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Total Records : 42253 SRM e-Tendering
Rfx No Zone Tender Title Start Date End Date View File
7000007134 Pune

Supply of Furniture at various substation, offices Under Jurisdiction EHV O&M Circle Solapur.(dated 23-01-2018)

22-01-2018 29-01-2018 (42 KB)
EE/EHV/PD-III/SOLAPUR/80 dt-22/01/2018 Pune

E-enquiry for Providing of TATA INDICA or Equivalent on hired basis for The Addl. Ex. Engineer, EHV line Proj. S/Dn, Pandharpur.(dated 23-01-2018)

23-01-2018 29-01-2018 (35 KB)
7000007258 SLDC Kalwa

Extension to (2nd call) e-enquiry Work of providing and installation of electronic boom barrier at main entrance gate at ALDC, Ambazari, Nagpur.

22-01-2018 29-01-2018 (134 KB)
EE/EHV/O&M/ DN/BBLR/Enquiry-13/ 202 Nashik

EHV O&M Div. Babhaleshwar : Notice for e-enquiry for work of anti-rodent & snake repellent chemical treatment in colony premises of 220kV Babhaleshwar S/s under EHV (O&M) Division,  Babhaleshwar.

20-01-2018 29-01-2018 (120 KB)
0154 Amravati

Refloat-Enquiry for Up gradation of Printer on Buy-back basis for HR, Finance & Vigilance Section under the office of EHV PC O&M Zone, Amravati

19-01-2018 29-01-2018 (229 KB)
152 Nashik

EHV (O&M) Circle, Nashik : Notice for E-Enquiry for providing outsource skilled persons at various offices under EHV O&M circle Nashik   

20-01-2018 29-01-2018 (3.1 MB)
EE/EHV PD/SGL/No.0089 Karad

Re-E-enquiry no.20 for supply of STN & DTN hardwares suitable for 0.2 ACSR conductor required 132 KV Oglewadi – Mayani line under EHV Projects Division, Sangli

20-01-2018 29-01-2018 (190 KB)
ee/400kv/rsdn/nk/tech/22 Karad

Enquiry for hiring of light vehicle/tata vista/equivalent for executive engineer office annual contract basis at 40KV R.S dn new koyna

19-01-2018 29-01-2018 (907 KB)
7000006970 Vashi

E-Tender for Supply and replacement of rusted earthwire on 132 kV Boisar-II – Lupin line under EHV O&M Division Boisar

19-01-2018 29-01-2018 (247 KB)
7000007199 Vashi

Ext. of E-Enquiry for Supply of 50 kg and 25 kg SF6 Gas duly filled cylinders at various Sub-station under EHV O&M Boisar Division

19-01-2018 29-01-2018 (415 KB)
7000007096,7000007097,7000007350,7000007099 Nashik

EHV PC (O&M) Zone,Nashik :Third Call : Notice for Supply, Installation and Commissioning of 09Nos of 33kV Capacitor Banks at various EHV substations in P1 criteria under Nashik Zone 

19-01-2018 29-01-2018 (264 KB)
7000006396 Vashi

RFx for providing & fixing 1.5 ton window Air Conditioner (5 star, Any make) at different places Ajegaon Dist.-Hingoli,  Hatwan Dist.-Jalna & Dahegaon Dist.-Aurangabad  Repeater Station under 500 KV HVDC TL (O&M) Division, Jalna

19-01-2018 29-01-2018 (67 KB)
e-ENQUIRY NO.32 Pune

e-Enquiry for BATTERY CAPACITY TEST at 400 kV Chakan s/s.

18-01-2018 29-01-2018 (741 KB)
7000006984 Karad

Work of Overhauling with providing & fixing of required spares of 11KV, 22KV & 33KV CGL Make VCB’s at various S/Stn. under EHV O&M Dn Karad.

18-01-2018 29-01-2018 (187 KB)
7000006994 Karad

Work of Overhauling with providing & fixing of required spares of 11KV, 22KV & 33KV Alstom/Areva Make VCB at various S/Stn under EHV O&M Dn Karad.

18-01-2018 29-01-2018 (186 KB)
7000007235 Karad

Work of providing outsource ITI Operators on contract basis in shift duty at various S/Stns under EHV O&M Division, Karad.

16-01-2018 29-01-2018 (289 KB)
7000007300 Pune

E-Tender for replacement of 132KV Single Bus (0.2 ACSR) conductor by twin bus (0.2 ACSR) at 132KV SPSL (ESSAR) Sub-Station under EHV O&M Division Manchar.

15-01-2018 29-01-2018 (236 KB)
7000007243 Karad

Day to day maintenance for civil assets of Colony & Sub-Stations under the Jurisdiction of Civil Sub-Dn. Sangli. (Tender No.EEC/CIVIL/SGL/T-13/ 2017-18 Rfx No.7000007243 )

15-01-2018 29-01-2018 (19 KB)
7000007215 Karad

Day to day maintenance for civil assets of colony & sub-stations under Juridiction of Miraj Sub-Dn. Miraj, Dist. Sangli. (Tender No.EEC/CIVIL /SGL /T-12/2017-18 Rfx No.7000007215 )

15-01-2018 29-01-2018 (19 KB)
7000007231 Karad

Day to day maintenance for civil assets of colony & Sub-Stations under the jurisdriction Ichalkaranji, Sub-Division Ichalkaranji, Dist. Kolhapur. (Tender No.EEC/CIVIL/SGL/T-11/ 2017-18 Rfx No.7000007231 )

15-01-2018 29-01-2018 (19 KB)