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Total Records : 3933 SRM e-Tendering
Rfx No Zone Tender Title Start Date End Date View File
EE/EHV O&M DN/RTN/T/ No.01217 Karad

Enquiry for budgetary offer for work of AMC of testing & refilling of fire extinguishers at various EHV substations under EHV O&M Dn. Ratnagiri

25-09-2024 03-10-2024 (320 KB)
7000031931 Karad

SRM Tender 4th call for AMC of Attending Tree Trimming work in Span of 220/132/110 kV lines, under EHV O&M Division, Ratnagiri.

Document Title End Date File
Schedule A 4th call 26-09-2024 (283 KB)
Tender Form 4th call 26-09-2024 (282 KB)
26-09-2024 03-10-2024 (282 KB)
EE/EHV O&M DN/RTN/T/ No.01215 Karad

Enquiry for budgetary offer for work of providing Electrical insulating mat of size 1Mtr x 1Mtr

25-09-2024 03-10-2024 (288 KB)
7000033596 Karad

Work of providing outsource ITI skilled Technicians on contract basis in shift duty at 220KV Vankusawade S/Stn. under EHV O&M Division, Karad

25-09-2024 03-10-2024 (595 KB)
7000033628 Vashi

The work of Construction of concrete pavement towards 100kV s/stn from main road at HVDC Padghe premises FY 2024-25.”

26-09-2024 03-10-2024 (556 KB)
7000033614 Vashi

The work of “Annual contract AMC after Re-structuring for Daily House keeping, Upkeeping & Garden Maitenance of Regional Training Centre, RTC Hostel / ABB Guest House (including Gymnasium), VIP Guest House in the premises of HVDC Padghe for the remaining Financial Year 2024-2025.”

26-09-2024 03-10-2024 (490 KB)
7000033607 Pune

E-tender for supply of cooling fan and oil circulating pump of ICT at 400kV Lonikand-I Substation under EHV O&M Circle, Pune (3rd call)

26-09-2024 03-10-2024 (234 KB)
7000033602 Karad

Annual maintenance & attending emergency breakdown work of 400 KV Quadruple & Twin Conductor transmission lines under 400KV RS Dn., New Koyna.

25-09-2024 03-10-2024 (984 KB)
7000032103 Karad

Supply of Equipments/ Material, Erection, Testing and Commissioning for replacement of existing……..
a. 1 x 25 MVA, 110/33 kV T/F by 1X50 MVA, 132-110/33 kV T/F at 110 kV Jaysingpur S/s.
b. 1 x 25 MVA, 220/33 kV T/Fs by 1X50 MVA, 220/33 kV T/F at 220 kV Halkarni S/s
c. Augmentation by providing additional 1 x 25 MVA, 132-110/33 kV T/F alongwith HV & LV bay with allied Civil works at 110 kV Kale S/s.
d. Augmentation by providing additional 1 x 25 MVA, 110/33 kV T/F alongwith HV & LV bay with allied Civil works at 110 kV Kurundwad S/s.
under Karad Zone, against MBR No. 166/26 Dtd. 19.01.2024 on Turnkey basis.

25-09-2024 03-10-2024 (214 KB)
7000033592 Vashi Work of installation of CTR make bus bar panels and laying, dressing, clamping as well as termination of various control cables received for commissioning of CTR make bus bar panels at various substations under Vashi zone.   25-09-2024 03-10-2024 (373 KB)
7000033299 Vashi

2nd Call for Supply of Consumables under HVDC RS (O&M) Circle, Padghe. 

25-09-2024 03-10-2024 (403 KB)
7000033334 Vashi

2nd Call for Providing, installation and commissioning of 12V,110AH SMF (Sealed Maintenance Free) battery cell set & Charger set  for 48V DC supply to OPGW Communication panel (Fox-515) at 1) Guha repeater station under the jurisdiction of Babhaleshwar  sub division, 2) Hiware repeater station under the jurisdiction of Junnar sub division, 3)  Dahegaon repeater station under the jurisdiction of Ch. Sambhajinagar sub division and 4) Ajegaon & Hatwan repeater stations under the jurisdiction of Jintur sub division under HVDC RS(O&M) Circle, Padghe.

25-09-2024 03-10-2024 (229 KB)
7000033314 Vashi

2nd Call for Providing Anti-Corrosive Coating/Painting of 298.6 MVA Converter Transformer and 360mH Smoothing Reactor at HVDC Terminal Station,  Padghe for F.Y. 2024-25.

25-09-2024 03-10-2024 (198 KB)
7000033569 Nagpur


25-09-2024 03-10-2024 (13 KB)
Enquiry (12/2024-25) No:-EE/680 Dt. 24.09.2024 Pune

E-ENQUIRY for the Annual rate contract for the work of making various types of heat shrinkable joints and allied works in r/o 33kV/22kV/11kV cables of various size at various substations under EHV O&M Division Baramati

25-09-2024 03-10-2024 (1004 KB)
7000033542 Pune

RE-tender (5th call) for Work for Second Circuit Stringing on Existing 132 kV Degaon-Mandrup SCDC line along with 02 Nos. of end bays at 132 kV Degaon & 132 kV Mandrup S/s and erection of’ horizontal tower at Degaon substation under EHV O&M Circle, Solapur under Pune Zone.

25-09-2024 03-10-2024 (313 KB)
7000033455 Vashi

Hiring of light motor vehicle (L.M.V) having tourist permit for the office of the Addl. Executive Engineer(Civil), EHV CCCM SDn Kalyan (Annual Contract) for the year 2024-25. (01.10.2024 to 31.03.2025)

25-09-2024 03-10-2024 (171 KB)
7000033708 Aurangabad

Amendment-1 to SRM E-Tender(First Call): Work of Supply Installation Testing and Commissioning of Ethernet Switches for communication of data/status to SCADA at various EHV substations under PAC Circle Chhatrapati Sambhajinagar.

01-10-2024 04-10-2024 (833 KB)
7000033773 Nagpur

Work of AMC for measurement of Tower footing resistance of various 220kV & 132kV Lines under EHV O&M Division, Ballarshah

30-09-2024 04-10-2024 (114 KB)
7000033201 Karad

SRM Tender Notice for Supply of 220/110/33 kV FRP Earthing Discharge rods at various substations, under EHV O&M Division, Ratnagiri (2nd call).

28-09-2024 04-10-2024 (423 KB)