EHV O & M Division, Jalgaon : Notice for The Work of tightening of Nut Bolt of Jumpers of Cut Point Location at various 220 KV D/C lines under EHV O&M division, Jalgaon.
400kV RS Division, Deepnagar-Bhusawal-II : Notice for Work of AMC for periodic maintenance work of yard lighting system of for 400 kV switch Yards at 400kV Deepnagar-Bhusawal-II
Extension in due date for submission of online bids for Supply of 33 kV Vacuum Circuit Breakers for EHV PC O&M Zone Nagpur.
400 KV R.S. (O&M) Division,Dhule : Notice for work of Measurement of Online Partial Discharge Test on 18.11.2017 from 00:01 Hrs. phase units of 400/220/33kV, 315MVA (3X105MVA) ICT - 1 & ICT – 2 under 400KV R.S Dn. Dhule
Work of destringing and restringing of loose spans for maintaining desired ground clearance at various locations of existing 132 kV Waghata-Narsi & 132 kV Waghala-Kandhar line under EHV O&M Division Nanded.
Providing aluminium precoated corrugated sheet roofing for Class III staff quarters building No. 2 ( 4 T ) at 110/33 KV Sub Station Bapat Camp, Dist-Kolhapur. ( RFX No. 7000006677 )
Providing 2HP submersible pump set and pipeline for bore well at 132KV S/Stn Khapri, Dist Nagpur
Etender Tender Spec. No. EEC/NGP/T-04/2017-18; Providing 2HP submersible pump set and pipeline for bore well at 220KV S/Stn Ambazari, Dist Nagpur
E-Enquiry for providing of Skilled & Unskilled Man Power for the various posts at EHV Projects Circle Kolhapur.
Extension no 1 to SRM E-Tender for Construction of Protection Wall for various EHV Tower locations of barious EHV Lines under EHV O & M Division -I, Pune.
Providing diesel Vehicle (TATA SUMO) with driver on hire basis for 286 days (11 Months) for Addl. Ex. Engineer, Testing Unit, Sangli under Testing Division, Karad
Extension Etender Supply of Trip Circuit Supervision Relay required at 220 kV S/Stn Akola under the jurisdiction of 400kV R.S. Akola. (First Call)
Extension Etender Supply of DC Circuit Supervision Relay required at 220 kV S/Stn Akola under the jurisdiction of 400kV R.S.Akola.(First Call)
E-Enquiry(second call) for Work of Mantainance Contract for Providing & Fixing of 11kV XLPE heat shinkable O/D cable jointing kits at various S/s under EHV O&M division Latur
EHV O&M Div Nashik : Notice for providing vechile for diagnostic testing team.
Tender for the work of repair of strand cut of OPGW of 500 KV HVDC Chandrapur – Padghe line in the Jurisdiction of HVDC TL (O&M) Sub Division, Jintur under HVDC TL (O&M) Division, Jalna
Tender No. SP/T-0813/1117 (Two Bid System) for Procurement of FULLY AUTOMATIC RELAY TEST KIT under EE(P&C)
Re-E-Tender for Re-orientation work of two no.s of 220 kV lines at 220 kV Theur s/stn (Lonikand & Magarpatta Circuit).(dated 21-11-2017)
Annual contract for transportation of Power TF/ICT and various equipments/ materials as and when required under EHV O&M Circle, Akola.