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Total Records : 3933 SRM e-Tendering
Rfx No Zone Tender Title Start Date End Date View File
7000034335 Vashi

E-Tender 2nd Call Notice for Work of strengthening of 4 Nos of 220kV Bays (Bay 201, 202, 203 & 204) at 400kV Kudus Substation under EHV O&M Circle, Kalwa.

15-01-2025 25-01-2025 (651 KB)
7000034891 Karad

SRM-Tender Notice(RFX No-7000034891) 2nd call i.r.o.Engaging skilled labours against sanctioned vacant post of Sr. Tech. (TS), Asst. Tech. (G), Driver, LDC (Outsource), Steno Typist & Peons (Unskilled) on outsourcing basis under Protection, Automation & Communication Circle,Karad.(Uploaded on 14.01.2025)

15-01-2025 25-01-2025 (752 KB)
7000034543 Pune

(3rd Call) E-Tender for work of double jumpering work (Bypass Jump) by providing & fixing of boltless C type WEDGE connector for various 132 kV & 220kV Lines under EHV O&M Division Manchar.

14-01-2025 25-01-2025 (614 KB)
7000034830 Nagpur

2nd call Scheme for provision of dedicated 400kV/220kV CT and PT of 0.2s class accuracy for metering arrangement for Generation Bays at 400/220 KV Khaperkheda and 400/220KV Koradi-I Substation and 220KV Khaperkheda Substation under EHV (O&M) Circle Nagpur.
(400KV & 220KV Metering CT/PTs will be supplied by

15-01-2025 25-01-2025 (82 KB)
EE/400kV/RS(O&M)/DN/LNKD/Tender/T-19/2024-25 dtd.10.01.2025 RFX No.7000034892 Pune

E-tender( 1st Call) for work of Supply, Installation, testing and Commissioning of 100% Hot Redundancy based continuously available Fire Alarm Panel and False Alarm Filtering Type Detector at 400KV RS Lonikand -I (RFX No.7000034892)

11-01-2025 25-01-2025 (906 KB)
7000034856 Karad

Work of complete renovation, revamping and online removal of adhered contaminants using NCCC Technique from the Marshaling Box (MB) Installed in the switch yard also work of on-line Through Removal of Adhered Contaminants from control panels, relay panels, PLCC panels, bus bar panels, switch gear panels, battery room panels, SCADA panels, etc. installed in the control rooms at various S/Stns under EHV O&M Dn., Sangli

11-01-2025 25-01-2025 (689 KB)
7000034879 Karad

Maintenance of garden lawn, flower beds, plants and grass cutting etc. at 400 KV Sub Station (Old RTC, New RTC, Rest house, Colony area, Chankya hall premises) at Talandage, Dist.- Kolhapur.( RFX No. 7000034879 )

10-01-2025 25-01-2025 (488 KB)
7000034866 Karad

Replacement of LA foundations & providing concertina coil with fencing over compound wall at 220KV Lote, Tal-Khed, Dist-Ratangiri.. (Ist Call)

11-01-2025 25-01-2025 (428 KB)
RFX/Enquiry No.- 7000034860 Vashi

E-Tender 1st Call Notice for work of Loading, Unloading, Transportation, Erection / Dismantling of TF/ICT and transportation of various EHV & HV equipment at various substation/lines under EHV (O&M) Circle, Kalwa.

10-01-2025 25-01-2025 (595 KB)
7000034951 Nagpur

3rd call of Tender for Supply of Trip arm linkage with 2nos. of needle bearing required for replacement and as spare for 245KV ABB make CB Type-LTB-245E1 with BLK 222 Drive, SF6 circuit breaker at 220KV substation under 400KV RS O&M Division, Chandrapur

17-01-2025 26-01-2025 (23 KB)
7000034939 Nashik

SRM E-Tender Notice 2nd Call Work of arresting oil leakages from various joints of ICT, Power Transformer and Reactor by using latest technology of power seal online gasketting method at various 400 kV, 220 kV & 132 kV Substations under EHV (O&M) Circle, Bhusawal

17-01-2025 26-01-2025 (280 KB)
7000032184 Nashik

(4th call)SRM E-Tender Notice Work of enhancement in transformation capacity of substation by providing additional 1X25MVA 132/33kV Transformer along with HV & LV bays at 132kV Nampur S/Stn under EHV O&M Division Nashik under MSKVY Phase - 2.0 (T/F will be provided by MSETCL) 

16-01-2025 26-01-2025 (265 KB)
7000034917 Nashik

SRM E-enquiry for the Work of Supplying Water Tankers for watering to switchyard equipment earthing on as and when required basis at 400kV RS Dhule under 400KV RS Dn Dhule.

16-01-2025 26-01-2025 (72 KB)
7000034910 Nagpur

3rd call SRM E-Tender for the "AMC of complete job work in r/o AMC for cleaning/upkeeping of 400KV Koradi-II substation and Division office under 400KV Substation Division Koradi-II including consumable material required for cleaning at 400KV Substation Division Koradi-II for the year 2024-2025

16-01-2025 26-01-2025 (124 KB)
7000034625 Aurangabad

SRM E-Tender(Second Call): Work of painting of Gantry and Equipment support structure by applying Nano technology-based acid and alkali resistant nano- modified anti corrosive coating at 132 kV Jalna MIDC Substation, under EHV O&M Division, Jalna.

16-01-2025 26-01-2025 (163 KB)
7000034884 Nagpur

Work to carry out Stub Strengthening of EHV Towers at LMS/Dn Kardha and Madgi under EHV(O&M) Division, Bhandara

16-01-2025 26-01-2025 (167 KB)
RFX:7000034909(2nd call) Nagpur

Work of 'servicing/ overhauling of 132kV ABB Make Circuit Breaker Mechanism and pole at 132 KV Pardi/Mankapur and Hingna 1 sub station under R.S.Ringmain, MSETCL, Nagpur

16-01-2025 26-01-2025 (477 KB)
7000034501 SLDC Kalwa

Annual Maintenance Service Contract of IBM X Series Servers at SLDC Airoli. (Comprehensive with Back-to-Back support from OEM onsite).

17-01-2025 26-01-2025 (22 KB)

Annual Maintenance Service Contract of IBM X Series Servers at SLDC Airoli. (Comprehensive with Back-to-Back support from OEM onsite).

17-01-2025 26-01-2025 (22 KB)
7000034890 Vashi

Civil work for Replacement of aluminum sliding window for 16 Nos. of flat of Krishna & Kaveri Building at 400 kV Colony premises, Airoli, Navi Mumbai.

12-01-2025 26-01-2025 (533 KB)