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Total Records : 42253 SRM e-Tendering
Rfx No Zone Tender Title Start Date End Date View File
7000007715 Nagpur

Annual maintenance for civil work at HVDC Regional Training Center, HVDC Guest House, HVDC Civil unit , HVDC Circle Chandrapur and HVDC TL O&M Dn., Chandrapur

22-02-2018 08-03-2018 (213 KB)
7000007820 Aurangabad

Rapid Restoration of System (RRS) for changeover system for 4X167MVA 400/220/33kV ICT-III at 400kV S/S, Girwali under EHV O&M Circle Aurangabad

22-02-2018 08-03-2018 (10 KB)
7000007740 Vashi

Providing and erecting profile sheet weather shed to staff quarters and control room at 220/22 kV Wada substation, district Palghar.

17-02-2018 08-03-2018 (288 KB)
7000007744 Vashi

Providing and erecting profile sheet weather shed to control room at 220/132/33 kV Boisar-2 substation, district Palghar.

17-02-2018 08-03-2018 (288 KB)
7000007743 Vashi

Re-construction of collapsed and adjoining compound wall at 220 kV substation, Trombay, Mumbai.

17-02-2018 08-03-2018 (288 KB)
7000007729 Vashi

Maintenance of control room building terrace by providing and erecting profile sheet weather shed at 220/22 kV GIS Bhandup, Mumbai.

17-02-2018 08-03-2018 (288 KB)
7000007730 Vashi

Maintenance of control room building terrace by providing and erecting profile sheet weather shed at 220 kV Mahape substation, Navi Mumbai.

17-02-2018 08-03-2018 (288 KB)
7000007646 Pune


09-02-2018 08-03-2018 (43 KB)
7000007614 Amravati

E-tender Supply,Erection,Testing and Commissioning of additional 1x25MVA,132/33kV transformer along with 132kV&33kV bus extension and allied equipments with civil works at 132kV Durgwada substation,under EHV O&M Division Akola on turnkey basis under EHV CC O&M Zone,Amravati.

07-02-2018 08-03-2018 (233 KB)
7000007571 Karad

eTender for Work of Providing & Fixing of spares for 400KV PG & CB Isolators of various makes at 400KV S/Stn under EHV O&M Circle, Karad

06-02-2018 08-03-2018 (449 KB)
7000007050 Aurangabad

Construction of storage tank , water lifting arrangements and G.I. Pipeline for earthing pits and collars for 400Kv Kumbhargaon Dist.Nanded under CCCM Division Parbhani

Document Title End Date File
Amendment 01-01-1970 (18 KB)
22-01-2018 08-03-2018 (45 KB)
EE/316 Dt: 21.03.2018 Pune

Publication of Cancellation notice of the E-Enquiry for Hiring of Vehicle (TATA SUMO/Pick up vehicle or of similar category) along with driver for Addnl. Executive Engineer, Line Maintenance Sub-division II, Pune under EHV (O&M) Dn. II, Pune for the period of one year.(dated 27-03-2018)

22-02-2018 09-03-2018 (52 KB)
7000006886 Karad

Cancellation Notice:eTender RFX No.7000006886 for Work of painting for 04 Nos of 105 MVA 400l220l33 KV ICTs,315 MVA BHEL Make ICT at 400 KV R.S.Karad.

09-03-2018 09-03-2018 (549 KB)
7000007690 Karad

Entn. to short Re-Enquiry bearing RFX No.7000007690 (Third Call) for Annual maintenance & Running of Central AC Plant at 400 KV Karad Substation under 400 KV R.S.(O&M) Dn.Karad

07-03-2018 09-03-2018 (527 KB)
7000007625 Nagpur

Providing metal spreading at 132KV Hingna-II S/Stn, Dist Nagpur

12-02-2018 09-03-2018 (13 KB)
EE/187 Dt: 21.02.2018 Pune

Extension for E-Enquiry for Hiring of Vehicle (TATA SUMO/Pick up vehicle or of similar category) along with driver for Addnl. Executive Engineer, Line Maintenance Sub-division II, Pune under EHV (O&M) Dn. II, Pune for the period of one year.

03-03-2018 09-03-2018 (48 KB)
7000007440 Karad

Extension of Providing outsource Junior technician & Art'A' under Testing & Communication Circle, Karad (Testing Dn., Karad & Telecom Dn.,Karad).

01-03-2018 09-03-2018 (983 KB)
No.EE/Test/SHP/ Tech/140 dt 01.03.2018 Pune

Hiring the LMV vehicle ( Indica, Indigo or equivalent ) for MSETCL, Executive Engineer, Testing Division, Solapur.(dated 01-03-2018)

02-03-2018 09-03-2018 (263 KB)
EE/400kV/RS/Dn/BBLR/Tech/No.00169 Nashik

RS(O&M)Division,Babhaleshwar:E-enquiry for the Work of Anticorrossive coating and painting of 400kV 80MVAR Bus Reactor-1(Make-BHEL)at 400kV R.S. Babhleshwar substation. 

28-02-2018 09-03-2018 (989 KB)
EE/400kV/RS/Dn/BBLR/Tech/No.00168 Nashik

RS(O&M)Division,Babhaleshwar :E-enquiry for the work of supply Contrator & Timer and material required for cooling system at ICT's at 400kV R.S. Babhaleshwar. 

28-02-2018 09-03-2018 (1 MB)