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Total Records : 3933 SRM e-Tendering
Rfx No Zone Tender Title Start Date End Date View File
141 Karad

E-enquiry of Repairs of Hitachi make ETL-41/42 PLCC MODULES at Communication unit Sangli under Protection-Automation-Communication Division, Sangli.

05-12-2024 13-12-2024 (1.1 MB)
EE/PAC DN-I/Pune/DyEE/T-15/511 Dt. 04.12.2024 Pune

E-Enquiry for supply & installation of 1 No. Of Projector, 1 No. Of Projector screen at PAC Dn-1 Pune office.

05-12-2024 13-12-2024 (2.4 MB)
139 Karad

E-enquiry of AMC of Computer, Laptop, Printer & UPS for PAC Division Sangli

04-12-2024 13-12-2024 (1.5 MB)
EE/EHV O&M DN/RTN/T/ No.01427 Karad

Re-Enquiry for Providing Diesel vehicle Tata Sumo/Bolero (7 seater) or equivalent on hire basis along with Driver for EHV S/s maintenance S/DN Ratnagiri, under EHV O&M Division, Ratnagiri.

04-12-2024 13-12-2024 (509 KB)
5000001351 Corporate Office

Procurement of Hanging and Pedestal Type Wavetraps of various ratings for various EHV PCC O&M Zones of MSETCL [4th Call]

04-12-2024 13-12-2024 (440 KB)
7000034424 Nashik

EHV PC O&M Zone, Nashik :(2nd call)Augmentation of substation by replacement of 1x25MVA 132/33kV TF by 1x50MVA, 132/33kV TF at 220kV Manmad S/s and replacement of 2x25MVA 132/33kV TF by 2x50 MVA 132/33kV TF at 132kV Chandwad substation under EHV O&M Circle, Nashik (T/F will be provided by MSETCL)

03-12-2024 13-12-2024 (269 KB)
7000034433 Nashik

EHV PC O&M Zone, Nashik :(3rd Call)SRM E-Tender Notice Augmentation of substation by providing additional 1x50MVA, 132/33kV TF at 132kV Shevgaon S/s and 1x25 MVA 132/33kV TF at 132kV Newasa S/s alongwith HV & LV Bays under EHV O&M Circle, Nashik (T/F will be provided by MSETCL)

03-12-2024 13-12-2024 (268 KB)
7000034360 Pune

SRM E Tender No.30 First call for work of Annual rate contract for the work of overhauling & repairing of 33/22/11kV circuit breakers at various substations under EHV O&M Div-I Pune, for make- Areva, Alstom, Schneider, with spares with spares.

28-11-2024 13-12-2024 (354 KB)
7000034310 Karad

Work of supply and erection towards the work of separation of parallel operation of T/F at 110kV Ichalkaranji and 220kV Mumewadi S/s under EHV O&M Dn, Kolhapur.

27-11-2024 13-12-2024 (440 KB)
Enquiry no. 1950 Vashi

Enquiry for Annual contract for providing combined services & material for Computers, Laptop, Printers & LAN work at EHV Project Circle Kalwa for the period 01.12.2024 to 31.03.2025 for FY 2024-25

07-12-2024 14-12-2024 (5.6 MB)
7000034467 Pune

Renovation of control room and toilet block with new drainage arrangement at 220kV Ranjangaon substation, Dist-Pune (3rdCall)

07-12-2024 14-12-2024 (418 KB)
7000034444 Karad

Work of Providing& Fixing of 200W LED Flood Lights at various EHV S/Stns under EHV O&M Division, Sangli

05-12-2024 14-12-2024 (20 KB)
7000034265 Aurangabad

SRM E-Tender(Second Call): Work of Vermin proofing and anti corrosive treatment to the Marshalling Boxes of CT, PT, ACDB, Isolator Boxes and indoor Panels by any method at 400 kV R S Division Waluj.

05-12-2024 14-12-2024 (136 KB)
7000033292 Aurangabad

SRM E-Tender(Third Call): Work Of On-site N2 drying out for 132/33 kV, 25 MVA Apex Make Power TF - 1 at 132 kV Ghansawangi Substation , 132/33 kV, 25 MVA Kanohar Make TF at 132 kV Rajur & 132/33 kV, 25 MVA T&R Make TF at 132 kV Jafrabad Sub-station under EHV (O&M) Division, Jalna.

04-12-2024 14-12-2024 (162 KB)
7000033017 Aurangabad

SRM E-Tender(Third Call): Annual Maintenance Contract for Overhauling/Servicing of Easun Make OLTC (On Load Tap Changer) Diverter Switch of Various ICTs/TFs installed, under EHV (O&M) Division, Jalna.

04-12-2024 14-12-2024 (172 KB)
7000032316 Nashik

(03rd call) SRM E TENDER NOTICE Work of carrying out partial discharge test to power transformers at various 132kV and 220kV S/Stn under EHV O&M Dn Nashik 

04-12-2024 14-12-2024 (124 KB)
7000034363 Pune

Corrigendum for SRM E-Tender Notice for rate contract of repairing / overhauling of Indore type 11 kV & 22 kV Incomer, Bus coupler, feeder Breaker(Make-Areva/Schneider), along with spares at 132 kV Rastapeth SS under EHV O&M Dn-I, Pune for the period of 2 Years.

29-11-2024 14-12-2024 (291 KB)
7000034378 Nashik

"4thcall to SRM E-Tender" Notice for Work of removing old damaged civil structures & providing new GI support structure with alteration & addition to existing civil foundation to accommodate new equipment at 220kV Chalisgaon S/Stns under EHV O&M Division, Dhule.

04-12-2024 14-12-2024 (175 KB)
7000034335 Vashi

E-Tender 1st Call Notice for Work of strengthening of 4 Nos of 220kV Bays (Bay 201, 202, 203 & 204) at 400kV Kudus Substation under EHV O&M Circle, Kalwa

29-11-2024 14-12-2024 (737 KB)
7000034363 Pune

SRM E-Tender Notice for rate contract of repairing / overhauling of Indore type 11 kV & 22 kV Incomer, Bus coupler, feeder Breaker(Make-Areva/Schneider), along with spares at 132 kV Rastapeth SS under EHV O&M Dn-I, Pune for the period of 2 Years.

29-11-2024 14-12-2024 (293 KB)