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Total Records : 42253 SRM e-Tendering
Rfx No Zone Tender Title Start Date End Date View File
7000007121 Pune

Annual contract for Providing 13 Nos. of Outsourcing Skilled /Semi-skilled/Un-skilled manpower at 400kv RS O&M Dn Chakan.(dated 09-02-2018)

22-12-2017 17-02-2018 (377 KB)
7000007121 Pune

Annual contract for Providing 13 Nos. of Outsourcing Skilled /Semi-skilled/Un-skilled manpower at 400kv RS O&M Dn Chakan.

22-12-2017 17-02-2018 (377 KB)
7000007129 Nagpur

E-enquiry for Procurement/supply of various type clamps & connectors required for Maintenance work at 400KV Substation, Chandrapur.

22-12-2017 29-12-2017 (42 KB)
7000007121 Pune

Annual contract for Providing 13 Nos. of Outsourcing Skilled /Semi-skilled/Un-skilled manpower at 400kv RS O&M Dn Chakan.(dated 26-12-2017)

22-12-2017 21-01-2018 (318 KB)
7000007058 Karad

Running and Maintenance of MSETCL company's Rest house and day to day cleaning of various offices in premises of Administrative Building at Krishnanagar,Tal & Dist -Satara.

22-12-2017 09-01-2018 (81 KB)
7000007121 Pune

Annual contract for Providing 13 Nos. of Outsourcing Skilled /Semi-skilled/Un-skilled manpower at 400kv RS O&M Dn Chakan.

22-12-2017 21-01-2018 (318 KB)
EE/TDP/DyEE(O)/T-15/732 dtd.22.12.2017 Pune

Enquiry for supply of 5 Nos. of Tyres & Tubes for TATA Sumo Vehicle No. MH-42/B-183.(dated 21-12-2017)

22-12-2017 30-12-2017 (24 KB)
EE/EHV O&M DN/RTN/T/ No.02331 Karad

Enquiry for the work of Overhauling/ repairing of 33 KV VCB of BHEL make at various S/s, under EHV O&M Dn., Ratnagiri.

22-12-2017 29-12-2017 (39 KB)
EE/EHV O&M DN/RTN/T/ No.02330 Karad

Enquiry for the work of bifurcation of load between 25MVA and 50MVA Power Transformer through 33kV Cable at 110/33kV Ratnagiri S/s, under EHV O&M Division Ratnagiri.

22-12-2017 29-12-2017 (37 KB)
7000007150 Nagpur

AMC for the work of Testing (HP test) and refilling of fire extinguisher cylinder of various types and capacities along with supply of spares at 400/220KV Koradi I S/s under 400KV RS (O&M) Division Nagpur

22-12-2017 29-12-2017 (51 KB)
7000007129 Nagpur

E-enquiry for Procurement/supply of various type clamps & connectors required for Maintenance work at 400KV Substation, Chandrapur.

22-12-2017 29-12-2017 (42 KB)
7000007136 Vashi

Soil investigation and block contouring for proposed 220 kV GIS at plot # P-119, Pawane, TTC Industrial area, MIDC, Navi Mumbai

22-12-2017 06-01-2018 (1.1 MB)
70000006954 Vashi

SRM  Enquiry for  Work for Annual maintenance contract  of Computers at Division office and various sub-station under EHV  O&M Dn Dombivali

22-12-2017 28-12-2017 (25 KB)
990 Nashik

EHV CCCM Division,  Jalgaon : Notice for  e-Quotation  for  "Hiring  of  Taxi   for  EHV   CCCM  Sub-dn  Dhule-I".

22-12-2017 04-01-2018 (1.7 MB)
EE/MS/DHL/E-Enquiry/03/17-18 Nashik

Major Store , Dhule : Notice for Work of providing diesel vehicle ( Maruti Swift /Swift Dezire equivalent) with driver as per requirement at Major Store, Dhule.

22-12-2017 10-01-2018 (126 KB)
7000007162) Karad

eTender Notice forEstablishment of 132 KV Kankawali TSS & 220 KV Kalambani TSS in Ratnagiri & Sindhudurg Dist.

23-12-2017 23-01-2018 (137 KB)
7000007137 Karad

eTender Notice for Construction of 220 KV & 132 KV LILO Lines for proposed TSS at Kankawali & Kalambani Ratnagiri & Sindhudurg Dist.

23-12-2017 23-12-2018 (139 KB)
7000006809 Karad

Amendment No. I -Balance work of 132kV Chambukhadi - Kale line. under Karad Zone RFx. No. 7000006809

26-12-2017 15-01-2018 (50 KB)
EE/400kV/RS/Dn/Thap/361 Aurangabad

E enquiry for providing outsource service of Peon at 400 kV R S Division, Thaptitanda

26-12-2017 02-01-2018 (349 KB)
70000007166 Vashi

SRM Tender for the work for attending emergency breakdown and planned maintenance activities of  various 220 kV /100 kV EHV line under line S/Dn., Padgha under EHV (O&M) Dn., Dombivali for FY 2017-18

26-12-2017 28-01-2018 (41 KB)