EE/400 kV/Chakan/Tech/2024-25/ET-09 |
Pune |
Work OF Providing Services for Housekeeping work at 400kV Chakan S/s.
18-10-2024 |
18-10-2024 |
(231 KB)
EE/400 kV/Chakan/Tech/2024-25/ET-08 RFX No 7000031356 |
Pune |
Providing and configuration of 2 Nos of Ehernet Switches used in SCADA system at 400kV Chakan S/S
18-10-2024 |
18-10-2024 |
(231 KB)
7000034113 |
Nagpur |
4th Call Tender for supply of suitable terminal connectors required for erection and commissioning of new 03 nos. 400kV Siemens Ltd. Make and 01 no. CGPISL make circuit breaker at 400kV Substation GCR, MSETCL, Chandrapur.
11-10-2024 |
18-10-2024 |
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7000034085 |
Nagpur |
2nd call for Supply of furniture along with other miscellaneous for various units at 400/220kV Khaperkheda Substation under 400 KV R.S. (O&M) Dn MSETCL, Khaperkheda under General Asset 2024-25.
11-10-2024 |
18-10-2024 |
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7000034112 |
Nashik |
SRM E.Tender Notice Work Of Providing and fixing Of required material and Outdoor play equipment's at 48 Nos. of Anganwadi centers under Nashik. Dhule. Jalgaon. Nandurbar & Ahmednagar District proposed under CSR Fund.
14-10-2024 |
18-10-2024 |
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7000031194 , 7000031195 |
Pune |
Construction of fire safety wall between transformers and allied maintenance works at 132 kV Velapur, Dist-Solapur. Construction of stacking yard, Parking shed and metal spreading at 132 kV S/Stn. Shankarnagar, Tal-Malshiras, Dist. Solapur.
11-10-2024 |
18-10-2024 |
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7000034133 |
Amravati |
E-Tender towards the “work of Supply, Installation & Commissioning of Digital Communicable Transformer Auxiliary Monitoring System (TAMS) along with HMI & Software at 220 KV Sub-Station Amravati” under EHV O&M Division, Amravati”
11-10-2024 |
18-10-2024 |
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7000033350 |
Karad |
Work of commissioning of AMR Meters, IEM Panels DSM data communication system with supply of required spares/ Equipment, at 220KV Nigade S/Stn. under EHV O&M Dn. Karad.
11-10-2024 |
18-10-2024 |
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7000033884 |
Karad |
Repairing and increasing height of existing compound wall at 220/33 KV Sub Station Hamidwada, Dist- Kolhapur.( RFX No. 7000033884 ) (2nd call)
11-10-2024 |
18-10-2024 |
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7000034076 |
Karad |
Renovation of control room building & other allied works at 110KV Sub Station Dighanchi, Dist.- Sangli.
12-10-2024 |
18-10-2024 |
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MSETCL/EE/O&M/Dn./Kop/T/LP/No.1824 |
Karad |
Providing 1 No. Diesel Vehicle (TATA- SUMO or equivalent ) with Driver on hire per day basis for Drone patrolling work under EHV O&M Circle Kolhapur( i.e. Kolhapur, Sindhudurg & Ratanagiri District).
11-10-2024 |
18-10-2024 |
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7000034055 |
Corporate Office |
e-tender SP/T-0716/1024 [RFx. No. 7*34055] [3rd Call] for Hiring of Agency for Non-Comprehensive Annual Maintenance Contract (AMC) for computer Systems (Desktop/Laptop), Network & Network Peripherals, Printers, Scanners, Computer Peripherals at various locations under MSETCL Corporate office for period of Three [3] years alongwith providing spares & printer toner on rate contract basis for a period of Three [3] years.
11-10-2024 |
18-10-2024 |
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7000033893 |
Vashi |
E-Tender for dismantling of Towers from Loc No. 83 to 89 of 220 kV Uran – Kharghar Line
SRM e-Tender notice is attached herewith.
11-10-2024 |
18-10-2024 |
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7000033737 |
Vashi |
E-enquiry for appointment of consultant for carrying out revenue survey allied services for the work of
Shifting/Height rising of various EHV (400/220/100 kV) Transmission lines infringing in Mumbai Ahmadabad
National High Speed Rail Corporation Ltd (NHSRCL) corridor, under ORC.
11-10-2024 |
18-10-2024 |
(212 KB)
7000034100 |
Vashi |
Providing various types of services & construction work at various Anganwadis under Palghar district against Corporate Social responsibility under EHV O&M Division, Boisar.
12-10-2024 |
18-10-2024 |
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7000034038 |
Vashi |
Civil works for Replacement of various old 220/100/22 KV equipment’s at 220 KV Mulund, Colourchem, Borivali and 100 KV Nocil substation under EHV O&M Division, Bhandup----------IInd call
12-10-2024 |
18-10-2024 |
(399 KB)
SE/EHV/PC/O&M Circ1e/NSK/TECH/ 2083 |
Nashik |
Enquiry for work of requirement of oil tank working capacity of 15 to 18KL for collecting oil from Power transformer of various substations under EHV (O&M) Division Nashik
11-10-2024 |
18-10-2024 |
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7000034085 |
Nagpur |
2nd call of Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of 2 TR Split Type Air Conditioner for Main Control Room & PLCC Room at 400/220 kV Khaperkheda Substation under 400 kV RS (O&M) Division Khaperkheda
11-10-2024 |
18-10-2024 |
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7000033395 |
Aurangabad |
SRM E-Tender(Third Call): Work of Providing & fixing Copper Earth Bonds to various EHV lines under various EHV Line Maintenance Sub-Divisions under EHV O&M Division Beed.
12-10-2024 |
18-10-2024 |
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7000034086 |
Nagpur |
2nd call for Supply of various spares required for 2x 400/220/33 kV 3*167 MVA ICT I & ICT II along with 1x 400/220/33 kV 1*167 MVA Spare ICT at 400/220 kV Khaperkheda Substation under 400 kV RS (O&M) Division, Khaperkheda.
11-10-2024 |
18-10-2024 |
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