7000007121 |
Pune |
Annual contract for Providing 13 Nos. of Outsourcing Skilled /Semi-skilled/Un-skilled manpower at 400kv RS O&M Dn Chakan.(dated 09-02-2018)
22-12-2017 |
17-02-2018 |
(377 KB)
7000007121 |
Pune |
Annual contract for Providing 13 Nos. of Outsourcing Skilled /Semi-skilled/Un-skilled manpower at 400kv RS O&M Dn Chakan.
22-12-2017 |
17-02-2018 |
(377 KB)
7000007129 |
Nagpur |
E-enquiry for Procurement/supply of various type clamps & connectors required for Maintenance work at 400KV Substation, Chandrapur.
22-12-2017 |
29-12-2017 |
(42 KB)
7000007121 |
Pune |
Annual contract for Providing 13 Nos. of Outsourcing Skilled /Semi-skilled/Un-skilled manpower at 400kv RS O&M Dn Chakan.(dated 26-12-2017)
22-12-2017 |
21-01-2018 |
(318 KB)
7000007058 |
Karad |
Running and Maintenance of MSETCL company's Rest house and day to day cleaning of various offices in premises of Administrative Building at Krishnanagar,Tal & Dist -Satara.
22-12-2017 |
09-01-2018 |
(81 KB)
7000007121 |
Pune |
Annual contract for Providing 13 Nos. of Outsourcing Skilled /Semi-skilled/Un-skilled manpower at 400kv RS O&M Dn Chakan.
22-12-2017 |
21-01-2018 |
(318 KB)
EE/TDP/DyEE(O)/T-15/732 dtd.22.12.2017 |
Pune |
Enquiry for supply of 5 Nos. of Tyres & Tubes for TATA Sumo Vehicle No. MH-42/B-183.(dated 21-12-2017)
22-12-2017 |
30-12-2017 |
(24 KB)
EE/EHV O&M DN/RTN/T/ No.02331 |
Karad |
Enquiry for the work of Overhauling/ repairing of 33 KV VCB of BHEL make at various S/s, under EHV O&M Dn., Ratnagiri.
22-12-2017 |
29-12-2017 |
(39 KB)
EE/EHV O&M DN/RTN/T/ No.02330 |
Karad |
Enquiry for the work of bifurcation of load between 25MVA and 50MVA Power Transformer through 33kV Cable at 110/33kV Ratnagiri S/s, under EHV O&M Division Ratnagiri.
22-12-2017 |
29-12-2017 |
(37 KB)
7000007150 |
Nagpur |
AMC for the work of Testing (HP test) and refilling of fire extinguisher cylinder of various types and capacities along with supply of spares at 400/220KV Koradi I S/s under 400KV RS (O&M) Division Nagpur
22-12-2017 |
29-12-2017 |
(51 KB)
7000007129 |
Nagpur |
E-enquiry for Procurement/supply of various type clamps & connectors required for Maintenance work at 400KV Substation, Chandrapur.
22-12-2017 |
29-12-2017 |
(42 KB)
7000007136 |
Vashi |
Soil investigation and block contouring for proposed 220 kV GIS at plot # P-119, Pawane, TTC Industrial area, MIDC, Navi Mumbai
22-12-2017 |
06-01-2018 |
(1.1 MB)
70000006954 |
Vashi |
SRM Enquiry for Work for Annual maintenance contract of Computers at Division office and various sub-station under EHV O&M Dn Dombivali
22-12-2017 |
28-12-2017 |
(25 KB)
990 |
Nashik |
EHV CCCM Division, Jalgaon : Notice for e-Quotation for "Hiring of Taxi for EHV CCCM Sub-dn Dhule-I".
22-12-2017 |
04-01-2018 |
(1.7 MB)
EE/MS/DHL/E-Enquiry/03/17-18 |
Nashik |
Major Store , Dhule : Notice for Work of providing diesel vehicle ( Maruti Swift /Swift Dezire equivalent) with driver as per requirement at Major Store, Dhule.
22-12-2017 |
10-01-2018 |
(126 KB)
7000007162) |
Karad |
eTender Notice forEstablishment of 132 KV Kankawali TSS & 220 KV Kalambani TSS in Ratnagiri & Sindhudurg Dist.
23-12-2017 |
23-01-2018 |
(137 KB)
7000007137 |
Karad |
eTender Notice for Construction of 220 KV & 132 KV LILO Lines for proposed TSS at Kankawali & Kalambani Ratnagiri & Sindhudurg Dist.
23-12-2017 |
23-12-2018 |
(139 KB)
7000006809 |
Karad |
Amendment No. I -Balance work of 132kV Chambukhadi - Kale line. under Karad Zone RFx. No. 7000006809
26-12-2017 |
15-01-2018 |
(50 KB)
EE/400kV/RS/Dn/Thap/361 |
Aurangabad |
E enquiry for providing outsource service of Peon at 400 kV R S Division, Thaptitanda
26-12-2017 |
02-01-2018 |
(349 KB)
70000007166 |
Vashi |
SRM Tender for the work for attending emergency breakdown and planned maintenance activities of various 220 kV /100 kV EHV line under line S/Dn., Padgha under EHV (O&M) Dn., Dombivali for FY 2017-18
26-12-2017 |
28-01-2018 |
(41 KB)