Notice for 4th call of SRM Tender work of overhauling of air compressors of 245 kV CB at various sub-stns under EHV O&M Dn Dombivali.
Inviting budgetary offers for estimation purpose for the work of plotting, providing & installation of various type of sign Boards, Single line diagram of substation & lines at various offices & substation under EHV O&M PCDN, Pune
E-tender for work of Annual maintenance contract of Computers at 400KV Lines , EHV line maintenance S/Dn and various substations under EHV (O&M) Dn. Kalwa for Year 2024-25. - (RFx. No.7000033961)
E-tender for Supply & installation of separate DCDB at 220KV/22KV Temghar Substation under EHV O&M Division Kalwa - (RFx. No.7000032814)
E-Enquiry for appointment of consultant for carrying out revenue survey allied services for the work of Shifting/Height rising of various EHV (400/220/100 kV) Transmission lines infringing in Mumbai Ahmadabad National High Speed Rail Corporation Ltd (NHSRCL) corridor, under ORC
The budgetary offers through mail are invited for Work of providing crane Services with safety cage along with driver (15 MTon Farana Type & 12 MTon Hydra type Crane) for preventive as well as emergency Maintenance and JCB service along with driver as and when required at at 400KV Jejuri S/s
4th Call E-Tender Notice annual Contract for work of Providing Outsourcing Manrx»uer against sanctioned vacant technical staff at various EHV sub-stations under EHV Jalgaon.
Work OF Providing Services for Housekeeping work at 400kV Chakan S/s.
Providing and configuration of 2 Nos of Ehernet Switches used in SCADA system at 400kV Chakan S/S
E-tender for Annual rate contract for attending emergency breakdown and planned outage works on various 400 kV Lines under 400 kV LMSDn, Chakan under EHV O&M Circle,Pune. (3rd call)
Publication of budgetary offer for Supply of Blue Silica Gel at various S/Stn under EHV O&M Dn-II, Pune.
Notice for 4th Call for SRM Tender for providing and fixing of 36kV, 400 sqmm, 3 core, XPLE, FRLS back up cable to meet Emergency at 220kV PAL and Washala substation under EHV O&M Division Dombivali
Redevelopment of the website and hosting it on MeitY empaneled cloud service provider for period of one year.
Re-tender (2nd call) for the work of :a) Replacement of existing twin Moose conductor with High Performance Conductor (HPC) of 400 kV Lonikand-I – Jejuri Line.b) Modification of End bays as per loading capacity of twin High Performance Conductor (HPC) at 400 kV Lonikand-I substation of 400 kV Jejuri Bay & 400 kV TBC bay and at 400 kV Jejuri substation of 400 kV Lonikand-II line bay.
Notice for SRM Tender for AMC for Servicing & alignment of 220kV, 100kV & 22 kV Isolators at various Substations under EHV (O&M) Dn., Dombivali for F.Y.-2024-25