7000007984 |
Karad |
eTender for Running and maintenance of company’s rest house chummery, demo room , library and play ground ( 1 year ) at 400 KV Sub Station,Talandage, Dist-Kolhapur. ( RFX No.7000007984)
04-03-2018 |
19-03-2018 |
(595 KB)
7000007872 |
Aurangabad |
Work of applying of Elastomeric thermoplastic graft co-polymer anti-corrosive treatment to Gantries at 220KV S/s Old GCR Parli under EHV O&M Division Beed under EHV O&M Circle Parli (V)
04-03-2018 |
02-04-2018 |
(16 KB)
7000007370 |
Nashik |
EHV O&M Div. Babhaleshwar : 2nd call : Notice for work of overhauling of OLTC’s of 220/132kV 200MVA ICT’s (02Nos.) at 220kV Babhaleshwar S/Stn under EHV (O&M) Dn., BBLR.
04-03-2018 |
18-03-2018 |
(69 KB)
EE/MS/KRD/T/20 |
Karad |
Enquiry for providing of Outsource UDC (F&A) & (HR) at Major Stores, Karad.
05-03-2018 |
14-03-2018 |
(1.4 MB)
Tender No. EE/EHVPD-I/PN/T/Tender-01/2017-18 RFX No.:7000007885 |
Pune |
Detail Survey & profiling for 400kV DC line from 400kV Shikrapur (PGCIL) substation to 400kV Lonikand-II substation.(dated 06-03-2018)
05-03-2018 |
04-04-2018 |
(33 KB)
0269 |
Amravati |
Enquiry for Quotation of "Hiring of diesel Taxi (AC) for "The Superintending Engineer",EHV Projects circle office,Amravati.
05-03-2018 |
15-03-2018 |
(205 KB)
7000007500 |
Pune |
Extension to SRM e-tender for work of Erection & Commissioning fully numeric bus bar protection scheme in place of existing old bus bar protection scheme at 220kV Telco & 220kV Chinchwad-I S/S under EHV O&M Division, Pimpri Chinchwad, Pune.(dated 05-03-2018)
05-03-2018 |
12-03-2018 |
(62 KB)
7000007992 |
Pune |
SRM e-tender for Supply & Installation of Wireless Annunciator System at various substations under Pimpri Chinchwad Division, Pune.
05-03-2018 |
20-03-2018 |
(13 KB)
Tender No. EE/EHVPD-I/PN/T/Tender-01/2017-18 RFX No.:7000007885 |
Pune |
Extension:E-Tender Notice for work of Integration of 2No of line bays in existing Bus Bar Protection and SCADA system at 220 kV Phaltan S/S.(dated 05-03-2018)
05-03-2018 |
04-04-2018 |
(33 KB)
7000007948 |
Vashi |
E-tender for daily Housekeeping work for various substations including Division office under EHV(O&M)Bhandup Division for the year 2018-2019
05-03-2018 |
04-04-2018 |
(29 KB)
7000007968 |
Karad |
Enquiry no.21 (RFx. No. 7000007968) for Supply of STN & DTN hardwares suitable for 0.2 ACSR conductor required for balance work of 132 KV Oglewadi – Mayani line under EHV Projects Division, Sangli.
05-03-2018 |
12-03-2018 |
(28 KB)
7000007957 |
Karad |
Miscellaneous Civil work at 132KV Sub-Station Dahiwadi, Tal-Man, Dist-Satara.
05-03-2018 |
20-03-2018 |
(81 KB)
7000007773 |
Nashik |
EHV O & M Circle,Bhusawal : PreBid Meeting : Pre bid meeting regarding RFx No. 7000007773 on date 05.03.2018; 15:00 Hrs at EHV (O&M) Circle, MSETCL, Bhusawal
05-03-2018 |
05-03-2018 |
(102 KB)
5000000533 |
Corporate Office |
Amendment-II- Tender No. SP/T-0801/0218 (Two Bid System) for LT and HT Power Cables under Executive Engineer (Gr-VIII).
Document Title |
End Date |
File |
06-03-2018 |
31-03-2018 |
(49 KB)
0057 |
Amravati |
Enquiry for providing of AC taxi vehicle(TATA Indica/ Tata Vista or equivalent) on hire basis to Executive Engineer,Testing Division,Akola.
06-03-2018 |
16-03-2018 |
(1.9 MB)
0059 |
Amravati |
Enquiry for providing of vehicle (TATA Sumo/Spacio/Mahidra Bolero plus or equivalent) on hire basis for One year to Testing unit-1,Akola at the office of Addl.EE,Testing Unit -1,132KV SS Premises,Gaurakshan Road,Akola under Testing Division,MSETCL Akola.
06-03-2018 |
16-03-2018 |
(1.9 MB)
0058 |
Amravati |
Enquiry for providing of vehicle (TATA Sumo / Spacio/ Mahindra Bolero plus or equivalent) on hire basis for One year to Testing unit Buldhana at the office of Addl.EE,Testing Unit,near homeguard office,MSETCL,Chikhli road,Buldhana under Testing Division,MSETCL Akola.
06-03-2018 |
16-03-2018 |
(1.7 MB)
CELDK/Maint/FM-48/496 DT.06.03.2018 |
SLDC Kalwa |
E-Enquiry notice for Annual contract of hiring vehicle i.e Tata Indigo/Maruti Swift /Honda city (AC) with T permit on monthly basis at SLDC, Kalwa.
06-03-2018 |
20-03-2018 |
(126 KB)
7000007979 |
Vashi |
RFX for annual / monthly / weekly / daily maintenance & operation contract for PLC based ventilation system, centralized air-conditioning system, split AC system and window air conditioners at HVDC station, Padghe for the Year 2018-19
06-03-2018 |
20-03-2018 |
(263 KB)
7000008009 |
Vashi |
Hiring of XLYO or equivalent vehicle for Carrier Subdivision of Telecom Division Kalwa for the period 01.04.2018 to 31.03.2019
06-03-2018 |
22-03-2018 |
(42 KB)