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Total Records : 42234 SRM e-Tendering
Rfx No Zone Tender Title Start Date End Date View File
- SRM E-Tender (RFx -7000005515 ) Tender for Rerouting work of 100 kV Kalwa Pal Taloja Line at Loc No 32 to 35 for DFCCIL Project under EHV Projects Dn, Kalyan. (20-07-2017). 20-07-2017 31-07-2017 (178 KB)
- SRM E-Tender (RFx -7000005716 )E-tender for vermin proofing for various type of MK Boxes at various substation under EHV O&M Dn Bhandup. (20-07-2017). 20-07-2017 31-07-2017 (19 KB)
- SRM E-Tender (RFx -7000005715 )1 E-tender for Annual Maintenance of Air Compressor of EHV C.B. at various substations under EHV O&M Dn Bhandup. (20-07-2017). 20-07-2017 31-07-2017 (18 KB)
- Due date extension of Enquiry for balance work of220 KV Bidri LILO Line.(dated 20-07-2017) 20-07-2017 31-07-2017 (376 KB)
- RFX No.7000005249-Extension for Re-Tender Replacement of earth wire & its accessories of various EHV lines under EHV O&M Division Kolhapur under LE Scheme.(dated 20-07-2017) 20-07-2017 31-07-2017 (1.1 MB)
- RFX No.7000005055 - Extension for Re-Tender for Supply & commissioning of BCU required for extension of Busbar protection to 1 x 50 MVA, 220/33KV Transformer.(dated 20-07-2017) 20-07-2017 31-07-2017 (1.2 MB)
- Enquiry for providing one LDC cum computer operator At testing dn Karad, Driver for Dept. vehicle at T. U. Sangli under Testing Division,Karad.(dated 20-07-2017) 20-07-2017 31-07-2017 (344 KB)
- Notice for Work of Rapid Restoration system for 400/220/33kV, 3X315MVA ICT- I & II at 400kV sub-station Babhaleshwar under 400kV R.S.Division Babhaleshwar (Dtd 20.07.2017) 20-07-2017 31-07-2017 (21 KB)
- Tender No.EE/TRANS (O&M)/BHR/T-4/2017-18 (RFX no. 7000005681) AMC for 2017-18 for Charge-Discharge Cycle & routine Maintenance work of Battery Sets & chargers at various Sub-Stations underEHV (O&M) Division, Bhandara. (Dated 19.07.2017) 19-07-2017 31-07-2017 (340 KB)
- Enquiry (RFX No.7000005869) notice for the Work of Transportation, loading & unloading of T/F accessories, S/Stn. equipment’s for various S/Stn. under EHV (O&M) Dn.Karad.(dated 19-07-2017) 19-07-2017 31-07-2017 (166 KB)
- Amendment to the e-tender for AMC of outsourcing services of ITI electrician against vacant post of 2 no. Artesian-A & ITI wireman as Junior technicians in maintenance section for various maintenance works at SLDC, Kalwa.(Dated 18.07.2017) 18-07-2017 31-07-2017 (74 KB)
- Notice for hiring vehicle for Addl Executive Engineer, EHV (O&M Div),Jalgaon (Dtd 18.07.2017) 18-07-2017 31-07-2017 (519 KB)
- Notice of amendment in Taxes(GST) for e-tender (Rfx No.7000005760) Executive Engineer, EHV (O&M Div),Jalgaon (Dtd 18.07.2017) 18-07-2017 31-07-2017 (25 KB)
- Notice of amendment in Taxes(GST) for e-tender (Rfx No.7000005767) Executive Engineer, EHV (O&M Div),Jalgaon (Dtd 18.07.2017) 18-07-2017 31-07-2017 (18 KB)
- Notice of amendment in Taxes(GST) for e-tender (Rfx No.7000005531) Executive Engineer, EHV (O&M Div),Jalgaon (Dtd 18.07.2017) 18-07-2017 31-07-2017 (25 KB)
- Notice of amendment for e-tender (Rfx No.7000005779) 400kV RS Division, Deepnagar-Bhusawal-II (Dtd 17.07.2017) 17-07-2017 31-07-2017 (15 KB)
- SRM E-Tender (RFx -7000005257 )Re-Tender For Shifting / Modification of power line crossing of 33KV Padghe - Anjur Electrode line at Village – Pimplas, Location no. 14-16 at DFC Ch:54400 for M/s. DFCCIL under ORC. (17-07-2017). 17-07-2017 31-07-2017 (243 KB)
- Notice of amendment for e-tender (Rfx No. 7000005674) 400kV RS Division, Deepnagar-Bhusawal-II (Dtd 17.07.2017) 17-07-2017 31-07-2017 (15 KB)
- Notice of ammendment for e-tender (Rfx No. 7000005755) 400kV RS Division, Deepnagar-Bhusawal-II (Dtd 17.07.2017) 17-07-2017 31-07-2017 (15 KB)
- Extension Notice SRM E-Tender & amendment of GST taxes Notice for the work of replacement of faulty insulator string RFx No. 7000005536 at 400 KV RS Dn. Khadka-Bhusawal (Dtd 17.07.2017) 17-07-2017 31-07-2017 (1.6 MB)