Sangli

14-11-2024 21-11-2024 (2.3 MB)
7000032523 Pune

Re-Tender (4th call) for the work of augmentation of substation under Pune Zone: 1) By providing additional 1X50 MVA, 220/33 kV T/F at 220kV Bridgestone substation. 2) By providing additional 1X50 MVA, 220/22 kV T/F at 220kV Ranjangaon substation.
(Power Transformers will be provided by MSETCL).

15-10-2024 22-11-2024 (292 KB)
7000033704 Pune

Re-tender (2nd call) for the work of enhancement of Transformation capacity of substation by providing additional 3X167MVA, 400/220/33kV ICT along with HV & LV bays and associated Civil works at 400/220 kV Jejuri s/s under 400kV R.S. (O&M) Division Jejuri, Pune Zone.

15-10-2024 22-11-2024 (433 KB)
7000033158 Aurangabad

SRM E-Tender Extension: Work of replacement of existing 0.4 ACSR conductor along with hardware by High Performance Conductor (HPC) of 220kV Beed - Manjarsumba - Patoda Line & 220kV Beed - Patoda Line and strengthening of associated line end bays for RE power evacuation under GEC under Chhatrapati Sambhajinagar Zone.

21-11-2024 22-11-2024 (358 KB)