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Total Records : 3933 SRM e-Tendering
Rfx No Zone Tender Title Start Date End Date View File
7000033827 Nashik

EHV CCCM Divison, Nashik :(3rd call)E-TENDER NOTICE for work of Providing services of Outsourcing person against sanction outsourcing staff of non- technical post at EHV CCCM Circle Nashik & EHV CCCM Division Nashik 

01-10-2024 07-10-2024 (343 KB)
EE/PAC Dn-I /Pune/T-15/No.440 dtd. 01.10.2024 Pune

Enquiry for providing 1 No Vehicle (Tata-Sumo or equivalent) with driver on hire for PAC Batch No.3 of PAC Division 1, Pune.

01-10-2024 07-10-2024 (2.3 MB)
EE/EHV(O&M)/NND/TS/File No.73/No.830 Aurangabad

E-Enquiry: AMC for work of Oil filtration of various transformers at various EHV Substations under EHV O&M Division Nanded.

01-10-2024 07-10-2024 (3.6 MB)
No.EE/PAC Dn-I /Pune/T-15/No.439 dtd.01.10.2024 Pune

Enquiry for providing 1 No Vehicle (Tata-Sumo or equivalent) with driver on hire for PAC Batch-1 of PAC Division-1, Pune.

01-10-2024 07-10-2024 (2.4 MB)
EE/PAC Dn-I /Pune/T-15/No.438 dtd.01.10.2024 Pune

Enquiry for providing 1 No Vehicle (Swift Dzire or equivalent) with driver on hire for Executive Engineer, PAC Division-1, Pune.

01-10-2024 07-10-2024 (2.4 MB)
EEC/EHV/CCCM/Dn/CHD/Tech/Quot./2024-25/Q-06/796 Dt. 01.10.2024 Nagpur

Dismantling of existing 3 Nos of Type III staff quarters at 66 kV Shastrinagar premises Dist. Chandrapur

01-10-2024 07-10-2024 (104 KB)
EE/PAC II/ Dn./ Pune/276 dtd. 01.10.2024 Pune

Enquiry for hiring of 1 No. Vehicle (TATA Sumo or any equivalent vehicle) alongwith Driver for Diagnostic Testing Batch under PAC II Division, Pune for testing related work.

01-10-2024 07-10-2024 (199 KB)
7000033606 Aurangabad

SRM E-Tender: Annual Maintenance Contract for Supply of spares and repairing of ABT metering system at various EHV S/s under EHV O&M Dn, Latur.

01-10-2024 07-10-2024 (332 KB)
7000033745 Aurangabad

SRM E-Tender: Work of Annual Maintenance Contract for Overhauling/Servicing with spares for 33kV BHEL make CB at various S/s under EHV O&M Dn, Latur.

01-10-2024 07-10-2024 (336 KB)
7000031446 Karad

SRM Tender Notice for Supply, Erection, Testing and Commissioning of 110kV TBC Bay at 220kV Bidri S/s under EHV O&M Division, Kolhapur (2nd call)

01-10-2024 07-10-2024 (423 KB)
7000032874 Karad

Work implementation of Rapid Restoration scheme for 9 X 105 MVA 400/220/33 kV ICTs at New Koyna S/s. under Karad Zone (3rd call).

30-09-2024 07-10-2024 (42 KB)
7000031262 Karad

SRM Tender Notice for Work of 01 No. of 33kV Rajwel bay required by MSEDCL from 220kV Dasturi S/stn under EHV O&M Div. Ratnagiri (2nd call)

01-10-2024 07-10-2024 (424 KB)
470 Karad

Supply of battery operated Electronics ferrule cum lable printing machine at 400 KV RS Dn, New Koyna.

30-09-2024 07-10-2024 (1.6 MB)
MSETCL/EE/O&M/Dn./Kop/T/LP/No.1768 Karad

Providing 1 No. Diesel Vehicle (TATA- SUMO or equivalent ) with Driver on hire per day basis for Drone patrolling work under EHV O&M Circle Kolhapur( i.e. Kolhapur, Sindhudurg & Ratanagiri District).

30-09-2024 07-10-2024 (125 KB)
7000030685 Karad

SRM Tender Notice for Replacement of Control and relay panels at various Substations under EHV O&M Circle, Kolhapur.(4th call)

01-10-2024 07-10-2024 (424 KB)
7000029952 Karad

SRM Tender Notice for 33kV BUS extension with 04 numbers of 33kV Bays at 220/33kV Lote (P) S/s under EHV O&M Division Ratnagiri (4th call).

01-10-2024 07-10-2024 (70 KB)
7000033793 Amravati

SRM E-TENDER NOTICE T-6 Annul Maintenance Contract (AMC) proposal for work of providing & fixing of 33 kV Capacitor bank cell at various EHV Sub Stations under EHV O&M Division, Buldhana(Fourth call)

30-09-2024 07-10-2024 (88 KB)
7000033702 Pune

Tender for the work of Supply, Erection, Testing and Commissioning of Bi-directional FOTE panels alongwith allied works and material at 400/220 kV Jejuri and 220 kV Lonand MSETCL sub-stations for establishing FOTE link between 220 kV Lonand s/s and 400 kV Jejuri s/s ckt 1 & 2

01-10-2024 07-10-2024 (472 KB)
7000033776 Amravati

E-Tender towards the “Work of Supply and Installation of E-DAQ (Energy Data Acquisition) and Automatic log sheet generation with real time data monitoring and trending system for all make MFM and ABT meters installed at various EHV Sub-Stations under EHV O&M Circle, Amravati”

30-09-2024 07-10-2024 (284 KB)
EE/697 Dt: 30.09.2024 Pune

Publication of budgetary offer forAnnual Maintenance Contract (AMC) for one year for Computers (Desktops, Laptops and such a devices), Printers, general purpose and system software including supply, installation & maintenance at various substation & subdivision under EHV O&M Dn-II, Pune & 400kV RS Division Jejuri under EHV O&M Circle Pune.

30-09-2024 07-10-2024 (192 KB)