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Total Records : 42238 SRM e-Tendering
Rfx No Zone Tender Title Start Date End Date View File
- SRM E-Tender (RFx -7000005873 )Enquiry for the Supply of polythene paper at various substations and Lines sub-division under EHV O&M Division, Kalwa. (18-08-2017). 18-08-2017 30-09-2017 (650 KB)
7000005957 HDC Ot Dn C Tender Notice for the RFx No. 7000005957 for AMC of Providing services (skilled labour operator ) for operation, maintenance and monitoring of all firefighting equipment of pump house at HVDC Terminal Station, Chandrapur and 33kV Earth Electrode Station Chincholi 19-08-2017 18-09-2017 (26 KB)
Quatation Annual Maintanance contract for personal computer(Non-comprensive) of EHV CCCM Circle, Pune 21-08-2017 28-08-2017 (1.9 MB)
Budgetary offers OM Dn PimCnchwd Enquiry for budgetary offers for Procurement of various consumable material like CRC bottle,HRC fuses,KLI-NIT bottle and gray cloth for various S/S under EHV O&M Pimpri Chinchwad Dn, Pune. 21-08-2017 27-08-2017 (54 KB)
7000005489 Aurangabad SRM E-Tender Extension: Work of special repair with replacement of damaged parts of OLTC, of 50MVA 220/33kv BHEL make power T/F at 220kV S/s Murud under EHV(O&M) Division, Latur.(dated 23-08-2017) 21-08-2017 28-08-2017 (301 KB)
7000005984 Karad ETender (RFX No- 7000005984) for overhauling & servicing of OLTC of 400/220kV 315MVA ICT-I & ICT-II at 400kV R.S.Division Talandge.(dated 22-08-2017) 21-08-2017 19-09-2017 (37 KB)
7000005993 Karad ETender for providing of skilled outsource labours (Technical) at 400kV R.S.Division Talandge.(dated 22-08-2017) 21-08-2017 19-09-2017
Budgetary offer Karad Budgetary offer for Supply Installation,Commissioning & Testing of 100KVAr Automatic power Factor Controller at 400 KV R.S.Karad.(dated 22-08-2017) 21-08-2017 29-08-2017 (650 KB)
- SRM E-Tender (RFx -7000005410 )Tender For Shifting / Height raising of 400KV S/C Kalwa - Padghe - I between location no. 1118 to 1120 for proposed MMRDA flyover at Mumbra bypass junction on Mumbai – Pune NH-4 (Shil Side) under ORC First Extension. (21-06-2017). 21-08-2017 31-07-2017 (246 KB)
700000623 HVDC CIR CPR E-enquiry notice Rfx No-700000623 for Work-AMC for providing pest control & antitermite treatment for HVDC Guest House ,HVDC RTC,HVDC Circle office and HVDC Civil unit under HVDC RS O&M Circle Chandrapur. 22-08-2017 28-08-2017 (172 KB)
Enquiry No.921 Karad Enquiry for 921 Providing Manpower on Outsource Basis at EHV Projects Circle, Kolhapur 22-08-2017 30-08-2017
EE/EHV/ O& M/Dn/SUR/T/No.1154 Dtd.22.08.2017 Enquiry for providing 1 No. of Diesel TATA –INDICA/ INDIGO/MARUTI SWIFT DEZIRE/ Equivalent along with driver on hired basis for the office use of the Executive Engineer, Trans O & M Division, Solapur. 22-08-2017 29-08-2017 (314 KB)
2003 Re-Enquiry Carrying out suruey work for raising of height of following lines due to construction of propoged Nagpur-Mumbai Super Communication Expressway(Samruddhi Highway).1)220kV Wardha-Badnera DC tine-1Km 2)66kV D/C Chandur railway-pulgaon (on tower)-1Km.3) 220kV Badnera-Ner(proposed)-1Km.Total-3Km. 22-08-2017 29-08-2017 (1.6 MB)
EE/EHV/PD-III/Solapur /927 Date: 21/08/2017 CtDn-III Solapr E-enquiry for overhauling of 220kV ABB make circuit breaker at 220kV Bhalwani 22-08-2017 - (28 KB)
E-enquiry through quatation CON CIR PNE E-enquiry for supply of safty shoes of various sizes for the employees working under EHV Projects circle,Pune for the block 2017-20 22-08-2017 29-08-2017 (1.4 MB)
E-enquiry through quatation CON CIR PNE E-enquiry for supply of rain suits of various sizes for the employees working under EHV Projects circle,Pune for the block 2017-20 22-08-2017 29-08-2017 (1.3 MB)
400/220/132 Nashik 400kV Khadka-BSL : Work of annual maintenance contract (AMC) for work of cleaning, sweeping and cleaning of toilet, WC pan, Urinal pan at 400/220/132 KV Control Room, Dn. Offices, Maint, Testing Office Staff colony. 22-08-2017 01-09-2017 (231 KB)
7000005870 Karad ETender Notice in r/o Repairing & Overhauling of CTR make OLTC of 220/132/110KV, Power T/F with supply of required spares at various substations under EHV O&M Division Kolhapur.(dated 22-08-2017) 22-08-2017 16-09-2017 (132 KB)
7000005803 Nashik 7000005803: Notice for E-Tender Notice (2nd Call) of RFx NO.7000005803 of 400 KV R/S Dn. MSETCL Khadka- Bhusawal. 22-08-2017 21-09-2017
7000005837 Nashik 7000005837: Notice for Supply of Safety Shoes of various sizes for various offices for eligible employee for the year of 2017-19 working under EHV(O&M) Circle, Bhusawal. (Dtd 22.08.2017) 22-08-2017 03-09-2017