Providing services of semiskilled labour and unskilled labours for attending day-to-day office work at E.H.V. Civil Construction cum Maintenance Division and three sub division offices, Airoli for 6 months duration (October 2017 to March 2018).
E-enquiry for supply of log sheets & permit books at various substations under EHV (O&M) Dn., Kalwa for the year 2017-18.
Re-Teneder for providing Canteen & Housekeeping services at Regional training Centre trainee of 400kV R.S. Dn.(dated 29-09-2017)
SRM E-Tender Corrigendum: Work of arresting heavy oil leakages from various joints of ICT's, T/F's and other equipment's by using Power Patch I & II Dual technology cols welding method at 400kV R.S.Dn Waluj.
Publication of cancellation notice for AMC for Weed Control chemical Treatment & rodent control treatment at various substations under EHV(O&M) Dn. II, Pune for one year.(dated 26-07-2018)
Cancellation of SRM E-enquiry for the work of Fire safety audit and security audit of 15 nos. EHV S/S and awareness training to employees at each substations under EHV O&M Division-1 Pune.
AMC for Weed Control chemical Treatment & rodent control treatment at various substations under EHV(O&M) Dn, II, Pune for one year. (dated 12-10-2017)
Extension to Construction of Tap Line on 132kV JalnaRajur Circuit-II D/C Line to 132kV Jalna MIDC Substation by utilizing 132kV Jalna- Kanhyanagar (Jalna Old) Line under EHV O&M Division Aurangabad
Extension for E-Enquiry for fabrication of new departmental truck no. MH 50 - 0273 for office of Additional Executive Engineer, Hot Line Unit, Talandge Under EHV O&M Circle, Kolhapur
Cancellation of E Tender for Overhauling of OLTC of 3x105 MVA ICT-I & ICT-II also 25MVA T/F-I&II at 400KV R.S.Dn, New Koyna (Rfx no- 7000005936 )