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Total Records : 42278 SRM e-Tendering
Rfx No Zone Tender Title Start Date End Date View File
7000007818 Pune

E-Tender for work of Chemical Washing of Disc Insulator of the EHV lines under EHV O&M Dn-II, Pune.

22-02-2018 09-03-2018 (26 KB)
7000007789 Nagpur

2nd Call Construction of Conrete road at 400kv Swoitching Sb Station CTPS; Chandrapur

22-02-2018 09-03-2018 (96 KB)
7000007587 Nagpur

2nd call E-tender for Anti-weeding Treatment at HVDC Terminal Station, Chandrapur & 33KV Earth Electrode Station, Chincholi under HVDC Indoor Dn, Chandrapur.

07-02-2018 09-03-2018 (184 KB)
7000006907 Karad

Work of P&F of Buchholz & Oil Surge Relay & Oil flow Indicators of 03 Nos of ICTs at 400 KV R.S.Karad.

07-02-2018 09-03-2018 (1.5 MB)
7000007938 Vashi

E-enquiry for Work of Guest House Maintenance & running of dormitory (canteen service) at 400 KV Nagothane R.S O&M Div., Nagothane

03-03-2018 10-03-2018 (98 KB)
78 Karad

Enquiry for Supply of A4 size new Scanners at 400kV R.S.Division Talandge.

03-03-2018 10-03-2018 (1.1 MB)
331 Nashik

EHV CCCM Divison, Nashik : Construction of murum road at backside of 400 KV Babhaleshwar Sub station, Dist:- Ahemdnagar.

01-03-2018 10-03-2018 (767 KB)
EE/400kV/RS/Dn/BBLR/Tech/No.00171 Nashik

RS(O&M)Division,Babhaleshwar:E-enquiry for the Work of supply of ss nut Bolt & Bimetalic plate at 400kV R.S. Babhaleshwar.

28-02-2018 10-03-2018 (1 MB)
EE/400kV/RS/Dn/BBLR/Tech/No.00170 Nashik

RS(O&M)Division,Babhaleshwar:E-enquiry Notice for the work of providing and fixing name plate & board of 400kV R.S. Babhaleshwar substation and colony.

28-02-2018 10-03-2018 (1013 KB)
7000007688 Karad

eTender Notice T-26/17-18/ Rfx No.7000007688 for the work of Arresting Oil Leakage from various Joints of Transformers at various EHV Sub-Stations under EHV O&M Division, Sangli by using Power Patch-I & Patch-II Dual Technology Cold Welding Method.

22-02-2018 10-03-2018 (21 KB)
7000007442 Pune

Extesnion-I to Re-Tender for annual maintenance of weed control of 220/132/33/22/11 KV switchyard & colony area at various EHV Sub-Stations under EHV O&M Division Manchar.(dated 25-04-2018)

24-01-2018 11-03-2018 (449 KB)
7000007442 Pune

Cancellation of E-Tender for annual maintenance of weed control of 220/132/33/22/11 KV switchyard & colony area at various EHV Sub-Stations under EHV O&M Division Manchar.(dated 22-03-2018)

24-01-2018 11-03-2018 (340 KB)
7000007970 Nagpur

E-Enquiry for providing & fixing of sun control coating over doors, windows, BCR’s at 400KV Koradi-II Sub-station

03-03-2018 11-03-2018 (83 KB)
7000007952 Vashi

SRM Enquiry for daily housekeeping (Cleaning &Up keeping) of Office work for Telecom Division Office for the period from 01.04.2018 to 31.03.2019.

03-03-2018 11-03-2018 (31 KB)
7000007258 SLDC Kalwa

(3rd call)Extension to Work of providing and installation of Electronic Boom Barrier at main entrance gate at ALDC, Ambazari, Nagpur.

03-03-2018 11-03-2018 (140 KB)
7000007934 Pune

SRM Enquiry for Annual Maintenance Contract in r/o Passenger Lift installed at 400KV RS Division Jejuri Control room Building.

01-03-2018 11-03-2018 (151 KB)
7000007846 Karad

Re-Tender for attending Emergency breakdown work & annual maintenance of various EHV lines under EHV O&M Dn. Ratnagiri.RFX No. 7000007846

23-02-2018 11-03-2018 (15 KB)
7000007442 Pune

Extesnion-I to E-Tender for annual maintenance of weed control of 220/132/33/22/11 KV switchyard & colony area at various EHV Sub-Stations under EHV O&M Division Manchar.(dated 23-02-2018)

24-01-2018 11-03-2018 (266 KB)
7000007840 Aurangabad

SRM E-Tender Notice: Work of Replacement of old hanging wave trap with new 220kV Wave trap(Pedestal type, 1250A, 0.5mH) at 220kv S/s OGCR Parli and 220kV New GCR Substation under EHV O&M Division, Beed.

23-02-2018 11-03-2018 (16 KB)
7000007823 Aurangabad

SRM E-Tender Notice: Work of Providing & Fixing of 2 No's of 440/415V, 200KVA Station Transformers with allied works(Cable & Marshalling boxes) at 220kV S/s NGCR Parli unit-8 under EHV O&M Division Beed.

23-02-2018 11-03-2018 (85 KB)