Work of providing & fixing of volume resistive, surface resistive ASTM 0257 Method tested, confirming IS: 14772 – 2000 Spike guards on various locations under Mankapur / Ambazari / Kanhan LMU Sub-Dn, under EHV O&M Division Nagpur
Notice for SRM Tender for painting of various Transformers at 100kV Mohone, Ambernath, 220kV Palava and Anandnagar substations under EHV(O&M) Dn. Dombivali under EHV O&M Dn. Dombivali.
Notice for 3rd Call for SRM Tender work of overhauling of air compressors of 245 kV CB at various sub-stns under EHV O&M Dn Dombivali. under EHV O&M Dn. Dombivali.
E-Tender (2nd Call) for Redevelopment of the website and hosting it on MeitY empaneled cloud service provider for period of one year
SRM E-Tender: Work of Biannual AMC for Planned and Breakdown Emergency Substation Maintenance work along with spare for 400KV RS Karjat under 400kV R.S. (O&M) Division Karjat.
3rd call for Annual Maintenance Contract for carrying out work of dismantling, erection & other allied activities in planned outage & emergency/breakdown for Power Transformers & ICT’s for various EHV Sub-stations under EHV (O&M) Circle, Nagpur
Annual Contract for the work of Loading, unloading, winching and transportation of various EHV Power transformers/ICT’s along with/without oil and all accessories from works of repairers/substation to substation/work of repairers under EHV (O&M) Circle, Nagpur vice-a- versa , as and when required
E-Tender for AMC for the work of capacity test (Charge Discharge cycle) of Battery sets, Quarterly maintenance of battery sets & Battery Charges & reconditioning of Faulty Battery Cells as & when required & supply of spare material as & when required at 400/220KV S/S, Koradi 1 under 400KV RS (O&M) Division MSETCL Koradi.
EHV PC O&M Zone, Nashik:SRM E-Tender Notice for Work of Supply, Installation and Commissioning of 100% Hot Redundancy based continuously available Fire Alarm Panel and False Alarm Filtering Type Detector at 400KV RS Babhaleshwar under 400kV R.S. Dn. Babhaleshwar
Work of providing of chilled drinking water can at various Substations, Subdivisions and offices under EHV O&M Division, Ballarshah for period of 12 months.
Work of Soil Investigation for 132 kV Switchyard portion of MSETCL at TSS for M/s. Indian Railway at Wasud, Tal-Sangola, Dist-Solapur.(3rd Call) RFx No. 7000032185
SRM E-TENDER NOTICE T – 08 (2024-25) Work of supply of various type clamps of CT, Palm Pads, T Clamp and work of jumpering at 220 kV S. Y. Paras under EHV O&M Division, Akola.
3rd Call of E-Tender RFx for Replacement of 220 V 500 AH Battery Chargers & 48 V 1000 AH Battery Charger 1 & 2 by new Battery Chargers under 400 KV RS O&M Dn Padghe for F.Y. 2024-25.
1st Extention to Enquiry for submission of Quotations/Budgetary offer for Supply of Stainless Steel Hardware (Nut-bolts) Grade-M316 of various sizes at 400kV RS O&M Division Padghe .
Providing painting work of control room, equipment foundations and allied civil work at 220/33 KV Sub Station Hamidwada, Dist- Kolhapur. ( RFX No. 7000032210 )
Supply of 33 kV equipments as spare required for tertiary side of 400/220/33 kV 3*167 MVA ICT I & 400/220/33 kV 3*167 MVA ICT II for delta formation at 400/220 kV Khaperkheda Substation under 400 kV RS (O&M) Division, Khaperkheda
SRM E-TENDER NOTICE T-4 work of providing and fixing of non conductive Turbo Wind Driven Conical Bird Guards on Tower of various EHV Lines under EHV Line Maintenance Subdivision, Khamgaon under EHV O&M Division, Buldhana(First call)
SRM E-Tender: Work of carrying out Earthing audit (Health assessment) of existing earth mat and soil resistivity measurement at 132 kV Ashti,132kV Omerga, 132kV Georai, 132kV Telgaon, and 132kV Kaij Sub Stations Under EHV (O&M) Division Beed.
SRM E-Tender(Second Call): Work of replacement of 245kV and 145kV Current Transformer (with higher Tan Delta Value and No Tan Delta Point ) at various S/Stns under EHV PC O&M Zone, Nashik.
SRM E-Tender(Third Call): Work of Anti Corrosive Coating/ Painting with chemical resistive coating/ Painting of Transformers at various EHV Sub-stations under EHV (O&M) Division Babhaleshwar.