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Total Records : 42253 SRM e-Tendering
Rfx No Zone Tender Title Start Date End Date View File
EEC/EHV/CCCM/Dn/SUR/258, Dt-26.04.2024 Pune

Hiring of vehicle with fuel (Indica/ Swift /Equivalent vehicle) for EHV, CCCM Sub-Division-II, Solapur.

17-05-2024 24-05-2024 (207 KB)
632 Vashi

Submission of budgetary offer for design, supply, foundation & erection of monopole tower for 220 KV power supply to various works under EHV Project Division, Kalwa.(17.05.2024)

17-05-2024 24-05-2024 (188 KB)
EEC/EHV/CCCM/Dn./Tech/No.00237 Aurangabad

E-Enquiry: Hiring of preferably SUMO or Equivalent Vehicle for EHV Civil Const.Cum Maintenance Sub-Division, Dist: Jalna.

17-05-2024 24-05-2024 (1.9 MB)
894 Karad

Budgetary offer for supply of 33kV Isolators required at various substations under EHV O&M Division Kolhapur.(17.05.2024)

17-05-2024 22-05-2024 (291 KB)
7000031096 Vashi

Notice for 4th call for SRM Tender for hiring of Vehicles (LMV) at 220kV Pal and 100 kV Dombivali sub-stn under EHV O&M Division Dombivali for the period from 01.04.2024 to 31.03.2025.(17.05.2024)

17-05-2024 23-05-2024 (39 KB)
663 Vashi

3rd call for E- enquiry for annual maintenance contract of computers at division office and various substation under EHV (O&M) Division Dombivali.(17.05.2024)

17-05-2024 24-05-2024 (1 MB)
7000030799 Vashi

2nd Call for Work for Earthing and Earthing Mat Renovation at 400kV RS (O&M) Dn, Padghe under HVDC RS (O&M) Circle, Padghe.(17.05.2024)

17-05-2024 24-05-2024 (179 KB)
7000030536 Vashi

2nd Call for Rate contract for the work of Chemical Cleaning of dust/bird shit contaminated insulator strings by using High Voltage Insulator Cleaner & Protector on 500kV Chandrapur-Padghe HVDC line and 33kV Anjur Electrode Line under the jurisdiction of Padghe, Junnar & Babhaleshwar sub-divisions for the FY 2024-25.(17.05.2024)

17-05-2024 24-05-2024 (221 KB)
7000030665 SLDC Kalwa

Comprehensive Annual Maintenance Contract of SCADA BARCO 4x2 LED Based display wall at State Load Dispatch Centre, Airoli for a period of 3years. 

17-05-2024 23-05-2024 (640 KB)
7000031127 SLDC Kalwa

(3rd Call extension) for E-Enquiry for Supply, installation and commissioning of Hardware Equipment’s (2 Nos UTM Firewall and 2 No Managed Switch) for implementation of Security Solution for IT Networks at ALDC Ambazari, Nagpur.

16-05-2024 23-05-2024 (98 KB)
7000031186 Nagpur

RFx. No. 7000031186 ; Supply of 640Sqmm AAAC conductor, hardware, accessories and insulators for the work of Emergency Restoration of collapsed Towers of 400kV Chandrapur II – Warora Ckt I & II D/C Line under HVDC TL O&M Division Chandrapur under HVDC RS O&M Circle, Chandrapur EMD Rs. 498,672.32 & Tender Fees: Rs.5000/- (GST extra)

16-05-2024 22-05-2024 (235 KB)
EE/388 Dt: 16.05.2024 Pune

Publication of budgetary offer for Supply of safety equipment at various EHV substations under EHV O&M Dn-II, Pune

16-05-2024 23-05-2024 (161 KB)
EE/387 Dt: 16.05.2024 Pune

Publication of budgetary offer for Work for providing maintenance gang for daily mobilization in the vicinity of 220/132/100kV lines under EHV O&M Dn-II, Pune.

16-05-2024 23-05-2024 (233 KB)
463 Karad

Budgetary offer for the work of Supply & installation of MFM Energy Meters at various EHV S/Stns under EHV O&M Division, Karad.(16.05.2024)

16-05-2024 23-05-2024 (1.9 MB)
SE/EHV/PC/PN/T/832 dt.16.05.2024 Pune

E-enquiry for the Empanelment of agency for the work of land valuation required in respect of the work of construction of 220kV downstream lines from 765kV Shikrapur (PGCIL).

16-05-2024 28-05-2024 (1.5 MB)
886 Karad

2nd call for submission of budgetary offer for additional earthpit as per the IS standard by visiting each substation under EHV O&M Division Kolhapur.(16.05.2024)

16-05-2024 23-05-2024 (736 KB)
86 Karad

Enquiry for submission of budgetary offer for Supply of various Aluminum Ladders at 400KV RS Alkud under 400KV RS DN Alkud (M).(16.05.2024)

16-05-2024 22-05-2024 (506 KB)
E-enquiry No. EE/400 KV /R.S.O&M /Dn/Lonikand-I/Tech/259 Date:- 16.05.2024 Pune

E-enquiry for taking budgetory offer forfor the Annual maintenance contract of 11 Ton Central Air conditioners & 2 Ton split type A.C at 400 KV R.S.(O&M) Dn Lonikand-I

16-05-2024 22-05-2024 (173 KB)
7000031169 SLDC Kalwa

Providing the outsourcing services of persons to work against Assistant Technician (General) at ALDC Ambazari, Nagpur.

16-05-2024 26-05-2024 (138 KB)
360 Vashi

Enquiry for submission of budgetary offer for the complete Overhauling of Kirloskar make Model-KCX-3 compressor Unit-2 at HVDC Station,Padghe.

15-05-2024 21-05-2024 (961 KB)