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Total Records : 42278 SRM e-Tendering
Rfx No Zone Tender Title Start Date End Date View File
7000030404 Vashi

RFx e-tender for supply of Portable Heavy Duty Hydraulic Crimping Tool at 220/33-22kV ONGC Substation and 100kV Thal Substation under EHV (O&M) Division Panvel.

20-03-2024 27-03-2024 (206 KB)
7000030407 Vashi

Fx e-tender for AMC for Repair/Service/Overhauling/Problem attending of Compressor of 245/145 kV Circuit Breaker at various substation under EHV (O&M) Division Panvel.

20-03-2024 27-03-2024 (206 KB)
7000030067 Vashi

RFx e-tender for AMC for work of overhauling/repairing of T/F and ICT Cooling Fan at various substations under EHV (O&M) Division Panvel .

20-03-2024 27-03-2024 (206 KB)
EE/400 KV /R.S.O&M /Dn/Lonikand-I/Tech/F-03/ 156 Date- 20.03.2024 Pune

RE-Enquiry for supply of Printer for office use at 400 kV R.S. (O&M) Dn Lonikand-I

20-03-2024 27-03-2024 (688 KB)
EE/400 KV /R.S.O&M /Dn/Lonikand-I/Tech/F-03/ 155 Date- 20.03.2024 Pune

RE-Enquiry for supply of office furniture at 400 kV R.S. (O&M) Dn Lonikand-I

20-03-2024 27-03-2024 (364 KB)
EEC/Dn./PBN/Tech/W-77/No.173 Aurangabad

E-Enquiry: The work of Renovation & Repairing of class II staff quarter ( 01 T) at 132 KV S/stn Tamsa Dist. Nanded., under EHV CCCM Division Parbhani.

18-03-2024 27-03-2024 (2.1 MB)
7000030750 Pune

RE-tender (2nd call) for augmentation of Substation by (i) addition of 1X50MVA, 132/33kV Power Transformer along with HV & LV bays at 132kV Sanaswadi Substation, (ii) Replacement of 2X25MVA, 220/33kV Power Transformers by 2X50MVA, 220/33kV Power Transformers at 220/33kV Vairag Substation & (iii) Replacement of 1X25MVA, 220/33kV Power Transformer by 1X50MVA, 220/33kV Power Transformer at 220/33kV Bhigwan Substation under Pune Zone. (Cancellation of RFX-7000028680-1st call) (dated 13-03-2024)

14-03-2024 27-03-2024 (2.1 MB)
7000030050 Vashi

E-Tender for Replacement of existing 0.4 ACSR Conductor by equivalent High Performance Conductor of 220 kV Padgha - Pal line, 220 kV Padgha - Jambhul, 220 kV Jambhul - Anandnagar lines under EHV O&M Dn., Dombivali under EHV O&M Circle, Panvel.

23-03-2024 27-03-2024 (453 KB)
7000030038 Vashi

E-Tender for Replacement of existing 0.35 ACSR Sheep conductor by High Performance conductor and replacement of existing suspension tower by 30 Tension tower at Loc. No. 626 & 632 along with additional 1 No. of tower between Loc. No. 638-639 for height rising & replacement of 2 Nos. of tower at Loc. No. 648 - 649 of 220 kV Apta - Taloja, 220 kV Apta - Kalwa and 220 kV Kalwa -Taloja line under EHV PC O&M Zone, Vashi.

23-03-2024 27-03-2024 (454 KB)
NA Pune

Cancellation of E Enquiry for Annual Maintenance Contract (AMC) of Computers (Desktops, Laptops and such a devices), Printers, general purpose and system software including supply, installation & maintenance at various SS under EHV O&M Division-I, Pune, SS Maint. S/Dn-I, Pune, Line maintenance S/Dn-I, Pune, PAC Dn.2: Pimpri Chinchwad S/Dn- 03 Nos. at Sharda Centre, Hot line unit Pune, PID Unit Pune for the period of 01 years

21-02-2024 26-03-2024 (284 KB)
7000030209 Vashi

3rd call E-tender for procurement of various consumable material for maintenance of various R&M works at 400kV RS Kalwa and 220KV RS Kalwa under 400 KV RS Div Kalwa.

20-03-2024 26-03-2024 (378 KB)
Enquiry Vashi

E-Enquiry for providing clean drinking water through tanker at 220kV Washala Sub-stn under EHV O&M Dn  Dombivali for the year 2024-2025

16-03-2024 26-03-2024 (648 KB)
7000029294 Vashi

RPF for work of Providing & Fixing of Phase Plates Number Plates Danger Boards on toward of 400kv Babhleshwar-Padge Ckt-I & Ckt-II Line, 500kv Padge Chandrapur HVDC line under the & 33kv Anjur Electode line under the jurisdiction of Rajgurunagar Division for the F.Y. 2023-24 .

19-03-2024 26-03-2024 (309 KB)
Enquiry Vashi

E-Enquiry for work of renovation of electrical rewiring of control room at100kV Bhokarpada Substation under EHV (O&M) Division Panvel .

19-03-2024 26-03-2024 (356 KB)
7000030911 Pune

Corrigendum for 5th call to tender for Work Contract of Erection, Testing and Commissioning of Balance work of 132 kV Daund Shrigonda D/C line at 132 kV Shrigonda SS (approx.-0.234Km)

19-03-2024 26-03-2024 (695 KB)
Enquiry Vashi

 Enquiry for supply, erection and foundation of Monopole tower for shifing of 100kV D/C Padgha-Bhiwandi 1&2 line from Loc. No. 28 to Loc. No. 31 at M/S Arham Anmol Project Pvt. Ltd. Phase-II premises at Bhawale , Taluka -Bhiwandi under ORC scheme .

19-03-2024 26-03-2024 (114 KB)
70000030467,7000030469, 7000030480,7000030481 Vashi

Cancellation of SRM E-Tender for hiring of vehicles under HVDC Jalna Division for 2024-25 against RFx No. 70000030467,7000030469, 7000030480,7000030481 due to technical reasons.

19-03-2024 26-03-2024 (234 KB)
Enquiry Vashi

Enquiry for supply, erection and foundation of Monopole tower for shifing of I OOkV DIC Padgha-Bhiwandi 1&2 line from Loe. No. 28 to Loe. No. 31 at MIS Arham Anmol Project Pvt. Ltd. Phase-II premises at Bhawale , Taluka -Bhiwandi under ORC scheme .

18-03-2024 26-03-2024 (1005 KB)
7000030323 Vashi

E-Tender for Hiring of Light Motor vehicle (Swift Desire/Ertiga/Bolero Neo or equivalent) with driver & fuel for Addl. Executive Engineer, EHV Project Substation S/Dn Panvel for Financial year 2024-25.

18-03-2024 26-03-2024 (396 KB)
7000030899 SLDC Kalwa Annual contract of 4 Nos. of Vehicle Drivers on hiring basis for departmental vehicles allotted to the MSLDC, Airoli for the period of One Year .     18-03-2024 26-03-2024 (49 KB)