1382 |
Karad |
E-Enquiry for Repairing & testing of 220 VDC Battery Charger at Lote (P) S/Stn. Dist. Ratnagiri.
16-09-2017 |
20-09-2017 |
(1.1 MB)
1513 |
Karad |
Enquiry for Providing diesel vehicle (TATA Sumo or equivalent) with driver on hire basis for one year for carrying out PID testing works of EHV lines & sub-stations under EHV O&M Circle, Karad.
18-09-2017 |
27-09-2017 |
(476 KB)
E-Enquiry No: 254 |
Aurangabad |
E-Enquiry: Hiring of HSD Sumo Jeep vehicle for day to day operation work of 400kV R.S. Dn Thaptitanda.
18-09-2017 |
25-09-2017 |
(162 KB)
700006187 |
Aurangabad |
Invitation For Bid.(IFB): Procurement of Contact Resistance Meter Timer kits under EHV P.C.O&M Zone, Aurangabad.
18-09-2017 |
18-10-2017 |
(13 KB)
7000006193 |
Aurangabad |
Invitation For Bid.(IFB): Procurement of Circuit Breaker Timer kits under EHV P.C.O&M Zone, Aurangabad
18-09-2017 |
18-10-2017 |
(13 KB)
7000006208 |
Pune |
E-Enquiry for providing office furniture at various EHV SS under EHV O&M Division-1, Pune. (dated 06-10-2016)
19-09-2017 |
11-10-2017 |
(27 KB)
7000006217 |
Pune |
Notice of 1st Extension of due datefor work of weed control by chemical treatment at 400/220 KV switchyard and control room surrounding area of 400 KV R.S.(O&M)Dn. Jejuri. (dated 03-10-2017)
19-09-2017 |
09-10-2017 |
(29 KB)
7000006208 |
Pune |
SRM E-enquiry for providing office furniture at various S/S under EHV O&M DN-I Pune ( RFX. No. 7000006208) (dated 25-09-2017)
19-09-2017 |
03-10-2017 |
(42 KB)
E-Enquiry No:1231 |
Aurangabad |
E-Enquiry: Hiring of Vehicle along with driver for SE O&M Circle Office Parli.
19-09-2017 |
25-09-2017 |
(424 KB)
E-ENQUIRY No. 1680 dtd. 19.09.17 |
Pune |
E-Enquiry for Hiring of vehicle (LMV) for ACVO under EHV PC O&M Zone, Pune. (dated 19-09-2017)
19-09-2017 |
27-09-2017 |
(511 KB)
7000005952 |
Nashik |
EHV PC (O&M) Zone,Nashik : Notice for sale period extension of e-Tender No.T-45(2nd Call)/2015-16
19-09-2017 |
26-09-2017 |
(22 KB)
7000005463 |
RS Div Pune |
Cancellation of Short Re-E-Tender for the Work of arresting oil leakage from various points of ICT’s , power T/Fs & capacitor banks at 220kV Theur S/Stn under EHV O&M Dn.I, Pune. (dated 19-09-2017)
19-09-2017 |
19-09-2017 |
(75 KB)
7000005118 |
Cancellation of Short E-Tender for 1.Replacement of HV bushing of 132/22kV, 50MVA Vijai make T/F at 132kV Mundhawa S/s 2.Repairing of CTR make OLTC of 25 MVA,132/11 kV BBL make T/F at NCL S/s under EHV O&M Dn-I, Pune. (dated 19-09-2017)
19-09-2017 |
19-09-2017 |
(166 KB)
7000005820 |
RS Div Pune |
Cancellation of E-TenderWork of Monkey Patrolling for various EHV lines under EHV O&M Division-I, Pune. (dated 19-09-2017)
19-09-2017 |
19-09-2017 |
(90 KB)
7000005524 |
RS Div Pune |
Cancellation of Re-E-Tender for Annual rate contract for the work of overhauling & repairing of 22/11kV circuit breakers at various substations under EHV O&M Dn-I Pune. (dated 19-09-2017)
19-09-2017 |
19-09-2017 |
(15 KB)
7000006217 |
400K RSD Jejuri |
Enquiry for work of weed control by chemical treatment at 400/220 KV switchyard and control room surrounding area of 400 KV R.S.(O&M) Dn Jejuri. (dated 19-09-2017)
19-09-2017 |
29-09-2017 |
(54 KB)
7000006201 |
Replacement of 25MVA, 100/22kV T/F by 50MVA, 100/22kV T/F alongwith 4 x 22kV bays at 100kV Roha S/Stn. under EHV (O&M) Division, Mahad.
19-09-2017 |
18-10-2017 |
(235 KB)
Enquiry-1185 |
Karad |
Quotation for installation and commissioning of 15 Mbps (1:1) dedicated Internet Leased Line (ring architecture on fiber) with dedicated multiplexer for MSETCL Karad Zone premises.(dated 19-09-2017)
19-09-2017 |
03-10-2017 |
(1.2 MB)
7000006197 |
Nashik |
EHV O&M Div. Babhaleshwar: Notice for Work of attending low N2 gas cylinder pressure & fire detector trip indication on CTR panel of 220/132kV, 200MVA ICT-II at 220kV Kedgaon
19-09-2017 |
16-10-2017 |
(102 KB)
EEC/EHV/CCCM Dn/NSK/Tech 959 |
Nashik |
EHV CCCM Divison, Nashik : Notice for Providing & laying the vitrified tiles other miscellaneous work of control room at 220 KV OCR Eklahare Sub station
19-09-2017 |
27-09-2017 |
(506 KB)