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Total Records : 42249 SRM e-Tendering
Rfx No Zone Tender Title Start Date End Date View File
(RFX No. 7000029652) Pune

Cancellation notice of SRM Tender for the Work of Anticorrosive painting of EHV line Towers at PRM line Maint. S/Dn-I, Pune. (RFX No. 7000029652).

16-07-2024 16-07-2024 (283 KB)
(RFX No. 7000029652). Pune

Cancellation notice of SRM Tender for the Work of Anticorrosive painting of EHV line Towers at PRM line Maint. S/Dn-I, Pune. (RFX No. 7000029652).

17-01-2024 16-07-2024 (283 KB)
EE/400 KV /R.S.O&M /Dn/Lonikand-I/Tech/F-03/352 Date-12.07.2024 Pune

E-Enquiry for the work of attending Oil leakage work on emergency basis of 105 MVA Yph Unit of 400/220/33kV 3*105MVA ICT-1 at 400kV R.S. O&M, Division, Lonikand-1.S/s

12-07-2024 16-07-2024 (253 KB)
EE/400kV/RS (O&M)/DN/LNKD/Tech/T-01/2024-25 DATE:10.07.2024 RFx-7000032111 Pune

E-tender for the work of overhauling & servicing of various make 22 kV Circuit breakers under 400 KV R.S.(O&M) Dn Lonikand-I

10-07-2024 16-07-2024 (138 KB)
EE/EHV O&M/DN/SGL/T/No. 860 Karad

Supply of Tree Cutting Machine for LMSD Vishrambag & Borgaon under EHV O&M Division, Sangli.

10-07-2024 16-07-2024 (36 KB)
EE/EHV O&M/DN/SGL/T/No. 00861 Karad

Annual Maintenance Contract Work of Servicing & Overhauling with Providing & Fixing of required spares 33KV VIJAI-Make Circuit Breakers at various S/Stns under EHV O&M Division, Sangli

10-07-2024 16-07-2024 (103 KB)
budgetary offers Vashi

 Enquiry for Supply & installation of centralized AC for new Control room building  at 400 KV RS Kalwa under 400KV R S O&M Dn Kalwa.

10-07-2024 16-07-2024 (2.7 MB)
7000032088 Nagpur

Work of Overhauling & Servicing of 245kV M/s. GE T&D India Ltd. (erstwhile AREVA/ ALSTOM) Make Circuit Breaker including supply of spares at various EHV Substation under EHV (O&M) Circle, Chandrapur.

09-07-2024 16-07-2024 (11 KB)
7000032068 Nagpur

AMC for work of replacement of Transformer/ICT’s at various Substation under EHV (O&M) Circle, Chandrapur.

09-07-2024 16-07-2024 (62 KB)
7000031841( 1st call) Nagpur

Work of Providing and fabricating of platform for 400KV, 220KV Circuit Breaker & Switchyard Stand at 400/220KV S/S,Warora under 400KV S/S R.S O&M Division, Warora

09-07-2024 16-07-2024 (1.3 MB)
EE/400KV/RS/DN/BBLR/No.00412 Nashik

E-Enquiry: Work for scanning office documents and Schemes of Testing divisions for office use. …….Submission of budgetary offers thereof., 400KV R.S. (O&M) Dn.,Babahleshwar.

09-07-2024 16-07-2024 (1.1 MB)
7000032105 Nashik

SRM E-Tender: Work of establishment of 05 Nos. of 33 kV Bays at various 132kV and 220kV Substations as per MSEDCL requirement under EHV (O&M) Circle Bhusawal in Nashik Zone.

09-07-2024 16-07-2024 (119 KB)
7000032085 Nashik

SRM E-Tender(Second Call): Agumention of substation by providing additional 1X50 MVA, 132/33 kV T/F at 132kV Khandke S/s and 1X50 MVA, 132/33 kV T/F at 132kV Ghodegaon S/s under Nashik Zone.

09-07-2024 16-07-2024 (120 KB)
7000032121 Aurangabad

SRM E-Tender:Work of Running and Maintenance of company's Rest house, under 400k V RS (O&M) Division, Girwali.

10-07-2024 16-07-2024 (377 KB)
budgetary offer Vashi

Enquiry of supply, installation, commissioning & testing of  of 2 Nos.1600KVA DG set control panels at +500kV HVDC Terminal Station, Padghe

09-07-2024 16-07-2024 (505 KB)
MSETCL/EE/400kV R.S.Div./Talandge/ 224 Karad

E-enquiry for work of providing outsource non-technical employees (Steno Typist, Office Assistance (F&A) & Peon ) on contract basis at 400kV R.S. Division Talandage

09-07-2024 16-07-2024 (141 KB)
7000032120 Amravati

SRM E-TENDER NOTICE T-1 Work of shifting of tower loc no 106 of 220 Kv Paras Chikhali DCDC line under EHV line Maintenance Sub Division, Khamgaon under EHV O&M Division, Buldhana(2nd call)

09-07-2024 16-07-2024 (311 KB)
7000031906 Amravati

SRM E-TENDER NOTICE T – 03 (2024-25) (2nd Call) Work of Annual Maintenance Contract (AMC) of Repairing, Servicing and Overhauling of Easun - MR make OLTC of various capacities ICT & Power T/F at various sub-stations under, EHV O&M Division, Akola

10-07-2024 16-07-2024 (291 KB)
7000032081 Amravati

SRM E-TENDER NOTICE Providing, laying & termination of 36KV 3C X 400 sqmm Aluminium HT Power Cable at 220KV Wani S/s under EHV O&M Division, Yavatmal

09-07-2024 16-07-2024 (151 KB)
EE/400KV/RS/DN/BBLR/No.00404 Nashik

E-Enquiry: Work of providing services of vermin proofing, pest control, anti rodent and snake repellant etc chemical treatment works for RTC at 400KV Babhaleshwar.

09-07-2024 16-07-2024 (3 MB)