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Total Records : 42253 SRM e-Tendering
Rfx No Zone Tender Title Start Date End Date View File
6000001174 Corporate Office

Establishment of 132/33kV Mukutban Substation, Dist. Yawatmal along with associated line under Amravati Zone

Document Title End Date File
Cancellation Notice 31-08-2024 (183 KB)
12-03-2024 02-04-2024 (271 KB)
6000001167 Corporate Office

 IFB of Tender T-2415 (RFx No. 6000001167) for​ establishment of 220/33 kV Substation at Shrirampur MIDC, Tal. Shrirampur, Dist. Ahemdnagar under Nashik Zone

Document Title End Date File
Cancellation Notice 14-06-2024 (432 KB)
12-03-2024 02-04-2024 (443 KB)
6000001173 Corporate Office

Establishment of 220/33kV Sarul Substation, Tal. Kaij, Dist. Beed along with construction of 220kV DC line by making LILO on 220 kV Beed - Manjarsumbha line under EHV PC O&M Zone, Ch. Sambhajinagar.

12-03-2024 02-04-2024 (269 KB)
7000030606 Pune

E-tender for Work Contract for the work of replacement of existing 0.4 ACSR conductor along with insulators, hardwares by equivalent HTLS conductor in r/o 220 kV Parvati-Phursungi line and strengthening of bays each at 220 kV Parvati and Phursungi S/s under EHV O&M, Division-I, Pune (dated 11-03-2024)

12-03-2024 02-04-2024 (211 KB)
E-Enquiry Vashi

02 nd extension for enquiry to submission of budgetary offer for printing of logsheet under EHV O&M Dn., Panvel .

22-03-2024 01-04-2024 (220 KB)
41 Karad

Re-Enquiry for Annual contract for Refilling / Servicing / H.P. Testing of the Fire Extinguisher cylinder as per I.S..2190:1992 under at Major Store, Karad (Ogalewadi).

22-03-2024 01-04-2024 (850 KB)
5000001231 Corporate Office

Supply & ETC of 37Nos. of Nitrogen Injection Protction Systems (NIFPS) for Power Transformers/ICTs/Reactors connected at 132kV, 220kV & 400kV Voltage level at MSETCL.

Document Title End Date File
15-03-2024 01-04-2024 (204 KB)
5000001215 Corporate Office

Procurement of 200kVA, 33kV/400V Station Transformer (21 Nos.) alongwith HV/LV Terminal Connectors and Insulating Oil without Inhibitors conforming to the requirement of IS:335 Amended Up-to-Date under CAPEX Budget FY-2023-24 for EHV PC O&M Zone, Nagpur

Document Title End Date File
Cancellation Notice 13-08-2024 (122 KB)
15-03-2024 01-04-2024 (311 KB)
6000001164 Corporate Office

Work of establishment of 220/33 kV Bidkin GIS s/s along with associated line, Tal. Paithan, Dist. Ch. Sambhajinagar under Ch. Sambhajinagar Zone MSETCL, Maharashtra.

11-03-2024 01-04-2024 (177 KB)
7000030313 Vashi

Notice for 3rd Call l for SRM Tender for hiring of Vehicle (Goods carrier) for Line patrolling at EHV Lines s/dn Ambernath under EHV O&M Division Dombivali for the period from 01.04.2024 to 31.03.2025.    

23-03-2024 31-03-2024 (41 KB)
7000030312 Vashi

Notice for 3rd Call for SRM Tender for hiring of Vehicle (Goods carrier) for Line patrolling at EHV Lines s/dn Padgha under EHV O&M Division Dombivali for the period from 01.04.2024 to 31.03.2025.   

23-03-2024 31-03-2024 (41 KB)
7000031055 SLDC Kalwa

Annual Garden maintenance contract at ALDC, Ambazari, Nagpur.

23-03-2024 31-03-2024 (59 KB)
7000031011 Nagpur

Work of Supply , Civil and ETC ( excluding supply of T/F) for scheme of Augmentation of Substation by providing additional and replacement of transformers at 03 nos. of EHV Substations (i.e. 132kV Pardi; 132KV Besa and 132KV Mankapur S/Stn) under Nagpur Zone. EMD Rs. 801445/- & Tender Fees: Rs. 5000/- (GST extra)

16-03-2024 31-03-2024 (233 KB)
7000029685 Pune

E-tender for Supply of 33 kV Circuit Breaker as a spare under EHV O&M Circle, Pune. 

22-01-2024 31-03-2024 (10 KB)
7000028415 Vashi

Corrigendum E-tender Notice for hiring of vehicle at 220kV GIS Ulwe & attached Waghivali  substation under EHV (O&M) Division Panvel for period 01.08.2023 to 31.03.2024 on MSETCL Website.

01-08-2023 31-03-2024 (153 KB)
7000030282 Vashi

SRM RE-Tender for  providing outsourcing services of 2 Nos. of Skilled labours against vacant post of LDC(F&A)/UDC(F&A) and 3 Nos. of unskilled labours against vacant post of Store Helper/ Peon at Major Stores, Panvel for the FY 2024-25 under Zone-I with ESIC.

23-03-2024 30-03-2024 (406 KB)
7000030973 Nashik

EHV PC O&M Zone, Nashik: Notice for Work of shifting of Control Room at 220kV Chalisgaon and 132kV ECR Deepnagar Substations under EHV O&M Circle, Bhusawal

16-03-2024 30-03-2024 (117 KB)
7000031002 Nashik

EHV PC O&M Zone, Nashik: Notice for Work of Replacement of existing conductor with High Ampacity Conductor of 132kV Malkapur - Juniper Solar (Tighre) Line for RE power evacuation under Nashik Zone

16-03-2024 30-03-2024 (15 KB)
7000030993 Nashik

EHV PC O&M Zone, Nashik: Notice for Work of replacement of existing 0.2 ACSR & 0.4 ACSR conductor along with hardwares by High Performance Conductor (HPC) of 132kV Akole- Kombhalne line for RE power evacuation under Green Energy Corridor (GEC) under Nashik Zone

16-03-2024 30-03-2024 (15 KB)
7000030992 Nashik

EHV PC O&M Zone, Nashik: Notice for Work of Replacement of existing conductor with High Ampacity Conductor of 132kV Pimperkhed-Chalisgaon Line for RE power evacuation under Nashik Zone.

16-03-2024 30-03-2024 (15 KB)