SRM E-Tender: The Work of Making of Arrangement of borewell for staff quarters at 132 KV Kanhaiyangar S/Stn & 132KV Mantha S/stn Dist.Jalna., under EHV CCCM Division Chhatrapati Sambhajinagar.
Notice for Work of cutting & removing of grass, shrub & trunks and disposing by means i.e. mechanical or manual and chemical treatment for 400/220/132/33/11kVswitchyard and other area including Line maintenance / Circle office and colony office and colony as required at 400kV RS Dn. Khadka-Bhusawal.
Notice for Work of Bi-Annual Maintenance Contract for the work of repairing, overhauling & servicing of various types of air compressors of 400/220/132kV SF-6 circuit breakers at 400 KV RS Khadka-Bhusawal
E-Tender for AMC for the work of capacity test (Charge Discharge cycle) of Battery sets, Quarterly maintenance of battery sets & Battery Charges & reconditioning of Faulty Battery Cells as & when required & supply of spare material as & when required at 400/220KV S/S, Koradi 1 under 400KV RS (O&M) Division MSETCL Koradi.
Cancellation of Re-tender (2nd call) for Work of health analysis of existing Earthing system & soil resistivity measurement at various EHV S/s under EHV O&M Circle, Pune
AMC for work of Weed Control treatment at various s/s under 400 KV RS (O&M) Division Nagothane under EHV (O&M) Circle, Panvel for f.y. 2024-25 .
E-tender (1st call) for Bi-annual Rate Contract for Servicing & Repairing along with supply of spares of M/s CTR make NIFPS of Power T/F/ICT at various EHV S/s under EHV O&M Circle, Pune.
Re-tender (2nd call) for Work of health analysis of existing Earthing system & soil resistivity measurement at various EHV S/s under EHV O&M Circle, Pune
RE-tender(3rd call) for Work for Second Circuit Stringing on Existing 132 kV Purandawade Tap line under EHV O&M Circle, Solapur under Pune Zone.
SRM Tender for the Work of Providing & fixing of Electrical Insulation, Acid & alkali proof synthetic insulating Mat (3.0 MM Thickness) confirming to IS 15652:2006, & having in- built Auto glow bands on the border of mats at various substations under EHV O&M Division, Solapur
SRM Tender for the Work of Annual Maintenance Contract for Repair, Servicing, Overhauling and Maintenance of Window/Split AC & Centralized Air Conditioner System having various capacities available at various EHV Substations under jurisdiction of Trans O&M Division, Solapur
SRM Tender for the Work of providing & fixing of CTR make Diverter Switch of OLTC suitable for 220/132KV, BBL Make, 200MVA ICT Sr. No.T-05207/1 available at 220kV Pandharpur Substation under jurisdiction of Trans (O&M) division Solapur
SRM Tender for the Work of Servicing & Overhauling of 33/11KV Siemens, BHEL, Megawin make Circuit Breaker with required spares available at various 220/132/110KV Substation under jurisdiction of Trans (O&M) Division, Solapur.
SRM E-Tender: Providing services of ITI Certified person in Electrical Trade as Assist. Technicians & Tech II on outsource basis at various EHV sub-stations & sub-division under EHV O&M Division Nanded & PAC Dn Nanded.
SRM E-Tender: Providing services of ITI Certified person in Electrical Trade as Assist. Technicians (General) & Tech II on outsource basis at various EHV sub-stations under EHV O&M Division Latur & PAC Division Latur.
Cancellation Notice of E- Tender for the work of Providing & fixing of 400/220/33kV ICTs Gas collecting devices along with accessories at 400kV Jejuri Substation
SRM Tender for the Work of Overhauling & Servicing of 33/11KV Circuit Breaker of CGL Make available at various 220/132/110KV Substations under jurisdiction of Trans O&M Division, Solapur
SRM Tender for the Work of Annual Contract for Repair, Overhauling, Servicing, Maintenance Alignment of 220/132/33 KV Isolator available at Various EHV Substations under jurisdiction of EHV O&M Division Solapur.
SRM Tender for the Work of (AMC) annual rate for work of yard light maintenance at various 220/132KV substations under jurisdiction of EHV O & M Division, Solapur
SRM Tender for the Work of Annual Rate Contract for attending routine Maintenance work during Outage & Emergency work during Breakdown/occurrence at various 220/132/110KV Substations under jurisdiction of Trans O&M Division, Solapur