EE/483 Dt: 24.06.2024) RFX no. 7000031486 |
Pune |
Publication of cancellation notice of E-Tender for Work of Monkey Patrolling of 220/132/100kV EHV Lines on Single Circuit/Double Circuit/Multi Circuit Towers under EHV O&M Dn-II, Pune.
24-06-2024 |
25-06-2024 |
(206 KB)
7000031739 |
Pune |
E Tender for Supply of Al and Cu spares alongwith brazing for 400kV PG Isolator hanger rod assembly at 400kV Chakan S/s.
24-06-2024 |
30-06-2024 |
(347 KB)
MSETCL/LIR&EW/CSR/IA/Budgetary Offer/3933 dtd. 24.06.2024 |
Corporate Office |
Budgetary Offer Notification for carrying out Impact Assessment Studies of various CSR projects of MSETCL
24-06-2024 |
01-07-2024 |
(1.2 MB)
7000031687 |
Nagpur |
2nd Call Tender for the Work of Cleaning of premises of Substation and office Building ,Front sides, BCR rooms & metering rooms at 400KV Chandrapur-2 S/S and 400KV Switching S/Stn under 400KV RS O&M Dn-II Chandrapur.
24-06-2024 |
01-07-2024 |
(249 KB)
5000001235 |
Corporate Office |
Procurement of Van Mounted Ground EHV Cable Fault Locator System.
24-06-2024 |
22-07-2024 |
(405 KB)
7000031737 |
Karad |
Supply of Equipments/ Material, Erection, Testing and Commissioning of installation of 1 x 125 MVAR, 3 Phase, 400 kV Bus Reactor (Shunt Reactor) and bay at 400 kV R.S. Dn., New Koyna S/Stn under Karad Zone, against MBR No. 166/19 Dtd. 19.01.2024 on Turnkey basis
24-06-2024 |
08-07-2024 |
(70 KB)
7000031726 |
Nashik |
Notice for Work of replacement of old RCC support Structure with GI lattice structure at 400kV RS Dn. Khadka-Bhusawal
24-06-2024 |
01-07-2024 |
(128 KB)
7000031699 |
Nashik |
Notice for Work of Bi-Annual Maintenance Contract for various works/activities of various bay/substation maintenance (400/220/132KV) in planned as well as Breakdown/Emergency at 400 KV RS Khadka under 400 kV RS Division, Khadka-Bhusawal.
24-06-2024 |
01-07-2024 |
(214 KB)
7000031728 |
Nashik |
Notice for the procurement of Tertiary Surge Arrestor & Neutral CT for emergency use as & when required at 400kV RS Division Khadka-Bhusawal.
24-06-2024 |
01-07-2024 |
(339 KB)
Tender No:- 09/2024-25 RFX No:-7000031480 |
Pune |
SRM E-Tender for the Annual maintenance contract for the work of arresting oil leakage from various joints of EHV Power Transformer /ICT at various EHV S/stns. Under EHV O&M Division Baramati
24-06-2024 |
02-07-2024 |
(205 KB)
7000031723 |
Aurangabad |
SRM E-Tender: The Work of Renovation of Gents & Ladies Toilet at 132KV Sillod Sub Station Dist.Chhatrapati Sambhajingar., EHV CCCM Division, MSETCL, Chhatrapati Sambhajinagar.
24-06-2024 |
01-07-2024 |
(456 KB)
7000031084 |
Nashik |
Notice for Work of Repairing/Overhauling of 132 kV ABB Make Circuit Breaker with providing of required spares at various EHV Sub-stations under EHV (O&M) Division, Jalgaon under EHV (O&M) Circle, KhadkaBhusawal
24-06-2024 |
01-07-2024 |
(77 KB)
7000031639 |
Amravati |
SRM E-TENDER NOTICE T – 01 (2024-25) Work of providing & fixing of Micro-processor based 0.2S Class, 3-Ph, 4-Wire Multifunction Digital Energy Meter at various Sub-Station under EHV O&M Division, Akola.
23-06-2024 |
29-06-2024 |
(150 KB)
7000031725,7000031724 |
Nagpur |
SRM Etender 1) Repairing of ground floor of BSNL E-10-B Building, near railway Station for shifting of EHV O&M Circle Office Chandrapur on rent.2)Architecture/consultant services for the construction of HVDC RTC Hall under jurisdiction of HVDC RS O&M Circle, Chandrapur
23-06-2024 |
30-06-2024 |
(298 KB)
Budgetary offer |
Vashi |
Enquiry for submission of Quotations/Budgetary offer for Supply of Stainless Steel Hardware (Nut-bolts) Grade-M316 of various sizes at 400kV RS O&M Division Padghe.
22-06-2024 |
28-06-2024 |
(566 KB)
7000031748 |
Amravati |
SRM Etender Work of replacement of existing SSN String by DSN string and STN String by DTN String of 132 kV Khamgaon - Chikhali SCDC line,132kV Khamgaon – Warwat Bakal, 132kV Jalamb TSS Line crossing across of Road, River and passing through cities under EHV O&M Division Buldhana.
22-06-2024 |
29-06-2024 |
(182 KB)
7000031721 |
Nagpur |
SRM Etender Work of providing & fixing of tower earthing (Pipe & Counter Poise ) at various locations / towers of 132KV / 220KV lines, under EHV (O&M) Division, MSETCL , Nagpur
22-06-2024 |
30-06-2024 |
(14 KB)
7000031635 |
Aurangabad |
SRM E-Tender: Work of P&F of non conductive turbo wind driven conical bird guard for various EHV Lines Girwali under 400kV Division, Girwali.
22-06-2024 |
28-06-2024 |
(381 KB)
7000031720 |
Vashi |
AMC for hiring of hydraulic / mechanical crane for loading, unloading of equipment's / material and erection work, etc as and when required at HVDC-ID/OD, Padghe & 400kV RS (O&M) Dn, Padghe for F.Y. 2024-25.
22-06-2024 |
01-07-2024 |
(382 KB)
7000031708 |
Vashi |
Providing Security Guards at Guha Repeater Sation under Babhaleshwar sub-division, Dahegaon Repeater Station & Site Store Waluj Station under Ch. Sambhajinagar Sub-division, Ajegaon Repeater Station & Hatwan Repeater Station under Jintur Sub-division & Jalna Division for F.Y 2024-25.
22-06-2024 |
01-07-2024 |
(187 KB)