7000007230 |
Nashik |
EHV Project Circle, Nashik : Notice for e-enquiry for reconnaissance Survey of 220KV line for the proposed project of CPRI at Nasik.
02-01-2018 |
11-01-2018 |
(552 KB)
7000006783,7000006784,7000006785 |
Nashik |
EHV PC (O&M) Zone, Nashik : 2nd call : Notice for T-24/2017-18 (Package- A, B & C).
29-12-2017 |
11-01-2018 |
(17 KB)
7000007158 |
Pune |
E-Tender Notice for work of Integration of 2No of line bays in existing Bus Bar Protection and SCADA system at 220 kV Phaltan S/S.
27-12-2017 |
11-01-2018 |
(18 KB)
7000007135 |
Vashi |
E-Tender for Renovation of 220 kV yard eartmat, equipment earthing and existing earthing pits at 220 kV Wada S/S against Zonal Capex Scheme 2017-18 under EHV O&M Division Boisar
26-12-2017 |
11-01-2018 |
(556 KB)
70000006955 |
Vashi |
SRM Tender for the work of strengthening of 22 kV Bus Section 1 & 2 and TF No.1 & 2 LV stub bus by replacing twin 0.4 ACSR damaged conductor along with clamp connectors at 100 kV Mohone sub-stn under EHV O&M Dn Dombivali
12-12-2017 |
11-01-2018 |
(29 KB)
7000006235 |
Aurangabad |
second call for Work of Annual Maintenance Contract for Overhauling/ servicing with spares for 33kV & 11 kV, various makes VCB’s at various EHV Sub-Stations under EHV (O&M) Division, Latur.
11-12-2017 |
11-01-2018 |
(223 KB)
Beed |
Aurangabad |
E Enquiry for various cleaning works at 220 kV SS ,132 kV SS Lines S/Dn & Division office under EHV O&M Division Beed.
06-01-2018 |
12-01-2018 |
(1.9 MB)
EE/EHV/O&M/ DN/BBLR/Enquiry-12/ 060 |
Nashik |
EHV O&M Div. Babhaleshwar : Notice for e-enquiry for work of repairing of 33/11kV CTs and PTs lying at various 220kV and 132kV sub-stations.
06-01-2018 |
12-01-2018 |
(150 KB)
7000006855 |
Karad |
1st Extension notice for the work of Providing Outsource Skilled Operators, Art-A & Junior Technicians for 220KV Vankusawade S/Stn under EHV O&M Dn Karad
05-01-2018 |
12-01-2018 |
(88 KB)
0016 |
Karad |
Enquiry for Providing of 1 No. of Diesel Vehicle (TATA-SUMO/TRAX/BOLERO /EQUIVALENT) with driver on hire per day basis for the movement of Testing Kits to carry out diagnostic tests to various S/Ss under EHV O&M Circle, Karad.
04-01-2018 |
12-01-2018 |
(48 KB)
700006849 |
Nashik |
EHV (O&M) DN Nasik : Work of replacement of 220KV & 132KV bushing at various ss under EHV (O&M) Div nashik.
04-01-2018 |
12-01-2018 |
(25 KB)
20 |
Nashik |
400kV RS(O&M)Division,Babhaleshwar : Notice for e-enquiry of AMC and supply of illumination of flood light.
04-01-2018 |
12-01-2018 |
(1.1 MB)
007 |
Karad |
Enquiry for Hiring of TATA SUMO Vehicle with Driver on hire basis for testing unit under Testing Division, Kolhapur.
04-01-2018 |
12-01-2018 |
(21 KB)
04 |
Nashik |
EHV CCCM Divison, Nashik : Notice for Providing Tata Indica/Vista vehicle on hired basis for the Additional Executive Engineer (Civil) EHV CCCM Sub Division-II, Nashik.
03-01-2018 |
12-01-2018 |
(564 KB)
020 |
Nashik |
EHV Projects Division, Nashik : Notice for E-enquiry for work of shifting 11kV/440V, 100KVA Transformer in Bhendi Shiwar, Tal-Kalwan in r/o 220kV Malegaoon-Kalwan EHV line.
02-01-2018 |
12-01-2018 |
(2.4 MB)
7000007197 |
Karad |
Miscellaneous civil maintenance works for control room and approach road at 110 KV Radhanagari Sub-Station,Dist-Kolhapur.
29-12-2017 |
12-01-2018 |
(586 KB)
7000007176 |
Karad |
Dismantling of damaged wall and construction of RCC retaining wall and upkeepment of sub-station yard and miscellaneous civil works of 33 KV yard at 220/132/33 KV sub-station Kharepatan, Dist-Sindhudurg.
29-12-2017 |
12-01-2018 |
(604 KB)
Tender No. 07/2017-18 RFx No:7000007186 |
Pune |
2nd Call for Providing Technical Operators, Jr. Technicians on contract basis at various substations under EHV O&M Division, Baramati.(dated 29-12-2017)
29-12-2017 |
12-01-2018 |
(9 KB)
E-Enquiry No:1072 |
Pune |
E-Enquiry for Work of providing Operators and Technicians at various substations under EHV O&M Dn Baramati.
29-12-2017 |
12-01-2018 |
(219 KB)
EE/EHVPD-I/PN/T/ LPO/3142; dtd: 27/12/2017 |
Pune |
E-Enquiry for Hiring of Diesel Vehicle Car for EHV Line Projects S/Dn,Pune.(dated 28-12-2017)
28-12-2017 |
12-01-2018 |
(627 KB)