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Total Records : 3934 SRM e-Tendering
Rfx No Zone Tender Title Start Date End Date View File
7000035754 Vashi

Work of providing services of 86 Nos. of outsource manpower (59 Skilled outsource as ITI Certified Technicians (Zone-I) and 27 Skilled Outsource as ITI Certified Technicians (Zone-III) for operating and maintenance of EHV Sub-stations at various sub-stations under EHV O&M Division, Dombivali for the period 01.04.2025 to 31.03.2026 (FY 2025-26) with ESIC under EHV O&M Division, Dombivali for the period 01.04.2025 to 31.03.2026 (F.Y. 2025-26) with ESIC

13-03-2025 27-03-2025 (94 KB)
7000035753 Vashi

Work of Providing services of 11 Nos. of Outsource Manpower (05 Skilled outsource as LDC (HR) / Typist / LDC Cum Computer Operator and 04 Skilled labours as Peon at EHV O&M Division Dombivali) and 02 Skilled labour against outsource sanctioned (1 LDC (HR) at EHV Lines Maint. S/dn. Padghe-1 (Zone-III)and 1 LDC (HR) at EHV Lines Maint. S/Dn. Padghe-II(Zone-I)underEHVO&MDivision, Dombivali for the period01.04.2025 to31.03.2026 (F.Y. 2025-26) with ESIC

13-03-2025 22-03-2025 (117 KB)
RFX no. 70000035764 Pune

Publication of E-Tender notice for Work of providing & laying of Electrical Insulation Synthetic Insulating Mat for Control Room, PLCC, AUX Room of Mat size 3.00 mm thickness confirming IS: 15652:2006 with inbuilt auto-glow band at various substations under EHV O&M Dn-II, Pune (1st Call).

13-03-2025 27-03-2025 (17 KB)
7000035762 Amravati

E-Tender towards the “scheme of supply, erection & commissioning of 33kV bypass isolators along with BPI and civil works at various EHV substations under EHV O&M Division, Amravati.”

13-03-2025 23-03-2025 (425 KB)
7000035376 Nashik

(4th Call)SRM E-Tender Notice for Supplying approved quality ISO marked two layered rain coat of reputed brand of Black/Grey Colour of sizes M, L, XL, XXL, XXXL etc. as directed under EHV PC O&M Zone Nashik.

13-03-2025 23-03-2025 (15 KB)
7000035729 Nashik

SRM E-Tenders Notice for Work of Providing nf Outsourced Man-power ot Class 3 & for Rendoring nf Various Technical Services at 400 kV RS. 08M Division, Babhaleshwar & PAC on Ahmednagar

13-03-2025 27-03-2025 (338 KB)
7000035717 Nashik

SRM E-Tender Notice for Work of laying Of control cables, erection Of C&R panel & MB, cable termination for work Ot replacement of old bus-bar protection scheme by fully
numerical IEC 61850-2 complete bus bar protection scheme at 400kV Babhaleshwar substation under EHV (08M) Circle Nashik

13-03-2025 27-03-2025 (302 KB)
7000035657 Karad

Cleaning & application of RTV insulation coating on 33kV side tertiary bushings, PTs, LAs, support insulators and IPS tube of delta formation for 315 MVA ICT- I and ICT-II at 400 KV R.S Div New Koyna. (7000035657) (1st Call).

13-03-2025 20-03-2025 (1.1 MB)
7000035413 Karad

Repairs of Anganvadis in the vicinity of MSETCL sub station at Kharepatan, Dist-Sindhudurg. ( RFX No. 7000035413 ) (2nd call)

13-03-2025 23-03-2025 (516 KB)
EEC/Dn./PBN /Tech/W- /No. 0220 Aurangabad

E-Enquiry Cancellation of following works:

1) The work of shifting of entrance gate by providing wall at entrance gate and allied work of 132 KV S/Stn. Elichpur, Dist. Nanded.
2) The work of waterproofing, internal painting & other misc. civil works at staff quarters of 132 KV S/S Parbhani & 220 KV Qtr Premises, Dist. Parbhani.
3) The work of urgent various civil maintenance works under the jurisdiction of EHV CCCM Sub-Division, Parbhani in r/o EHV Sub Station & its Premises, Offices & colony, Dist. Parbhani.

under EHV CCCM Division Parbhani.

13-03-2025 13-03-2025 (313 KB)
7000034976 Karad

Work of Annual Contract for Attending Emergency fault & annual maintenance work at various EHV Substations under EHV O&M Division Kolhapur.

13-03-2025 24-03-2025 (446 KB)
EE/EHV(O&M)/PBN/TS/No.204 Aurangabad

E-Enquiry(Third Call): Work of supply, installation, testing and commissioning of microprocessor based MFM meters at various substations under EHV O&M Division, Parbhani.

13-03-2025 20-03-2025 (2.6 MB)
539 Pune

E-Enquiry for purchasing of 7 No's of Biometric machines for various offices under Pune Zone.

13-03-2025 19-03-2025 (652 KB)
7000035739 Vashi

providing the services of 1 No. Outsourced driver against sanction outsource post of Driver at PAC Division Kalwa for FY 2025-26

13-03-2025 27-03-2025 (391 KB)
7000035357 Aurangabad

SRM E-Tender: Engaging Skilled Manpower on Outsourcing Basis at EHV CCCM Division, Parbhani.

13-03-2025 27-03-2025 (640 KB)
7000035385 Aurangabad

SRM E-Tender(Second Call): Work of up gradation/ replacement of faulty existing GPS Time Synchronization Equipment at various substations under Protection Automation Communication Circle Chhatrapati Sambhajinagar.

13-03-2025 22-03-2025 (786 KB)
EE/400kV RS/Div./K’gaon/Nanded/File No.43/No.116 Aurangabad

E-Enquiry: Hiring of LMV vehicle i.e. Tata Sumo or Bolero/Mahindra or equivalent vehicle along with driver for 400 kV Line Maintenance Sub Division Kumbhargaon, Nanded Under 400 kV RS Division Kumbhargaon, Nanded.

13-03-2025 27-03-2025 (481 KB)
EE/400kV RS/Div./K’gaon/Nanded/File No.43/No.115 Aurangabad

E-Enquiry: Hiring of MMV vehicle i.e.Tata 407/Bolero Camper or equivalent vehicle along with driver for 400 kV Line Maintenance Sub Division Kumbhargaon, under 400 kV R S Division Kumbhargaon, Nanded.

13-03-2025 27-03-2025 (479 KB)
7000035770 Corporate Office

Implementation of on-premise data backup solution for MDAS and MDP for AMR project at SLDC, Airoli along with provisioning of cloud infrastructure for storing second copy of backup (Retender 3rd call).(Uploaded on dtd.12.03.2025)

13-03-2025 22-03-2025 (307 KB)
7000034907 Vashi

E- Tender 3rd call Notice for Procurement of various size Nut Bolts (Grade : 316) at  400KV Kudus S/S under EHV  O&M Circle, Kalwa.

13-03-2025 24-03-2025 (656 KB)