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Total Records : 42249 SRM e-Tendering
Rfx No Zone Tender Title Start Date End Date View File
7000031703 Nagpur

SRM E-TENDER NOTICE Various Civil Maintenance works related to switchyard at 132KV S/Stn Katol, Dist. Nagpur

21-06-2024 28-06-2024 (200 KB)
7000031712 Amravati

E-TENDER NOTICE Work of providing outsource services of various Technical posts (as and when required) against sanctioned regular vacant post for FY 2024 – 25 under EHV O&M Division, Akola.

21-06-2024 27-06-2024 (328 KB)
7000031690 Nagpur

E-TENDER NOTICE Work of servicing/ overhauling of 132kV SEIMENS Make circuit breakers at 132 KV Pardi/Hingna I/Hingna II/Khapri/Uppalwadi Substations under RS Ringmain Division Nagpur.

21-06-2024 28-06-2024 (209 KB)
7000031698 Nagpur

SRM E-TENDER NOTICE Work Providing and Fixing of tower earthing (pipe & counterpoise) at various location/Towers of 400KV Lines Maintenance under jurisdiction of 400 KV RS O&M Division Koradi.

21-06-2024 28-06-2024 (476 KB)
7000031572 Pune

RE-tender (3rd call) for Work for Second Circuit stringing on Existing SCDC of 132 kV Malinagar-Shankarnagar & 132 kV Shripur-Velapur line under EHV O&M Circle, Solapur

21-06-2024 02-07-2024 (18 KB)
7000031373 Nashik

(3rd Call)Notice for The work of Bi-Annual AMC of servicing & overhauling of 33kV VCB & 440V ACB with repairing of 33kV CT/PT equipments and allied works as and when required at 400 kV RS Dn. Deepnagar-Bhusawal-II.

21-06-2024 28-06-2024 (543 KB)
7000031374 Nashik

(3rd Call) Notice for The work of Bi-Annual Maintenance Contract (AMC) for the work of repairing of ICT cooling fans as and when required at 400 kV RS Dn, Deepnagar Bhusawal –II

21-06-2024 28-06-2024 (543 KB)
7000031679 Nagpur

SRM E-Tender for the Annual Maintenance Contract of Nitrogen Injection Fire protection System (Vendere Make) provided for 400/220/33 kV ICT-1, ICT-2 & Spare ICT & 125 MVAr Bus Reactor at 400 kV Koradi-II S/S under 400 kV S/S Division, Koradi II

21-06-2024 27-06-2024 (228 KB)
7000031683 Nagpur

3rd call E-tender for repair of cooling fan assembly of BHEL make Convertor Transformer at HVDC Terminal Station under HVDC Indoor Dn, Chandrapur.

21-06-2024 28-06-2024 (211 KB)
Advertisement for Apprentice session 2024-2025 of 400 KV RS division Koradi-1 Nagpur

Advertisement for Apprentice session 2024-2025 of 400 KV RS division Koradi-1

21-06-2024 26-06-2024 (1.5 MB)
7000031565 Nashik

Notice for Work of Annual Maintenance contract & attending emergency/breakdown maintenance work of 132kV & 220kV EHV Substation’s under EHV O&M Division, Jalgaon.

21-06-2024 28-06-2024 (201 KB)
7000030898 Nashik

Notice for Bi-Annual Maintenance Contract for repairing, servicing with supply of spare parts suitable for 400 kV Pantograph Isolators, Centre Break Line Isolator & Earth Switch Isolator as and when required at 400 kV R.S. Dn, Khadka, 400 kV R.S. Dn, Dhule & 400 kV R.S. Dn, Deepnagar under EHV (O&M) Circle, Khadka-Bhusawal

21-06-2024 28-06-2024 (77 KB)
7000031629 Vashi

SRM E-tender for the work of repair & maintenance of high mast lighting tower alongwith consumable material at Major Stores, Panvel for FY 2024-25.

21-06-2024 27-06-2024 (390 KB)
Tender No:- 05/2024-25 RFX No:-7000031685 Pune

2nd CALL for SRM E-Tender for the Annual rate contract for servicing and overhauling of 11/22/33kV VCB Poles and Mechanisms of CGL make with required spares at various substations under EHV O&M Division, Baramati.

21-06-2024 01-07-2024 (207 KB)
Tender No:- 08/2024-25 RFX No:-7000031451 Pune

SRM E-Tender for theWork of Providing & fixing of Electrical insulation, Acid & alkali proof synthetic insulating Mat ( 3.0 MM Thickness) confirming to IS 15652:2006 and having in-build auto glow bands on the border of mats at 220kV Jejuri, 132kV Indapur, 132kV Daund & 132kV Yawat substation under EHV O&M Division Baramati

21-06-2024 29-06-2024 (211 KB)
- Pune

Short Period E- enquiry for the work of requirement of cold welding of damaged/rusted radiators of 25MVA, 132/11kV, Make-NGEF, Sr. No.2800023491 (Received from 132kV Boisar-1 MIDC S/S), at 132kV GKRS S/S, under EHV O&M Div-I, Pune

20-06-2024 26-06-2024 (668 KB)
7000031401 Vashi

Procurement of spare 5 Nos of 110V DC Numerical Distance relays for EHV Lines Under Vashi Zone. (2nd Call)

20-06-2024 27-06-2024 (216 KB)
7000031205,7000031297 Vashi

1. Work of Garden Maintenance at 400 kV Nagothane s/s under 400 kV Nagothane Division..2nd call .

2. supply of 220 kV & 400 kV Discharge Rod at 400 KV Nagothane Substation under 400 KV R.S. O&M Division, Nagothane..2nd call .

20-06-2024 27-06-2024 (14 KB)
EE/476 Dt: 20.06.2024 Pune

Publication of budgetary offer for Work of Shifting of existing 132kV Pudumjee- Talegaon D/C EHV line between LN 63 to LN 65 Passing through on Indraprabha Housing society Vikas Nagar Dehu Road, with Monopole for PCMC.

20-06-2024 27-06-2024 (122 KB)
EE/400KV RS O&M/DN/KRD/T/ No. 333 Karad

E-Enquiry of budgetary offerfor procurement of various auxiliary relays at 400KV R.S. Karad.

20-06-2024 28-06-2024 (433 KB)