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Total Records : 42238 SRM e-Tendering
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7000006569 Vashi


09-11-2017 17-11-2017 (56 KB)
5000000492 Corporate Office

Tender No. SP/T-0605/1117 (Two Bid System) for Supply of 400 KV 220 KV Circuit Breakers as critical R&M spares for various 400 KV & EHV Substation in MSETCL system under EE(P&C).

09-11-2017 06-12-2017 (27 KB)
7000006419 Nashik

EHV (O&M) Division, Dhule : Extension Notice for  the Work of Supply of Neutral CTs for 132 KV Capacitor Bank at various EHV S/S

09-11-2017 18-11-2017 (34 KB)
7000006629 7000006641 7000006643 Pune

Cancellation notice in r/o

1) E-tender for Supply of 11kV, 22 kV & 33 kV CT as a critical spare for various EHV S/s under Pune Zone. (RFX No. 7000006629)

2) E-tender for Supply of 11kV, 22 kV & 33 kV PT as a critical spare for various EHV S/s under Pune Zone. (RFX No. 7000006641)

3) E-tender for Supply of 11kV, & 33 kV CB as a critical spare for various EHV S/s under Pune Zone. (RFX No. 7000006643)

10-11-2017 29-12-2017 (165 KB)
7000006643 Pune

Extension-1 to the E-Tender for Supply of 11kV &33kV CB as a critical spares for various EHV S/s under Pune Zone.

10-11-2017 25-01-2018 (159 KB)
7000006629 7000006641 7000006643 Pune

1) E-tender for Supply of 11kV, 22 kV & 33 kV CT as a critical spare for various EHV S/s under Pune Zone.

2) E-tender for Supply of 11kV, 22 kV & 33 kV PT as a critical spare for various EHV S/s under Pune Zone.

3) E-tender for Supply of 11kV, & 33 kV CB as a critical spare for various EHV S/s under Pune Zone.

10-11-2017 29-12-2017 (194 KB)
7000006629 7000006641 7000006642 7000006643 Pune

1. E-tender for Supply of 11kV, 22 kV & 33 kV CT as a critical spare for various EHV S/s under Pune Zone. (7000006629)

2. E-tender for Supply of 11kV, 22 kV & 33 kV PT as a critical spare for various EHV S/s under Pune Zone.  (7000006641)

3. E-tender for Supply of 11kV, 22 kV LA as a critical spare for various EHV S/s under Pune Zone. (7000006642)

4. E-tender for Supply of 11kV, & 33 kV CB as a critical spare for various EHV S/s under Pune Zone. (7000006643)

10-11-2017 21-12-2017 (195 KB)
7000006646 Pune

SRM E-Tender for Construction of Protection Wall for various EHV Tower locations of various EHV Lines under EHV O & M Division -I, Pune.(dated 15-11-2017)

10-11-2017 11-12-2017 (546 KB)
7000006584 Nagpur T E N D E R No. 10-2nd call/ 2 0 1 7 – 1 8 Work of testing of EHV Grade transformer oil samples by Mobile Testing Laboratory at various EHV substations, under EHV O&M Division, Ballarshah in Chandrapur & Gadchiroli District. 10-11-2017 26-11-2017 (297 KB)
7000006616 Vashi

E- Tender for  providing services of Semi skilled labour for carrying out the office work at HR Section under EHV (O&M) Circle, Kalwa  For period 01.11.2017 to 31.03.2018.

10-11-2017 19-11-2017 (409 KB)
7000006550 Vashi

SRM Enquiry for DGA & other std tests of transformer oil at various substations under EHV   O&M Dn Bhandup for year 2017-2018 .

10-11-2017 18-11-2017 (23 KB)
EEC/EHV/CCCM/Div/PBN/T/426 Aurangabad

Corrigendum for E-Enquiry of hiring vehicle i.e. Air conditioned Diesel Car with driver for Additional Executive Engineer (C), EHV CCCM Sub-Division, Parbhani.

10-11-2017 16-11-2017 (571 KB)
7000006308 Karad

Extension notice to tender of RFx. No. 7000006308 for Preliminary and detailed survey of 132/220/ 400KV lines in Sangli & Satara District under EHV Projects Division, Sangli.

10-11-2017 17-11-2017 (16 KB)
EE/EHV/PROJ/DIV/NSK/Tech/1619 Nashik

EHV Construction Div, Nashik : Notice for E-enquiry for hiring of Vehicle (Diesel) along with vehicle driver on per day basis for 400KV Lines Projects Subdivision, MSETCL, Babhaleshwar.

10-11-2017 28-11-2017 (683 KB)
6000000372 Corporate Office

Tender No. T-1769/MSETCL/CO/DCM/D&T/TKC-Lines for 132kV Taloda- Dhadgaon D/C Line for 132/33kV Dhadgaon (Proposed) S/stn. (Route Length 29.61 Kms) under Chief Engineer (Design, Contracts & Monitoring).

10-11-2017 11-12-2017 (26 KB)
7000006643 Pune

E-tender for Supply of 11kV, & 33 kV CB as a critical spare for various EHV S/s under Pune Zone.

10-11-2017 10-12-2017 (196 KB)
7000006642 Pune

E-tender for Supply of 11kV, 22 kV LA as a critical spare for various EHV S/s under Pune Zone.

10-11-2017 10-12-2017 (196 KB)
7000006641 Pune

E-tender for Supply of 11kV, 22 kV & 33 kV PT as a critical spare for various EHV S/s under Pune Zone.

10-11-2017 10-12-2017 (196 KB)
7000006629 Pune

E-tender for Supply of 11kV, 22 kV & 33 kV CT as a critical spare for various EHV S/s under Pune Zone.

10-11-2017 10-12-2017 (196 KB)
7000006634 Nagpur Construction of retaining wall for strengthening to existing Tower foundation at Koradi, Dist. Nagpur 10-11-2017 24-11-2017 (854 KB)