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Total Records : 3933 SRM e-Tendering
Rfx No Zone Tender Title Start Date End Date View File
EE/EHV O&M/Dn/SGL/T/No. 1238 Karad

Enquiry for the Supply of officer’s name board & curtains for EHV O&M Division, Sangli for FY 2024-25

01-10-2024 08-10-2024 (32 KB)
7000033822 Karad

Construction of stacking platform of size 6.0m x 6.0m & other misc. civil works at 110 KV Sub Station Arawali, Dist.- Ratnagiri.( RFX No. 7000033822 )

01-10-2024 08-10-2024 (469 KB)
7000033194 Vashi Supply of crimping machine and Hydraulic conductor cutter to 400kV R.S. Kharghar.    01-10-2024 09-10-2024 (246 KB)
7000033801 (3rd Call) Nagpur

3rd Call for Annual Maintenance Contract for work of Monkey Patrolling of Towers of various EHV lines under EHV (O&M) Circle, MSETCL, Chandrapur

01-10-2024 08-10-2024 (11 KB)
7000033788 (4th Call) Nagpur

4th Call for Work of construction of 1x33kV bay for M/s. WCL Majri at 220kV Warora S/stn under EHV (O&M) Dn, Ballarshah under EHV (O&M) Circle, Chandrapur.

01-10-2024 08-10-2024 (11 KB)
6000001247 Corporate Office

Establishment of 132/33 kV Barashiv substation Dist. Hingoli along with associated line under Ch. Sambhajinagar Zone., MSETCL Maharashtra.

Document Title End Date File
Amendment No. 1 04-11-2024 (25 KB)
Amendment No.2 30-10-2024 (13 KB)
Amendment No.3 12-11-2024 (26 KB)
Amendment No.4 20-11-2024 (26 KB)
Cancellation Notice 25-11-2024 (183 KB)
01-10-2024 23-10-2024 (444 KB)
CE/EHV PC O&M Zone/NSK/T-20/No.2563 Nashik

E-Enquiry (2nd Call) Hiring of LMV/MPV/ANY SEDAN CAR Diesel/Petrol/CNG Vehicle for the AGM(F&A), MSETCL, EHV PC (O&M) Zone, Nashik (on an Outsourcing basis, with the driver for 1 year contract period and fuel will be provided by Agency).

01-10-2024 08-10-2024 (361 KB)
7000033804 Nashik

3rd Call SRME-Enquiry for the work of detailed survey for existing 400KV DHL-BBLR EHV Tower/Lines, while execution of work of proposed BG Railway between BorvihirNardana Section and National highway crossing under 400KV DHL-BBLR LMSD Dhule, under 400KV R.S. O&M Division, Dhule.

01-10-2024 08-10-2024 (69 KB)
NA Pune

Allotment of Various R&M work under EHV O&M Circle, Pune through lottery system to Unemployed Engineers registered under EHV O&M Circle,Pune

01-10-2024 08-10-2024 (775 KB)
EE/PAC Dn-I /Pune/T-15/No.440 dtd. 01.10.2024 Pune

Enquiry for providing 1 No Vehicle (Tata-Sumo or equivalent) with driver on hire for PAC Batch No.3 of PAC Division 1, Pune.

01-10-2024 07-10-2024 (2.3 MB)
EE/EHV(O&M)/NND/TS/File No.73/No.830 Aurangabad

E-Enquiry: AMC for work of Oil filtration of various transformers at various EHV Substations under EHV O&M Division Nanded.

01-10-2024 07-10-2024 (3.6 MB)
No.EE/PAC Dn-I /Pune/T-15/No.439 dtd.01.10.2024 Pune

Enquiry for providing 1 No Vehicle (Tata-Sumo or equivalent) with driver on hire for PAC Batch-1 of PAC Division-1, Pune.

01-10-2024 07-10-2024 (2.4 MB)
EE/PAC Dn-I /Pune/T-15/No.438 dtd.01.10.2024 Pune

Enquiry for providing 1 No Vehicle (Swift Dzire or equivalent) with driver on hire for Executive Engineer, PAC Division-1, Pune.

01-10-2024 07-10-2024 (2.4 MB)
7000033790 Nashik

(6th Call)SRM E-Tender Notice Enhancement in transformation capacity of substation by Work of Augmentation of substation by replacement of 2X25MVA 132/33kV TF by 2X50 MVA 132/33kV TF at both 132kV Nimbhora and 132kV ECR Deepnagar under Nashik Zone under MSKVY Phase 2.0 under EHV O&M Circle, Bhusawal (T/F will be provided by MSETCL)

01-10-2024 08-10-2024 (120 KB)
7000033779 Nashik

(4th call)SRM E-Tender Notice  for Agumention of substation by providing additional T/Fs & replacement of T/Fs at 03 Nos of EHV Substation under Nashik Zone under EHV O&M Circle, Bhusawal under Nashik Zone ( 132kV Parola, 132kV New Jalgaon MIDC & 132kv Dharangaon) (T/F will be provided by MSETCL)

01-10-2024 08-10-2024 (119 KB)
7000033754 Nashik

SRM E-Tender Notice for Work of Replacement of existing conductor with High Ampacity Conductor of 132kV Khadka - Juniper Solar (Tighre) Line for RE power evacuation under Nashik Zone 

01-10-2024 15-10-2024 (15 KB)
7000033753,7000033757 ,7000033759 Nashik

SRM E-Tender Notice for Work of replacement of existing 0.4 ACSR conductor along with hardwares by High Performance Conductor (HPC) of 220kV Gangapur - Satana line (Length= 111ckm) for RE power evacuation under Green Energy Corridor (GEC) under Nashik Zone                                                                                                     and

SRM E-Tender Notice for Work of Replacement of existing conductor with High Ampacity Conductor of 220kV Gangapur - Shivajinagar Line for RE power evacuation under Nashik Zone                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   and

SRM E-Tender Notice for Work of Replacement of existing conductor with High Ampacity Conductor of 132kV Manmad - Chalisgaon Line for RE power evacuation under Nashik Zone 

01-10-2024 15-10-2024 (17 KB)
7000033815 Karad

Renovation of EHV project division, Tarabai Park, Kolhapur. ( RFX No. 7000033815 )

01-10-2024 08-10-2024 (462 KB)
7000033752,7000033756,7000033758 Nashik

SRM E-Tender Notice for Work of replacement of existing 0.4 ACSR conductor along with hardwares by High Performance Conductor (HPC) of 220kV Malegaon-Shivajinagar line Estimated Cost EMD Tender Fees (Length= 113ckm) for RE power evacuation under Green Energy Corridor (GEC) under Nashik Zone                                                   and

SRM E-Tender Notice for Work of Replacement of existing conductor with High Ampacity Conductor of 220kV Jamde -Dondaicha 1 & 2 Line for RE power evacuation under Nashik Zone                                                        and

SRM E-Tender Notice for Work of Replacement of existing conductor with High Ampacity Conductor of 132kV Shivajinagar – Sakri – Dhule Line for RE power evacuation under Nashik Zone 

01-10-2024 15-10-2024 (122 KB)
7000033751,7000033755,7000033761 Nashik

SRM E-Tender Notice for Work of replacement of existing 0.2 ACSR conductor along with hardwares by High Performance Conductor (HPC) of 132kV Akole- Kombhalne line (Length= 22.5ckm) for RE power evacuation under Green Energy Corridor (GEC) under Nashik Zone  and

SRM E-Tender Notice for Work of Replacement of existing conductor with High Ampacity Conductor of 132kV Malkapur - Juniper Solar (Tighre) Line for RE power evacuation under Nashik Zone                      and 

SRM E-Tender Notice for Work of Replacement of existing conductor with High Ampacity Conductor of 132kV Pimperkhed - Chalisgaon Line for RE power evacuation under Nashik Zone                     

01-10-2024 15-10-2024 (17 KB)