7000034085 |
Nagpur |
2nd call for Supply of furniture along with other miscellaneous for various units at 400/220kV Khaperkheda Substation under 400 KV R.S. (O&M) Dn MSETCL, Khaperkheda under General Asset 2024-25.
11-10-2024 |
18-10-2024 |
(160 KB)
7000034112 |
Nashik |
SRM E.Tender Notice Work Of Providing and fixing Of required material and Outdoor play equipment's at 48 Nos. of Anganwadi centers under Nashik. Dhule. Jalgaon. Nandurbar & Ahmednagar District proposed under CSR Fund.
14-10-2024 |
18-10-2024 |
(275 KB)
7000031194 , 7000031195 |
Pune |
Construction of fire safety wall between transformers and allied maintenance works at 132 kV Velapur, Dist-Solapur. Construction of stacking yard, Parking shed and metal spreading at 132 kV S/Stn. Shankarnagar, Tal-Malshiras, Dist. Solapur.
11-10-2024 |
18-10-2024 |
(13 KB)
7000034133 |
Amravati |
E-Tender towards the “work of Supply, Installation & Commissioning of Digital Communicable Transformer Auxiliary Monitoring System (TAMS) along with HMI & Software at 220 KV Sub-Station Amravati” under EHV O&M Division, Amravati”
11-10-2024 |
18-10-2024 |
(285 KB)
7000033350 |
Karad |
Work of commissioning of AMR Meters, IEM Panels DSM data communication system with supply of required spares/ Equipment, at 220KV Nigade S/Stn. under EHV O&M Dn. Karad.
11-10-2024 |
18-10-2024 |
(423 KB)
7000033884 |
Karad |
Repairing and increasing height of existing compound wall at 220/33 KV Sub Station Hamidwada, Dist- Kolhapur.( RFX No. 7000033884 ) (2nd call)
11-10-2024 |
18-10-2024 |
(366 KB)
7000034076 |
Karad |
Renovation of control room building & other allied works at 110KV Sub Station Dighanchi, Dist.- Sangli.
12-10-2024 |
18-10-2024 |
(133 KB)
MSETCL/EE/O&M/Dn./Kop/T/LP/No.1824 |
Karad |
Providing 1 No. Diesel Vehicle (TATA- SUMO or equivalent ) with Driver on hire per day basis for Drone patrolling work under EHV O&M Circle Kolhapur( i.e. Kolhapur, Sindhudurg & Ratanagiri District).
11-10-2024 |
18-10-2024 |
(125 KB)
7000034055 |
Corporate Office |
e-tender SP/T-0716/1024 [RFx. No. 7*34055] [3rd Call] for Hiring of Agency for Non-Comprehensive Annual Maintenance Contract (AMC) for computer Systems (Desktop/Laptop), Network & Network Peripherals, Printers, Scanners, Computer Peripherals at various locations under MSETCL Corporate office for period of Three [3] years alongwith providing spares & printer toner on rate contract basis for a period of Three [3] years.
11-10-2024 |
18-10-2024 |
(664 KB)
7000033893 |
Vashi |
E-Tender for dismantling of Towers from Loc No. 83 to 89 of 220 kV Uran – Kharghar Line
SRM e-Tender notice is attached herewith.
11-10-2024 |
18-10-2024 |
(393 KB)
7000033737 |
Vashi |
E-enquiry for appointment of consultant for carrying out revenue survey allied services for the work of
Shifting/Height rising of various EHV (400/220/100 kV) Transmission lines infringing in Mumbai Ahmadabad
National High Speed Rail Corporation Ltd (NHSRCL) corridor, under ORC.
11-10-2024 |
18-10-2024 |
(212 KB)
7000034100 |
Vashi |
Providing various types of services & construction work at various Anganwadis under Palghar district against Corporate Social responsibility under EHV O&M Division, Boisar.
12-10-2024 |
18-10-2024 |
(399 KB)
7000034038 |
Vashi |
Civil works for Replacement of various old 220/100/22 KV equipment’s at 220 KV Mulund, Colourchem, Borivali and 100 KV Nocil substation under EHV O&M Division, Bhandup----------IInd call
12-10-2024 |
18-10-2024 |
(399 KB)
SE/EHV/PC/O&M Circ1e/NSK/TECH/ 2083 |
Nashik |
Enquiry for work of requirement of oil tank working capacity of 15 to 18KL for collecting oil from Power transformer of various substations under EHV (O&M) Division Nashik
11-10-2024 |
18-10-2024 |
(440 KB)
7000034085 |
Nagpur |
2nd call of Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of 2 TR Split Type Air Conditioner for Main Control Room & PLCC Room at 400/220 kV Khaperkheda Substation under 400 kV RS (O&M) Division Khaperkheda
11-10-2024 |
18-10-2024 |
(160 KB)
7000033395 |
Aurangabad |
SRM E-Tender(Third Call): Work of Providing & fixing Copper Earth Bonds to various EHV lines under various EHV Line Maintenance Sub-Divisions under EHV O&M Division Beed.
12-10-2024 |
18-10-2024 |
(165 KB)
7000034086 |
Nagpur |
2nd call for Supply of various spares required for 2x 400/220/33 kV 3*167 MVA ICT I & ICT II along with 1x 400/220/33 kV 1*167 MVA Spare ICT at 400/220 kV Khaperkheda Substation under 400 kV RS (O&M) Division, Khaperkheda.
11-10-2024 |
18-10-2024 |
(160 KB)
7000033577 |
Nashik |
(3rd Call)SRM E-Tender Notice for Procurement of 33kV VCB under EHV PC O&M Zone Nashik
11-10-2024 |
18-10-2024 |
(263 KB)
7000034074 |
Nashik |
SRM E-Tender Notice Work of replacement/retrofitting of numerical Breaker Failure Relay (LBB) with two stage LBB function for 400kV, 220kV & 132kV bays at 400kV Khadka S/Stn & 400kV & 220kV bays at 400kV Babhaleshwar S/Stn under EHV PC O&M Zone Nashik.
11-10-2024 |
18-10-2024 |
(15 KB)
7000033095 |
Vashi |
2nd call Tender for Providing and Fixing of Wedge Connectors suitable for 0.5 Moose ACSR Conductor at critical Tension tower Jumpers of 400kV Babhaleshwar - Padghe Ckt 1 & 2 Lines under Jurisdiction of 500kV HVDC TL O&M Division, Rajgurunagar for FY 2024-25.
12-10-2024 |
18-10-2024 |
(215 KB)