Enquiry for hiring of Diesel Taxi Vehicle (Tata Sumo/Mahindra Beloro/Tata Vista/Tata Indica) at EHV Line Project S/Dn.-II Akola under EHV Project Division, Akola.
E-Enquiry for hiring of Diesel Taxi Vehicle (Tata Sumo / Mahindra Beloro / Tata Vista / Tata Indica) at EHV Line Project S/Dn.-I Akola under EHV Project Division, Akola.
E-Enquiry for hiring of Diesel Taxi Vehicle (Tata Vista / Tata Indica) at EHV Project Division, Akola
E-Enquiry for Hiring of vehicle for AGM (HR) under EHV PC O&M Zone, Pune.(dated 23-02-2018)
Re-Tender for attending Emergency breakdown work & annual maintenance of various EHV lines under EHV O&M Dn. Ratnagiri.RFX No. 7000007846
Extension to E-enquiry for Non-Comprehensive Annual Maintenance contract for Cooper make addressable Fire Alarm System at New SLDC building, Airoli.
SRM Tender forWork of providing and installations Digital Communicable Transformer Auxiliary Monitoring system [TAMS] at 100KV Ambernath & 110KV Neral sub-stnsunder EHV O&M Dn Dombivali.
E-enquiry for annual maintenance of various types of fire extinguisher & supply of spares at 400 KV GCR S/Stn. Chandrapur.
Work of tower replacement of existing Loc no. 66 & 67 of 400KV S/C Khaparkheda to Chandrapur line due to deformation in foundation & structure under EHV (O&M) Division Nagpur
eTender Notice RFX No.7000007836 for Providing outsource skilled labours (Technical) for various units/Sub-Dn. under 400KV R.S.(O&M) Dn.Karad.
SRM E-Tender Notice: Work of Replacement of old hanging wave trap with new 220kV Wave trap(Pedestal type, 1250A, 0.5mH) at 220kv S/s OGCR Parli and 220kV New GCR Substation under EHV O&M Division, Beed.
SRM E-Tender Notice: Work of Providing & Fixing of 2 No's of 440/415V, 200KVA Station Transformers with allied works(Cable & Marshalling boxes) at 220kV S/s NGCR Parli unit-8 under EHV O&M Division Beed.
Providing structural strengthening of equipment foundations at 100 kV and 22 kV bays at 100/22 kV substation, Vashi, Navi Mumbai.
Cancellation of Re-Tender for the Works Contract for the Work of providing of Rapid Restoration System (RRS) for 400 KV ICT’s at 400KV Lamboti substation.(dated 16-05-2018)
Work of Supply &ETC for Diversion of 66KV Ballarshah-BPM line passing through proposed Botanical Garden near village Visapur Tal. Ballarshah under EHV (O&M) Circle Chandrapur( ORC Work).
Re-Tender for the Works Contract for the Work of providing of Rapid Restoration System (RRS) for 400 KV ICT’s at 400KV Lamboti substation.(dated 26-03-2018)
Supply &ETC for Diversion of 66KV Ballarshah-BPM line passing through proposed Botanical Garden near village Visapur Tal. Ballarshah( ORC Work).
Re-Tender for the Works Contract for the Work of providing of Rapid Restoration System (RRS) for 400 KV ICT’s at 400KV Lamboti substation.
Time Limit Extension Notice in r/o. SRM Tender for the Work of Loading /Unloading, Transportation of Material from various store to various Substations and from Substation to Substation under jurisdiction of Trans O & M Division, Solapur ( Iind CALL).