7000034624 |
Karad |
SRM Tender for Supply of Rechargeable Head Light & Beam Light system under PAC Division Kolhapur
26-12-2024 |
06-01-2025 |
(247 KB)
7000034673 |
Karad |
SRM Tender for Work of Restoration & revamping of existing Non/Partial working 220kV Wathar Substation SCADA under PAC Division Kolhapur
26-12-2024 |
06-01-2025 |
(247 KB)
7000034195 |
Vashi |
SITC of Additional PT bays at various S/stn under Panvel circle.
25-12-2024 |
06-01-2025 |
(279 KB)
7000034466 |
Pune |
Second call for Re E-tender for Work of Supply, Erection, Testing and Commissioning of 22kV Bus Coupler at 132/22 kV Kharadi Substation under EHV (O&M) Division-I, Pune
06-12-2024 |
06-01-2025 |
(70 KB)
7000034680 |
Vashi |
Procurement of Various Types of Spare (relays) of Converter Transformer (298.6 MVA) at HVDC Terminal Station, Chandrapur and Padghe under Nagpur and Vashi Zone.
21-12-2024 |
06-01-2025 |
(258 KB)
EE/400kV/RS (O&M)/DN/LNKD/Tech/T-16/2024-25 DATE:26.12.2024 RFx-7000034736 |
Pune |
Cancellation of E-Tender (2nd Call) for the work of AMC for running & maintenance of drinking & usable water supply at 400kV R.S. division Lonikand-I
28-12-2024 |
07-01-2025 |
(58 KB)
EE/EHV/PR/DN/KLN/T-/16 Dtd.01.01.2025 |
Vashi |
Enquiry through Quatation basis for providing of vehicle (Honda Amaze/Swift dzire/Equivalent) on hire basis at Office of the Addl.Executive Engineer, EHV SS Projects Sub-Division Kalyan for F.Y.2024-25
01-01-2025 |
07-01-2025 |
(2.3 MB)
EE/EHV O&M DN/RTN/T/ No.00006 |
Karad |
The budgetary offers for work of Fixing of Earth wire with P&F of accessories against missing earth wire of EHV lines, under EHV O&M Division, Ratnagiri
02-01-2025 |
07-01-2025 |
(303 KB)
EE/EHV O&M DN/RTN/T/ No.00003 |
Karad |
Re-Enquiry for Supply of petrol driven (chain saw) tree cutting machine for LMSDNs, under EHV O&M Division Ratnagiri.
02-01-2025 |
07-01-2025 |
(590 KB)
7000034717 |
Nagpur |
RFx. No. 7000034717; SITC of 2x15MVAR, 132kV Capacitor Bank at 132kV Amgaon S/s & 2x15MVAR, 132kV Capacitor Bank at 132kV Sakoli S/s under Nagpur Zone. EMD Rs. 392055/- & Tender Fees: Rs. 5000/- (GST extra)
28-12-2024 |
07-01-2025 |
(260 KB)
EE/884 Dt: 31.12.2024 |
Pune |
Publication of E-Enquiry for Supply of Blue Silica Gel at various S/Stn under EHV O&M Dn-II, Pune.
31-12-2024 |
07-01-2025 |
(289 KB)
EE/400KV/RS/Dn./KDK/BSL/T/No. 688 |
Nashik |
ENQUIRY for Work of hiring of 14/16 seater School Bus on Hiring basis for the students of staff colony of 400 kV R.S. Khadka-Bhusawal going to various schools/colleges from colony to Bhusawal city to & fro for educational year 2024-25 and for any medical Emergency arises in families living in staff colony at 400kV RS Dn. Khadka-Bhusawal.
30-12-2024 |
07-01-2025 |
(150 KB)
7000034112 |
Nashik |
EHV Project Cum O&M Zone, Nashik :(2nd Call)SRM E-Tender Notice for Work of Providing and fixing of required material and outdoor play equipment’s at 48 Nos. of Anganwadi centers under Nashik, Dhule, Jalgaon, Nandurbar & Ahmednagar District proposed under CSR Fund.
30-12-2024 |
07-01-2025 |
(175 KB)
7000034734 |
Nashik |
EHV Project Cum O&M Zone, Nashik :(3rd Call)SRM E-Tender Notice To engage an agency for supply of manpower on outsourcing basis to carry out job work Back Office –I (Skilled) for clerical cum typing work, Back Office –II (Skilled) for staff driver and Back Office –III (unskilled) for office boy work
30-12-2024 |
07-01-2025 |
(102 KB)
7000034391 |
Pune |
RE-tender(2nd call) for Work for Second Circuit Stringing on Existing 132 kV Purandawade Tap line under EHV O&M Circle, Solapur under Pune Zone. (Conductor will be supplied by MSETCL)
28-12-2024 |
07-01-2025 |
(537 KB)
7000034355 |
Pune |
RE-tender (2nd call) Work for Second Circuit Stringing on Existing 132 kV Degaon-Mandrup SCDC line along with 02 Nos. of end bays at 132 kV Degaon & 132 kV Mandrup S/s and erection of’ horizontal tower at Degaon substation under EHV O&M Circle, Solapur under Pune Zone. (Conductor will be supplied by MSETCL)
28-12-2024 |
07-01-2025 |
(555 KB)
7000034694 |
Karad |
Work of supply , fixing ( configuration and commissioning ) of over current & Earth Fault Relay (Directional), Trip Ckt. Supervision Relay & Master Trip Relay required at various S/Stn. under EHV O&M Dn. Karad
24-12-2024 |
07-01-2025 |
(423 KB)
7000034501 |
SLDC Kalwa |
Annual Maintenance Service Contract of IBM X Series Servers at SLDC Airoli. (Comprehensive Onsite Support).
24-12-2024 |
07-01-2025 |
(139 KB)
7000034469 |
SLDC Kalwa |
Supply of the Oracle License & providing the ATS (Annual Technical Support) for period of two years for upgradation of the Oracle Database Software from Standard Edition to the Enterprise Edition.
18-12-2024 |
07-01-2025 |
(139 KB)
9 |
Karad |
E - ENQUIRY FOR BUDGETORY OFFER for procurement of 36kV 2000A 3P 25KV MGO VCB for at EHV PC O&M Zone, Karad
02-01-2025 |
08-01-2025 |
(398 KB)