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Total Records : 3933 SRM e-Tendering
Rfx No Zone Tender Title Start Date End Date View File
EEC/Dn./PBN/Tech/W-74/No.616 Aurangabad

E-Enquiry: The work of Reconstruction of comound wall in place of existing collapsed wall at 132kv S/stn. Kinwat Dist. Nanded., under EHV CCCM Division Parbhani.

10-10-2024 18-10-2024 (1.7 MB)
7000034025 Nagpur

2nd call Work of installation of Earthing & renovation of earth Mat (work of Providing & Fixing of Extra High Current Capacity (EHCC) certified grounding with deep dug conductive pit (DDCP) method earthing) at 132KV Katol substation under EHV (O&M) Division, Nagpur.

10-10-2024 17-10-2024 (79 KB)
7000033863 Nashik

SRM E-Tender Notice for Work of Bi-AMC of Testing, Refilling, Reconditioning & Painting of Various Types of Fire Extinguishers at various 220kV & 132kV EHV Substations under EHV O&M Division Jalgaon.

10-10-2024 17-10-2024 (11 KB)
7000033947 Vashi

(IInd Call) Hiring of light motor vehicle (L.M.V) having tourist permit for the office of the Addl. Executive Engineer(Civil), EHV CCCM SDn Kalyan (Annual Contract) for the year 2024-25. (01.10.2024 to 31.03.2025)

10-10-2024 17-10-2024 (198 KB)
7000034023 Pune

Cancellation of E-tender (1st call) for Annual rate contract (for 2 years) for attending on site minor repairs/maintenance works of EHV class power transformers/ICT at various EHV S/s under EHV O&M Circle, Pune

09-10-2024 20-11-2024 (469 KB)
7000034023 Pune

2nd extension to E-tender (1st call) for Annual rate contract (for 2 years) for attending on site minor repairs/maintenance works of EHV class power transformers/ICT at various EHV S/s under EHV O&M Circle, Pune.

09-10-2024 20-11-2024 (336 KB)
7000034023 Pune

1st extension to E-tender (1st call) for Annual rate contract (for 2 years) for attending on site minor repairs/maintenance works of EHV class power transformers/ICT at various EHV S/s under EHV O&M Circle, Pune.

09-10-2024 10-11-2024 (334 KB)
RFx:7000033840 Pune

Re-tender Notice 2nd call :-Work of replacement of 132 kV & 220 kV EHV circuit breaker at various substation under EHV O&M Circle, Solapur.
Pre Bid Meeting :- 14.10.2024 at 12:00 @ EHV O&M Circle Solapur

09-10-2024 17-10-2024 (84 KB)
RFx: 7000033383 Pune

Re-tender Notice 3rd call :-Work of replacement of existing old 220 kV & 132 kV Coupling Capacitor by new 220 kV & 132 kV Coupling Capacitors at various EHV Substation under EHV O&M Circle Solapur
Pre Bid Meeting :- 14.10.2024 at 12:00 @ EHV O&M Circle Solapur

09-10-2024 17-10-2024 (85 KB)
7000034048 Vashi

Various civil works for switchyard works of various substations under EHV O&M Division, Boisar for the FY 2024-25

09-10-2024 15-10-2024 (345 KB)
7000034047 Vashi

Civil Estimate for construction of T/F, Equipment foundation and other allied foundation required for the emergency restoration of ICT's and other equipment's under EHV CCCM Sub Division-I, Airoli

09-10-2024 15-10-2024 (345 KB)
7000034045 Vashi

Civil works for modification to the existing transformer plinths and other misc. switch yard works at 220 KV Colourchem, 220KV Mulund, 220 KV Kolshet, 220KV Bhandup S/stn for the F.Y 2024-2025

09-10-2024 15-10-2024 (345 KB)
7000034046 Vashi

Civil estimate for "Modification to the existing transformer plinths, CTR tank, A Frame, Oil Conservative tank and other Misc Works for Installation of 50 / 100 MVA transfomer at Bhiwandi/ Temghar and other nearby Substations.

09-10-2024 15-10-2024 (345 KB)
Budgetary offers Vashi

Enquiry Notice for Budgetary offers for Work of Procurement of Nitrogen gas (N2) Cylinder with Purity>99.9995% for new 3ph, 125MVAR  Bus Reactor at 400KV Kudus S/s  under EHV (O&M) Circle, Kalwa.

09-10-2024 21-10-2024 (1.2 MB)
7000034022 Vashi

Civil works for renovation and modification of Executive Engineer cabin O&M Division, Bhandup and PAC Division at Kalwa Complex, Airoli, Navi, Mumbai. (Second Call)

09-10-2024 15-10-2024 (344 KB)
7000034021 Vashi

Civil works for construction of balance damaged compound cum retaining wall along the back side of switchyard area at 220 KV Temghar

09-10-2024 15-10-2024 (344 KB)
7000034020 Vashi

Civil works for remaking of ground floor room, staircase renovation, UG water tank and development of surrounding of control room and other miscellaneous works at 220KV Borivali substation

09-10-2024 15-10-2024 (344 KB)
7000034019 Vashi

Providing 2 Nos of RCC Culvert and approach RCC Road for movement of heavy crane at 400 kV yard, Kalwa Complex, Airoli

09-10-2024 15-10-2024 (344 KB)
7000034026 Karad

Termination arrangement for 110 kV Mudshingi  & Shiroli  Ckts at  110/33kV  Bapat Camp S/s. Dist. Kolhapur  under EHV Projects Division, Kolhapur.

09-10-2024 17-10-2024 (218 KB)
7000034044 Karad

SRM Enquiry for Partial discharge test of power transformer at 220 kV Dasturi & 220 kV Oni S/s, under EHV O&M Dn., Ratnagiri.

09-10-2024 16-10-2024 (343 KB)