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Total Records : 3933 SRM e-Tendering
Rfx No Zone Tender Title Start Date End Date View File
7000033692 Vashi

Additional 1 X 50 MVA, 220/22 kV T/F with 22 kV GIS bays (06 Feeder Bays, 01 T/F LV Bay, 01 PT Bay & 01 Bus Coupler / Tie Bay) & 22 kV AIS Bus Coupler at 220/100/22 kV Bapgaon Substation under EHV O&M Circle, Kalwa”. (Transformer will be provided by MSETCL)

28-09-2024 14-10-2024 (481 KB)
7000033691 Vashi

Additional 1 X 50 MVA, 220/33 kV T/F along with the HV & LV bays at 220 kV ONGC Panvel Substation under EHV O&M Division Panvel & Replacement of existing 2 X 50 MVA, 220/22 kV TFs by 2 X 100 MVA, 220/22-22 kV T/Fs at 220 kV Colourchem Substation under EHV O&M Division Bhandup (Transformers will be provided by MSETCL

28-09-2024 14-10-2024 (482 KB)
6000001243 Corporate Office

Establishment of 220/132 kV Igatpuri GIS Substation by up-gradation of existing 132 kV Igatpuri Substation, along with associated line Dist. Nashik under Nashik Zone, MSETCL.

Document Title End Date File
Amendment No.1 14-10-2024 (644 KB)
Amendment No. 2 04-11-2024 (272 KB)
Amendment No.3 12-11-2024 (272 KB)
Amendment No.4 20-11-2024 (272 KB)
Cancellation Notice 26-11-2024 (192 KB)
23-09-2024 14-10-2024 (412 KB)
6000001242 Corporate Office

Construction of 132 kV DC line on MC towers from 220 kV Chakan –II (Loc. No.39) to LILO point of 132 kV Vignahar -132 kV Mahindra Forging line - 9.9 km under Pune Zone, MSETCL.

Document Title End Date File
Amendment No. 1 04-11-2024 (129 KB)
Amendment No.2 12-11-2024 (128 KB)
Amendment No.3 20-11-2024 (129 KB)
Cancellation Notice 26-11-2024 (111 KB)
23-09-2024 14-10-2024 (263 KB)
7000032576 Pune

Re-tender (2nd call) for the work of :
a) Replacement of existing twin Moose conductor with High Performance Conductor (HPC) of 400 kV Lonikand-I – Jejuri Line.
b) Modification of End bays as per loading capacity of twin High Performance Conductor (HPC) at 400 kV Lonikand-I substation of 400 kV Jejuri Bay & 400 kV TBC bay and at 400 kV Jejuri substation of 400 kV Lonikand-II line bay.

15-10-2024 15-10-2024 (60 KB)
7000032833 SLDC Kalwa

(3rd Call) Supply, installation and commissioning of Toner Cartridges for Printers at ALDC Ambazari Nagpur - Extension

11-10-2024 15-10-2024 (383 KB)
7000033824 Nashik

Notice for Work of Providing & fixing of Medium Voltage Conductor Cover Tape at various 132kV Lines under Ambad Line sub-division under EHV &M Division, Nashik.

11-10-2024 15-10-2024 (124 KB)
7000034048 Vashi

Various civil works for switchyard works of various substations under EHV O&M Division, Boisar for the FY 2024-25

09-10-2024 15-10-2024 (345 KB)
7000034047 Vashi

Civil Estimate for construction of T/F, Equipment foundation and other allied foundation required for the emergency restoration of ICT's and other equipment's under EHV CCCM Sub Division-I, Airoli

09-10-2024 15-10-2024 (345 KB)
7000034045 Vashi

Civil works for modification to the existing transformer plinths and other misc. switch yard works at 220 KV Colourchem, 220KV Mulund, 220 KV Kolshet, 220KV Bhandup S/stn for the F.Y 2024-2025

09-10-2024 15-10-2024 (345 KB)
7000034046 Vashi

Civil estimate for "Modification to the existing transformer plinths, CTR tank, A Frame, Oil Conservative tank and other Misc Works for Installation of 50 / 100 MVA transfomer at Bhiwandi/ Temghar and other nearby Substations.

09-10-2024 15-10-2024 (345 KB)
7000034022 Vashi

Civil works for renovation and modification of Executive Engineer cabin O&M Division, Bhandup and PAC Division at Kalwa Complex, Airoli, Navi, Mumbai. (Second Call)

09-10-2024 15-10-2024 (344 KB)
7000034021 Vashi

Civil works for construction of balance damaged compound cum retaining wall along the back side of switchyard area at 220 KV Temghar

09-10-2024 15-10-2024 (344 KB)
7000034020 Vashi

Civil works for remaking of ground floor room, staircase renovation, UG water tank and development of surrounding of control room and other miscellaneous works at 220KV Borivali substation

09-10-2024 15-10-2024 (344 KB)
7000034019 Vashi

Providing 2 Nos of RCC Culvert and approach RCC Road for movement of heavy crane at 400 kV yard, Kalwa Complex, Airoli

09-10-2024 15-10-2024 (344 KB)
627 Karad

E-enquiry notice- Annual Maintenance for Computers & its accessories at MSETCL EHV CCCM Dn. Sangli & Sub-Dns. Sangli, Miraj & Ichalkaranji (2024-25)

09-10-2024 15-10-2024 (1019 KB)
SE/EHV O&M/C/KRD/T/1400 Karad

Enquiry for Supply of safety shoes for Hot Line Unit and PID Unit Ogalewadi under EHV (O&M) Circle, Karad.

09-10-2024 15-10-2024 (452 KB)
7000034014 Nashik

2nd call for Work of carrying out Electrical Soil Resistivity Test at various proposed EHV sub-stations under EHV Projects Circle, Nashik

09-10-2024 15-10-2024 (642 KB)
7000034014 Nashik

2nd call SRM e-Tender Notice  for Work of carrying out Electrical Soil Resistivity Test at various proposed EHV sub-stations under EHV Projects Circle, Nashik

09-10-2024 15-10-2024 (642 KB)
7000033969 Nagpur

Annual Maintenance Contract of Servicing, overhauling of OLTC (M/s Easun MR Make)of various capacities ICT & Power Transformers at various substation under EHV O&M Dn Nagpur

09-10-2024 15-10-2024 (14 KB)