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Total Records : 42253 SRM e-Tendering
Rfx No Zone Tender Title Start Date End Date View File
7000007411 Nashik

EHV (O&M) DN Nasik : Notice for work of providing & fixing of electrical insulation ,Acid & alkali proof synthetic insulating Mat for control room of mat size 3.00 MM thickness confirming to IS 15652:2006  at various SS.

31-01-2018 14-02-2018 (365 KB)
7000007210,7000007211 Nashik

EHV PC (O&M) Zone, Nashik : 2nd Call : Notice for T-35/2017-18 & T-36/2017-18.

30-01-2018 14-02-2018 (15 KB)
7000007480 Karad

Miscellaneous civil works and day to day maintenance of gardens, lawns, flower beds etc. at 132 KV S/Stn. Bambawade,Dist. Kolhapur. ( RFX No. 7000007480 )

31-01-2018 14-02-2018 (590 KB)
7000007419 Nashik

400kV RS(O&M)Division,Babhaleshwar : Notice for catering and housekeeping services at RTC Babhaleshwar under 400kV RS division Babhaleshwar.

30-01-2018 14-02-2018 (540 KB)
7000007151 Vashi

SRM  Amended E-tender for Painting of Power Transformers/ICTs at various substations  under EHV O&M.

19-01-2018 14-02-2018 (29 KB)
7000007157 Aurangabad

Chemical Treatment for Arresting Growth of Grass, Shrubs etc. and annual maintenance treatment by Pest Control Method at 400 kV Receiving Station Kumbhargaon, Nanded

04-01-2018 14-02-2018 (19 KB)
7000006844 Pune

Extension of due date to the re tender of Work Contract of Supply of material, Erection, Testing and Commissioning for work of additional 2x132kV line bays at 132/22kV Rahatni S/s at Rahatni Pune with Civil and work of 220kV LILO for 132kV Rahatni Substation.(dated 17-01-2018)

05-01-2018 14-02-2018 (6 KB)
216 Amravati

Notice for Allocation of works by Lottary system to Unemployed Engineers under EHV O&M Circle, Amravati

09-02-2018 15-02-2018 (92 KB)
EE/PCDN/Tech/No.245 Dt:09.02.2018 Pune

E-enquiry for work of internal inspection & repair of 132/22 kV, 25 MVA, BBL
make Sr. No.4924/1 additional Transformer at 132 kV Markal S/S along with expert
services from manufacturer.(dated 09-02-2018)

09-02-2018 15-02-2018 (59 KB)
RFX No-7000007608/ enquiry no. 413 Pune

SRM Enquiry for balance erection work of control cable laying, termination and conductor jumpering for augmentation of additional 50MVA, 220/22KV TF with 22KVx4 nos feeders at 220Kv Theur s/stn. Enquiry for balance erection work of control cable laying, termination
and conductor jumpering for augmentation of additional 50MVA, 220/22KV TF with 22KVx4 nos feeders at 220Kv Theur s/stn. Enquiry for balance erection work of control cable laying, termination and conductor jumpering for augmentation of additional 50MVA, 220/22KV TF
with 22KVx4 nos feeders at 220Kv Theur s/stn.(dated 09-02-2018)

09-02-2018 15-02-2018 (645 KB)
7000007160 Nagpur

Managing , Maintenance ,Cleaning & Catering Services of HVDC Training Center & VIP Guest House of MSETCL, Urjanagar, Chandrapur.

28-12-2017 15-02-2018 (201 KB)
7000007147 Vashi

Notice for 1st time extension of SRM Tender for the work for Tower replacement of Loc.no 26 of 100 kV Padghe Mohone line under Lines s/dn Padgha under EHV O&M Dn Dombivali

09-02-2018 15-02-2018 (24 KB)
7000007166 Vashi

Notice for 1st time extension of SRM Tender for the work for attending emergency breakdown and planned maintenance activities of  various 220 kV /100 kV EHV line under line S/Dn., Padgha under EHV (O&M) Dn., Dombivali for FY 2017-18

09-02-2018 15-02-2018 (24 KB)
7000007212 Vashi

Notice for 1st time extension of SRM Tender for Renovation of Centralized Air Conditioning system at 220 kV Jambhul sub-stn under EHV (O&M) Dn.,Dombivali

09-02-2018 15-02-2018 (24 KB)
EE/EHV/JLG/Tech/2017-18/T-07 Nashik

EHV Projects Dn,Jalgaon :  E-Enquiry for Hiring of vehicle (Diesel) preferably SUMO/BOLERO or equivalent on per day basis for EHV Projects Sub-station Sub-division, Chalisgaon.

08-02-2018 15-02-2018 (750 KB)
7000007096, 7000007097, 7000007350,7000007099 Nashik

EHV PC (O&M) Zone,Nashik:Third call for  Particulars of works: Supply, Installation and Commissioning of 09Nos of 33kV Capacitor Banks at
various EHV substations in P1 criteria under Nashik Zone

08-02-2018 15-02-2018 (327 KB)
7000007262 Nashik

EHV PC (O&M) Zone,Nashik:Extension Notice for Procurement of 11kV XLPE HT Power Cable & Cable termination kit for Auxiliary AC supply at 400kV R.S. Division, Khadka under EHV O&M Circle, Bhusawal.

08-02-2018 15-02-2018 (14 KB)
7000007235 Karad

Cancellation of Tender (RFX No. 7000007235) notice for the work of providing outsource ITI Operators on contract basis in shift duty at various S/Stns under EHV O&M Division, Karad.

07-02-2018 15-02-2018 (167 KB)
EE/EHV/O&M/Latur/146 Aurangabad

E-Enquiry for hiring of Light Motor Vehicle along with driver for EHV Sub Station Maintenance Unit, Latur under EHV O&M Division Latur

07-02-2018 15-02-2018 (361 KB)
EE/EHV/PROJ/DIV/NND/T/ 233 Aurangabad

E-Enquiry for Hiring of vehicle i.e. Tata Sumo (Victa/Gold), Mahindra Bolero, Scorpio along with driver for Addl. Executive Engineer, EHV Lines Project Sub Division Parbhani under Project Division Nanded

06-02-2018 15-02-2018 (365 KB)