SRM Etender Work of for providing & fixing of Nonconductive Turbo Wind Driven Conical Bird Guards for various lines under 400 KV LMSDN Yavatmal under EHV O&M Division Yavatmal
E-tender for Work of chimney height rising of various 220 kV & 132 kV line towers under EHV O&M Division-I, Pune (1st call)
E-tender for work of providing of earthwire at missing earthwire span without block /outage with the use of special T&P like Tension & Puller machine at various locations of 220kV & 100kV Lines under EHV Line S/Dn. Panvel - I & II under EHV (O&M) Division Panvel
RFx E-tender for work of increasing chimney height of various 100kV & 220kV lines under EHV Line S/Dn. Panvel - I & II under EHV (O&M) Division Panvel
SRM E- Tender - 3rd call - For the work of Termination arrangement for 110kV Mudshingi & Shiroli Ckts at 110/33 KV Bapat Camp S/stn under EHV Projects Division, Kolhapur
E-tender (3rd call) for Annual rate contract (for 2 years) for attending on site minor repairs/maintenance works of EHV class power transformers/ICT at various EHV S/s under EHV O&M Circle, Pune.
Work of cold cleaning (Manually) of 220/132/110 kV Line under EHV O&M Dn., Sangli
Supply of various T&P Material for Line / Sub-Station Maint. S/Dns. under EHV O&M DN., Karad
Renovation of control room building & other allied works at 110KV Sub-Station Dighanchi, Dist.- Sangli
Notice regarding Unemployed Engineers Scheme
E-tender for Work for Second Circuit Stringing on Existing 132 kV Purandawade Tap line under EHV O&M Circle, Solapur under Pune Zone.
E-enquiry for the Nut Runner Machine (impact wrench) for Hot Line sticks at Hot Line Unit Mudshingi under EHV O&M Circle, Kolhapur.
E-enquiry for the Hydraulic Conductor cutting machine, suitable for Live Line operations at Hot Line Unit Mudshingi under EHV O&M Circle, Kolhapur
E-enquiry for the Hydraulic Conductor crimping machine, suitable for Live Line operations at Hot Line Unit Mudshingi under EHV O&M Circle, Kolhapur
The work of stringing of 525 Sq.MM. AAAC Twin Conductor on Narrow Base Multi-Circuit Towers (Total 04 Ckts. i.e. 24 Conductors) including stringing of Twin 7/3.15 Earthwire over existing live 400kV S/C PGCIL line and 220kV D/C MSETCL line by Hot Line EHV Crossing Method in the span between loc. no. 16 & 16A of 220kV M/C LILO on Tarapur-Boriwali & Boisar-Ghodbander line for 400kV Kudus Substation (Existing 400kV S/C and 220kV D/C lines are passing perpendicularly bellow the proposed line where stringing of conductor to be carried out).
E-Enquiry: The work of providing and fixing of density monitor for 132kV ABB make circuit breaker at 132kV substation Ardhapur under EHV O&M Division, Nanded.
E-Enquiry: Hiring of LMV vehicle i.e. Tata Sumo/Mahindra Bolero or equivalent vehicle with driver for EHV line Maintenance Sub-Division-2, Waghala under EHV (O&M) Division, Nanded for Dec-2024 to Mar-2025.
E-Tender towards the “work of Supply, Installation & Commissioning of Digital Communicable Transformer Auxiliary Monitoring System (TAMS) along withHMI & Software at 220 KV Sub-Station Amravati” under EHV O&M Division, Amravati”
SRM Etender Work of Supply & Installation of eDAQ (Energy Data Acquisition) and Automatic log sheet generation with real time data monitoring and trending system for all make MFM and ABT meters at various Substation under EHV (O&M) Circle, Akola. (3rd Call)
Notice for 3rd Call for SRM Tender for replacement of existing rusted stainless steel jumper nut bolt by new G.I. nut bolt of various important critical Lines under LMSD Padgha and Ambernath under EHV O&M Dn Dombivali.