SRM E-Tender: Work of Annual maintenance contract (AMC) for attending 400 kV & 220 kV lines emergency breakdown / occurrence / other preventive maintenance activities under the jurisdiction of 400 kV Line Maintenance Sub Division Kumbhargaon, Nanded.
EHV (O&M) Circle, Nashik :SRM E-Tender (2nd call)Work of conversion of single jump to twin of various 220KV lines feeding Mumbai region under LMSD Eklahre , under EHV O&M Division,Nashik
SRM E-TENDER NOTICE FOR Work of AMC for the work of repairing & servicing of various types of NIFPS (Nitrogen Injection Fire Protection System) of all 400/220/132/33kV ICT’s at 400kV RS Dn. Khadka-Bhusawal.
Cancellation Notice of SRM E-Tender (5th Call) for the work of Bi-Annual AMC of servicing & overhauling of 33kV VCB & 440V ACB with repairing of 33kV CT/PT equipments and allied works as and when required at 400 kV RS Dn. Deepnagar-Bhusawal-II.
Cancellation Notice of SRM E-Tender (5th Call) for the work of Bi-Annual Maintenance Contract (AMC) for the work of repairing of ICT cooling fans as and when require at 400kV R.S. Division, Deepnagar, BSL-II.
Supply of Coupling Devices (LMU) for various EHV lines under Communication Unit, PAC Division – II, Nagpur.
E-tender (2nd call) for Annual rate contract for the work of loading, transportation, unloading & stacking of all types of EHV Equipment / Material (as and when required) from various Major Stores / Store Centers /Site Stores of MSETCL to Substation sites and any other store centers to substation sites and vice versa under EHV O&M Circle, Pune
E-tender for 1) Supply & erection of 4 Nos. of 33KV, 1600 A Isolator without EB alongwith insulators and support structure for 2 Nos. of 50MVA 220/22kV Power Transformer at 220/22kV Bapgaon Substation & 2 Nos. of 50MVA 100/22kV Power Transformer at 100/22kV Mumbra Substation under EHV O&M Division Kalwa - (RFx. No.7000033770)
E-tender for Annual rate contract for attending emergency breakdown and planned outage works on various 400 kV Lines under 400 kV LMSDn, Chakan under EHV O&M Circle,Pune(1st call)
Additional 1 X 50 MVA, 220/22 kV TF along with the HV & LV bays, 1 X 22 kV PT bay. Also Implementation of Transformer Auxiliary Monitoring System with AVR at 220 kV Anandnagar Substation & Additional 1 X 50 MVA, 100/22 kV TF along with HV & LV bays and 1 X 22 kV PT bay at 100 kV Ambernath Substation under EHV O&M Division, Dombivali under EHV O&M Circle Panvel” (Transformer will be provided by MSETCL)
e-tender for work of providing & fixing of EPR High voltage insulation tape at various substations under EHV (O&M) Division Panvel on MSETCL Website.
Work of 22KV feeder CT repairs at various substations under EHV (O&M) Dn., Kalwa. - (RFx. No.7000033728)
work of loading, unloading & transportation of scrap materials for re-weighing under 400KV line S/Dn. Kalwa and EHV Lines Maintenance subdivision, Kalwa under EHV (O&M) Dn., Kalwa - (RFx. No.7000033705)
Work of Coating of AC & DC Filter Air Core & its Limbs with associated reburbishment at HVDC Terminal Station, Padghe
Tender No. T-2459 (RFx No. 6000001228) construction of LILO on 220kV Chinchwad- Telco line at 400kV Chakan s/s using High Performance Conductor (HPC) and 2500 sqmm cable under Pune Zone MSETCL.
Establishment of 132/33 kV Bazargaon Substation, Dist. Nagpur along with associated transmission line under Nagpur Zone
Establishment of 132/33kV Mukutban Substation, Tal. Zari, Dist. Yawatmal along with associated line under Amravati Zone.
Cancellation of SRM E-Enquiry for Purchase of 499 Nos. Of Client Server Environment Antivirus Software licenses for EHV PC O&MZone, Karad and its allied offices for the period of Three Years.
SRM Etender Augmentation of 3 x 105 MVA, 400/220/33 kV ICT-1 with 1x105 MVA, 400/220/33 kV spare ICT to 3 x 167 MVA 400/220/33 kV ICT-1 with 1x167 MVA, 400/220/33 kV spare ICT with dismantling of Existing ICTs at 400 kV Akola S/S under 400kV R.S. Division Akola.( ICT will be provided by MSETCL)
Work of Overhauling & Servicing of 245kV Areva Make Circuit breaker type GL314 and Mechanical Gang Spring operated at 400kV Khaperkheda S/stn under 400KV Division Khaperkheda.