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Total Records : 42862 SRM e-Tendering
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NA Pune

Budgetary offer for supply of T&P at various substations under EHV O&M Division -I, Pune (dated 07-09-2023)

07-09-2023 14-09-2023 (394 KB)
EE/EHV O&M DN/RTN/T/No.01368 Karad

Enquiry for Providing Tyres & Tubes for company's vehicle type 709 Truck MH-50/5367, under EHV O&M Division Ratnagiri.

07-09-2023 14-09-2023 (387 KB)
7000027853 Nashik

Extension Notice for Procurement of 33kV 400 Sq. mm AL HT XLPE Power Cable under local purchase under EHV O&M Circle Nashik & Bhusawal

07-09-2023 14-09-2023 (12 KB)
7000028475 Nagpur

Annual Maintenance Contract for carrying out work of dismantling, erection & other allied activities in planned outage & emergency/breakdown for Power
Transformers & ICT’s for various EHV Sub-stations under EHV (O&M) Circle Nagpur

07-09-2023 14-09-2023 (295 KB)
7000028405 Nagpur

Supply of various EHV material for commissioning of 220KV Mankapur s/stn under Nagpur Zone. EMD Rs. 294743/- & Tender Fees: Rs. 5000/- (GST extra)

07-09-2023 14-09-2023 (233 KB)
7000028402 Vashi

 Supply and Erection of New 384V/470AH(2V*192Nos.) VRLA battery sets at 500kV HVDC Terminal Station, Padghe.

07-09-2023 14-09-2023 (198 KB)
7000028476 Vashi

SRM Re-Tender for Providing of skilled and unskilled manpower at 400 kV RS (O&M) Dn, Padghe under HVDC RS (O&M) Circle, Padghe for F.Y. 2023-24.

07-09-2023 13-09-2023 (393 KB)
7000027806 Nashik

2nd call Notice for Augmentation of Substation by providing additional transformers at 04 nos. of EHV Substations (132kV Nardana S/s, 132kV Khandke S/s, 132kV Ghodegaon S/s & 220kV Raymond S/s ) under Nashik Zone

07-09-2023 21-09-2023 (109 KB)
7000028489 Amravati

E-TENDER NOTICE Work of Supply of Digital Tong Tester, Digital Multimeter & Digital Earth Tester at Various Sub-Stations and Sub Division under jurisdiction of EHV O&M Division, Buldhana.

07-09-2023 13-09-2023 (219 KB)
7000028500 Nagpur

Accommodation of 220 KV Batteries & ACDB Panels at 132\33 KV Mankapur Dist. Nagpur

08-09-2023 28-09-2023 (13 KB)
SE/EHV O&M/C/KRD/Tech/No. 1207 Karad

Buy-back of Laptop for Superintending Engineer at EHV O&M Circle, Karad.

08-09-2023 15-09-2023 (320 KB)
7000028479 Nagpur

Maintenance of Garden area in the premises of MSETCL Zonal Office located at 132KV Mankapur

08-09-2023 15-09-2023 (190 KB)
7000028500 Nagpur

Accommodation of 220 KV Batteries & ACDB Panels at 132\33 KV Mankapur Dist. Nagpur

08-09-2023 15-09-2023 (190 KB)
7000028366 Nashik

EHV PC O&M ZONE NASHIK :3rd Call for

Replacement of old 33kV CB, CT & PT having more than 15 years life at various substations under EHV O&M

Circle, Bhusawal

08-09-2023 11-09-2023 (334 KB)
7000028510 Karad

Work of demarcation wall around tower no.164 of 220 KV Peth-Mudshingi, Karad-Mudshingi ckt-2 and Construction for civil foundation of LV CT at 110 KV Sub Station Shiroli, Dist-Kolhapur.( RFX No. 7000028510 )

08-09-2023 15-09-2023 (444 KB)
7000028400 Amravati

SRM Etender Supply, installation and commissioning of Desktop, Printer-cum-Scanner and Photocopier with MS office under EHV PC (O&M) Zone Amravati.

08-09-2023 14-09-2023 (153 KB)
7000028506 Nagpur

1st Call Tender for the Work of complete pole overhauling, servicing along with supply of overhauling kits for pole Column for 245KV ABB make SF6 circuit breakers to rectify the problem of bounces seen in DCRM graph in ABB make Breakers at 220KV substation under 400kV RS O&M Division, GCR, MSETCL, Chandrapur.

08-09-2023 15-09-2023 (25 KB)
EE/EHV/Projects/DN-II/PN/No. 1143 dt. 08.09.2023 Pune

E-enquiry in r/o calling budgetary offer of 220kV Outdoor GIS Line bay at 220kV Telco MSETCL end & 220kV GIS Metering Bay at 220kV TMPVL for the project of M/s Tata Motors Passengers Vehicle Ltd. for 22 MW power demand at Passenger Car Business Unit Sector No. 15 & 15A, PCNTDA, Chikhali, Taluka – Haveli, District – Pune (dated 08-09-2023)

08-09-2023 15-09-2023 (2.2 MB)
7000028347 Nashik

Extension Notice for work of  Providing and Fixing of Non-Conductive Turbo Wind Driven conical Bird Guard to various 220 kV and 132kV lines under Line maintenance subdivision ambad and Eklahre under EHV O&M Division, Nashik.

08-09-2023 15-09-2023 (111 KB)
SE/EHVPCircle/PN /T/1198 Date :08.09.2023 Pune

E-enquiry for the supply of office stationery material for the EHV Projects Circle, Pune (dated 08-09-2023)

08-09-2023 15-09-2023 (1.2 MB)