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Total Records : 42238 SRM e-Tendering
Rfx No Zone Tender Title Start Date End Date View File
7000005870 Karad ETender Notice in r/o Repairing & Overhauling of CTR make OLTC of 220/132/110KV, Power T/F with supply of required spares at various substations under EHV O&M Division Kolhapur.(dated 22-08-2017) 22-08-2017 16-09-2017 (132 KB)
7000005612 SRM e-tender Extension Construction of 02 x 220kV end bays with civil works at 220kV Yavatmal S/S for 220kV Deoli- Ghaotdi DCDC line under EHV PC O&M Zone,Amravati 13-09-2017 17-09-2017 (5 KB)
7000005580 Amaravati SRM e-tender Extension Supply,Erection,Testing and Commissioning of additional 1x25MVA,132/33kV transformer along with 132kV&33kV bus extension and allied equipments with civil works at 132 kV Dhad substation,under EHV O&M Division Buldhana 13-09-2017 17-09-2017 (5 KB)
7000005603 Amaravati SRM e-tender Extension Creation of 33kV level by replacement of existing 2x25MVA,132/66kV T/Fs by 2x25MVA,132/33kV T/Fs along with 6x33kV feeder bays and allied equipments with civil works at 220kV Amravati substation,under EHV O&M Division Amravati 13-09-2017 17-09-2017 (5 KB)
7000005574 Amaravati Extension Supply,Erection,Testing and Commissioning of additional 1x25MVA,132/33kV transformer along with 2x132kV PT bays,conversion of 33kV single bus to twin bus and allied equipments with civil works at 132kV Lalkhadi substation,under EHV O&M Div Amravati 13-09-2017 17-09-2017 (5 KB)
7000005967 400K RSLonikand RFx No. 7000005967, Re-tender for AMC for Weed Control Chemical treatment of various locations in 400kV R.S. Lonikand-I…..extension thereof. 11-08-2017 17-09-2017 (146 KB)
7000005979 Nashik EHV O&M DN Jalgaon : 2nd call for SRM e-enquiry 08/2017-18 08-09-2017 17-09-2017 (2.9 MB)
7000006007 400RSD Akola Extension RFX No.7000006007 Annual Maintenance Contract for Repairs and Servicing of Air conditioners at various EHV Sub Stations under EHV O&M Circle, Akola,for the year 2017-18. 12-09-2017 18-09-2017 (18 KB)
7000006142 400KV R.S. Division, Khadka - Bhusawal: E-enquiry for work of annual maintenance contract(AMC) for work of servicing & repairing of split type air conditioners installed at control room,relay room & PLCC room of 400 kV RS 11-09-2017 18-09-2017 (927 KB)
EE/EHV(O&M)/Dn/NSK/Tech/1378 Nashik EHV O&M Div,Nashik : Notice for providing vechile for Testing Unit Eklahare 08-09-2017 18-09-2017 (920 KB)
7000005957 HDC Ot Dn C Tender Notice for the RFx No. 7000005957 for AMC of Providing services (skilled labour operator ) for operation, maintenance and monitoring of all firefighting equipment of pump house at HVDC Terminal Station, Chandrapur and 33kV Earth Electrode Station Chincholi 19-08-2017 18-09-2017 (26 KB)
7000005969 Karad Day to day maintenance for civil assets of Colony & 400 KV Sub-Station, at Vijaynagar, Karad, Dist –Satara. 24-08-2017 18-09-2017 (81 KB)
7000005463 RS Div Pune

Cancellation of Short Re-E-Tender for the Work of arresting oil leakage from various points of ICT’s , power T/Fs & capacitor banks at 220kV Theur S/Stn under EHV O&M Dn.I, Pune. (dated 19-09-2017)

19-09-2017 19-09-2017 (75 KB)

Cancellation of Short E-Tender for 1.Replacement of HV bushing of 132/22kV, 50MVA Vijai make T/F at 132kV Mundhawa S/s 2.Repairing of CTR make OLTC of 25 MVA,132/11 kV BBL make T/F at NCL S/s under EHV O&M Dn-I, Pune. (dated 19-09-2017)

19-09-2017 19-09-2017 (166 KB)
7000005820 RS Div Pune

Cancellation of E-TenderWork of Monkey Patrolling for various EHV lines under EHV O&M Division-I, Pune. (dated 19-09-2017)

19-09-2017 19-09-2017 (90 KB)
7000005524 RS Div Pune

Cancellation of Re-E-Tender for Annual rate contract for the work of overhauling & repairing of 22/11kV circuit breakers at various substations under EHV O&M Dn-I Pune. (dated 19-09-2017)

19-09-2017 19-09-2017 (15 KB)
E-enquiry through quatation CON CIR PNE E-enquiry for providing professional services for filling of E-TDS return(24Q) relating to employees salary (2nd, 3rd & 4th quater) & online generation of form 16 for financial year 2017-18. (dated 15-09-2017) 12-09-2017 19-09-2017 (999 KB)
7000006149 Karad Tree plantation at 132 KV Sub-station Bambawade, Tal. Shahuwadi,Dist-Kolhapur.(RFX No. 7000006149) 12-09-2017 19-09-2017 (533 KB)
7000006153 Karad Enquiry For Tree Plantation at 132KV sub-Station Kankawali and 220 KV Sub Station Insuli, Dist-Sindhudurg.(RFX No. 7000006153 ) 12-09-2017 19-09-2017 (537 KB)
-- CCCMDn Solapur E-Enquiry for the work of Providing, Supplying & installing 5 HP submersible pump in existing bore well at 15.00 Solapur. Solapur. 132/33 kV S/Stn. at Karajagi,Dist. Solapur. (Extension) 13-09-2017 19-09-2017 (1.5 MB)