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Total Records : 42238 SRM e-Tendering
Rfx No Zone Tender Title Start Date End Date View File
EE/EHV/ O& M/Dn/SUR/T/No.1275 Dtd.19.09.2017. Pune

Time Limit Extension in r/o Enquiry for hiring of LMV Vehicle (TATA-SUMO/BOLERO, etc) along With driver for period of one year for Substation Maintenance unit Degaon under Jurisdiction of Trans O & M Division, Solapur.(dated 04-10-2017)

04-10-2017 11-10-2017 (337 KB)
7000006299 Karad

Misc. Civil Maintenance works for S/Stn.,Control room & yearly garden maintenance at 220 KV sub-station Mudshingi, Tal.-Karveer, Dist:-Kolhapur (RFX No. 7000006299)

04-10-2017 18-10-2017 (216 KB)
7000006301 Karad

Maintenance of civil assets and maintenance gardens, lawns, tree plantation etc. at MSETCL Bapat Camp Office premises Dist:- Kolhapur ( RFX No. 7000006301)

04-10-2017 18-10-2017 (221 KB)
7000005941 SLDC Kalwa

SRM E-tender notice for AMC for Final Balancing Settlement Mechanism (FBSM) Software for period of two years at MSLDC, MSETCL complex, Airoli.

04-10-2017 22-10-2017 (376 KB)
EE/400KVA.S/O&M,DN,DHL/1109 Nashik

400 KV R.S. (O&M) Division DHULE : Notice for E-Enquiry for Providing 16/20 seater School Bus on Hiring basis  for the students of staff colony of 400 kV R.S. Dhule-Kundane going to various schools/colleges from colony to Dhule city to & fro for educational year 2017-2018

04-10-2017 18-10-2017 (1.3 MB)
EE/TD/NSK/Tech/T-17/V-5/ 403 Nashik

Testing Division Nashik : Notice for RE-Enquiry for Providing Tata Sumo /Mahindra Xylo/ Bolero (Diesel) or equivalent vehicle along with driver on hired (per day) basis at Babhaleshwar testing unit

04-10-2017 10-10-2017 (447 KB)
EE/400KV/RS O& M/Dn/LBT/T/No.257 Dtd.03.10.2017. Pune

Enquiry for providing 1 No. of Diesel TATA –Sumo,Mahindra Bolero Equivalent along with driver on hired basis for the use of 400 KV Line Maintenance S/Dn Lamboti. (dated 03-10-2017)

04-10-2017 10-10-2017 (508 KB)
530 Karad

Enquiry for annual maintenance for computers & its accessories at 400KV R.S Dn New Koyna

05-10-2017 16-10-2017 (3 MB)
6000000334 Corporate Office

Tender No. T-1760/MSETCL/CO/DC&M/D&T/SS Pretender for Construction of 132kV End bays under Green Energy Corridor project, Dist. Sangli & Satara, Maharashtra under Chief Engineer (DC&M).

05-10-2017 05-11-2017 (64 KB)
T-1758/MSETCL/CO/DCM/D&T/TKC-Lines Corporate Office

Tender No. T-1758/MSETCL/CO/DCM/D&T/TKC-Lines for 132 kV DC line on DC tower from 132 kV Suryanagar s/s & 132 kV Kawadas s/s to 132 kV Jawahar s/s (Route length- 40 Kms) under Vashi Zone.

05-10-2017 05-11-2017 (10 KB)
7000005980 Nagpur Tender Notice for for 2nd Call for AMC of Providing services (skilled labour) in various maintenance Activities at HVDC Terminal station ,Chandrapur for the Year 2017-18 05-10-2017 20-10-2017 (996 KB)
7000006328 Nashik

EHV O&M Div. Babhaleshwar : Notice for work of dismantling, shifting & erection of 11kV capacitor bank at 132kV Newasa & Rahuri S/Stn

05-10-2017 06-11-2017 (155 KB)
EE/400KV/RS/Dn/KDK/BSL/T/665 Nashik

400KV R.S. Division Khadka - Bhusawal : Notice for E-Enquiry for inviting the Quotation for Hiring of Diesel Jeep Vehicle (TATA Sumo / Mahindra Utility) with Driver for 400 KV Line Maint S/Dn. Akot Side Khadka

05-10-2017 05-11-2017 (598 KB)
7000006142 Nashik

400KV R.S. Division Khadka - Bhusawal: Notice for 2nd Extension Notice SRM E-Enquiry for work of annual Maintenance contract (AMC) for work of Servicing & Repairing of split type air conditioners installed at controll Room, Relay Room & PLCC Room

05-10-2017 12-10-2017 (196 KB)
EE/EHV/CONST/DIV/NSK/Tech/1460 Nashik

EHV Projects Division Nashik : Notice for the Work of shifting of 11KV/440V,100KVA Transformer in Bhendi Shiwar , Tal-Kalwan in r/o 220 KV Malegaon-Kalwan EHV line

05-10-2017 18-10-2017 (1.3 MB)
EE/TCD/ABD/TS/H-17 Aurangabad

Enquiry  for hiring of one no of Tata sumo diesel with driver  for Additional Executive Engineer ,Carrier Sub-divisio Aurangabad under MSETCL,Testing/Telecom Division Aurangabad

05-10-2017 13-10-2017 (959 KB)
EE/EHV/Project /Div/Abad/Tech Aurangabad

E-Enquiry for providing TATA SUMO or Equivalent vehicle on hiring basis with driver for EHV Lines  Project Sub Division  , Aurangabad

05-10-2017 09-10-2017 (3.7 MB)
7000006312 Aurangabad

Annual maintenance contract for servicing / maintenance of battery sets & chargers, taking capacity tests of battery sets & reconditioning of 220V/110V/48V, 100/200/300/500/1000 AH battery cells at various substations under EHV O&M Division Nanded.

05-10-2017 05-11-2017 (180 KB)
7000006315 Karad

Work of Dismantling & Erection of 245/145/33KV CBs alongwith P&F required Clamps & Connectors at various S/Stn under EHV O&M Dn. Karad

05-10-2017 04-11-2017 (89 KB)
7000006319 Pune

SRM E-Tender for the Work of overhauling & Servicing of air compressor of 220kV & 132kV CB at various 220KV/132/110kV substation under jurisdiction of Trans (O&M) Division, Solapur. (dated 04-10-2017)

05-10-2017 05-11-2017 (164 KB)