EE/EHV/PD-III/Solapur/1394 Date:-21/11/2024 |
Pune |
Re-enquiry for providing HT line for 3ph connection at 132 kV Barshi TSS
22-11-2024 |
28-11-2024 |
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EE(St)/MSA/CSN/SM/Enquiry/No.250 |
Aurangabad |
E-Enquiry(Sixth Call): The work of Grass removal & Weed control by chemical treatment as anti-weeding treatment (6th Call) at Major Store, A, Waluj Custody under Major Store "A" Division, Chhatrapati Sambhajinagar (A’bad) for Nine Months period.
22-11-2024 |
29-11-2024 |
(406 KB)
Enquiry No. CE/MSLDC/Airoli/02410 Dt.22.11.2024 |
SLDC Kalwa |
Contract of providing catering and caretaking services in Guest House at MSLDC, Airoli for the period of 2 Years i.e. from 01.01.2025 to 31.12.2026.
23-11-2024 |
29-11-2024 |
(831 KB)
7000033536 |
Pune |
Cancellation of Re E-tender for work of replacement of 132 kV EHV Circuit Breaker at various substations under EHV O&M Circle, Pune (CB’s will be provided by MSETCL)
25-11-2024 |
04-12-2024 |
(86 KB)
NA |
Pune |
Extension-II: Budgetary offer in r/o supply of 200 sqmm AAAC conductor, Hardware and Dia set under EHV O&M Division-I, Pune
25-11-2024 |
17-12-2024 |
(137 KB)
NA |
Pune |
Extension-I: Budgetary offer in r/o supply of 200 sqmm AAAC conductor, Hardware and Dia set under EHV O&M Division-I, Pune
25-11-2024 |
10-12-2024 |
(88 KB)
7000034023 |
Pune |
Cancellation of E-tender (2nd call) for Annual rate contract (for 2 years) for attending on site minor repairs/maintenance works of EHV class power transformers/ICT at various EHV S/s under EHV O&M Circle, Pune
25-11-2024 |
04-12-2024 |
(470 KB)
RFx No.-7000034288 |
Pune |
3'rd Re-Call for the work of Augmentation by replacement of existing 2X25 MVA, 132/33kV T/Fs by 2X50MVA, 132/33kV T/Fs at 132kV Karajgi S/s under EHV O&M Division, Solapur
25-11-2024 |
05-12-2024 |
(87 KB)
EE/EHV O&M/DN/SGL/T/ No. 1435 |
Karad |
Enquiry for Providing 1 No. of Diesel TATA-SUMO/BOLERO/Utility Vehicle Equivalent or above Vehicle with driver on hire basis for the office use of The Addl. Executive Engineer S/Stn S/Dn Maintenance Gang under EHV O&M Division, Sangli.
25-11-2024 |
04-12-2024 |
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7000033790 |
Nashik |
EHV PC O&M Zone, Nashik :(7th Call) SRM E-Tender Notice Enhancement in transformation capacity of substation by Work of Augmentation of substation by replacement of 2X25MVA 132/33kV TF by 2X50 MVA 132/33kV TF at both 132kV Nimbhora and 132kV ECR Deepnagar under Nashik Zone under MSKVY Phase 2.0 under EHV O&M Circle, Bhusawal (T/F will be provided by MSETCL)
25-11-2024 |
05-12-2024 |
(120 KB)
7000033779 |
Nashik |
EHV PC O&M Zone, Nashik :(5th Call)SRM E-Tender Notice for Agumention of substation by providing additional T/Fs & replacement of T/Fs at 03 Nos of EHV Substation under Nashik Zone under EHV O&M Circle, Bhusawal under Nashik Zone ( 132kV Parola, 132kV New Jalgaon MIDC & 132kv Dharangaon) (T/F will be provided by MSETCL)
25-11-2024 |
05-12-2024 |
(119 KB)
7000034283 |
Amravati |
SRM Etender Supply, Erection, Testing and Commissioning of i) Replacement of 2x25MVA, 132/33kV TF by 2 x 50MVA, 132/33kV TF at 132kV Pandharkawda Substation under EHV O&M Division, Yavatmal. ii) Addition of 1x25MVA, 132/33kV TF at 132kV Digras Substation under EHV O&M Division, Yavatmal (TFs will be provided by MSETCL)
25-11-2024 |
05-12-2024 |
(249 KB)
7000034133 |
Amravati |
E-Tender towards the “work of Supply, Installation & Commissioning of Digital Communicable Transformer Auxiliary Monitoring System (TAMS) along with HMI & Software at 220 KV Sub-Station Amravati” under EHV O&M Division, Amravati”
25-11-2024 |
05-12-2024 |
(283 KB)
7000033738 |
Amravati |
SRM Etender Supply, Erection, Testing and Commissioning towards i) Additional 1 x 25 MVA 132/33kV Power T/F at 132kV S/Stn Karanja. ii) Additional 1 x 50 MVA 132/33kV Power T/F at 132kV S/Stn Malegaon. iii) Additional 1x 25 MVA 132/33kV Power T/F at 132kV S/Stn Mangrulpir under EHV O&M Division, Akola
25-11-2024 |
08-12-2024 |
(167 KB)
7000034176 |
Amravati |
SRM Etender Augmentation by addition 1 x 100 MVA, 220/132 kV ICTs 4th ICT along with HV & LV bays & extension of 132kV Main & Auxiliary bus at 220kV stn Malegaon (Zodga) under EHV O&M Division Akola.( ICT will be provided by MSETCL)
25-11-2024 |
05-12-2024 |
(117 KB)
6000001272 |
Corporate Office |
Establishment of 132/33 kV Sawana substation, Tal. Sengaon, Dist. Hingoli along with associated transmission line under Chh. Sambhajinagar Zone
25-11-2024 |
16-12-2024 |
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6000001262 |
Corporate Office |
Establishment of 132/33 kV Bazargaon Substation, Dist. Nagpur along with associated transmission line under Nagpur Zone
25-11-2024 |
16-12-2024 |
(525 KB)
6000001259 |
Corporate Office |
Establishment of 132/33 kV Pimpalner Substation, Tal. Sakri, Dist. Dhule along with associated transmission line under Nashik Zone
Document Title |
End Date |
File |
25-11-2024 |
16-12-2024 |
(526 KB)
6000001270 |
Corporate Office |
Construction of 132 kV DC line on MC towers from 220 kV Chakan –II (Loc. No.39) to LILO point of 132 kV Vignahar -132 kV Mahindra Forging line - 9.9 km under Pune Zone, MSETCL, Maharashtra.
Document Title |
End Date |
File |
25-11-2024 |
16-12-2024 |
(263 KB)
6000001263 |
Corporate Office |
Establishment of 132/33 kV substation at Nandura along with associated line Dist. Buldhana under Amravati zone.
25-11-2024 |
16-12-2024 |
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