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Total Records : 42618 SRM e-Tendering
Rfx No Zone Tender Title Start Date End Date View File
7000010828 Karad

Day-to-day sweeping and cleaning  of offices & operation of water supply scheme at Vishrambag, Sangli

23-11-2018 10-12-2018 (1.6 MB)
7000010827 Karad

Periodical maintenance of garden of EHV O&M Division office and at 110 KV Sub-Station Vishrambag, Sangli.

23-11-2018 10-12-2018 (130 KB)
7000010872 , 7000010863 Pune

Balance Construction work of 132 kV SCDC Akkalkot – Waghdari line
Balance Construction work of 132 kV SCDC Akkalkot – Karajgi line(dated 22-11-2018)

23-11-2018 07-12-2018 (1 MB)
1801 Karad

Enquiry for Providing & Fixing Ceiling Fan for F&A and HR section under EHV O&M Circle, Kolhapur

22-11-2018 01-12-2018 (149 KB)
7000009888 Karad

cancellation Notice for Short SRM RE-Tender RE-RFX No. 7000009888 for Supply, Erection, Commissioning & Testing of New Relay Panels (separate HV & LV) 400/220/33 KV 315 MVA ICT-I as per MSETCL specifications & Dismantling of existing old Relay Panels at 400 KV R.S.Karad

22-11-2018 22-11-2018 (564 KB)
7000010873 Aurangabad

SRM Tender for AMC for the Work of Testing of EHV Grade Transformer Insulating Oil, by NABL accredited Mobile Testing Laboratory, On-site, of Power Transformers & ICTs installed at various S/stns. under EHV (O&M) Circle, Aurangabad.

22-11-2018 22-12-2018 (15 KB)
7000010843 ,7000010844 Aurangabad

SRM Tender 2nd Call for Work of Overhauling & Servicing of 245kV & 145kV SIEMENS make Circuit Breakers under EHV O&M Division Aurangabad.

22-11-2018 22-12-2018 (17 KB)
7000010871 Pune

Publication of Re-E-Tender notice for Weed Control chemical Treatment & rodent control treatment at various substations under EHV (O&M) Division II, Pune for one year.(dated 22-11-2018)

22-11-2018 22-12-2018 (31 KB)
7000010864 Vashi

Work of annual maintenance for servicing & repairs of centralized, split & window AC units at various substations under EHV (O&M) Dn., Kalwa 

22-11-2018 24-12-2018 (215 KB)
7000010634 Vashi

Work of “Job of strengthening of transformer gasket to attend oil leakage by method of Instiu Gasket Preparation” at 220kV Mahape substation under EHV (O&M) Dn., Kalwa


22-11-2018 29-11-2018 (219 KB)
7000010408 Vashi

Providing, fixing & replacement of existing “Lighting Distribution boxes” (LDB) and erection of new “Low Tension Distribution Box” (LTDB) of 200A for station Transformers 1 & 2 at 220kV Bapgaon substation under EHV (O&M) Dn., Kalwa.

22-11-2018 29-11-2018 (215 KB)
7000010617 Vashi

Rfx for replacement of the Pole-1 & Pole-2 valve hall fresh air inlet ducting with pre and fine filters at HVDC Terminal station, Padghe.

22-11-2018 23-12-2018 (181 KB)
7000010849 Vashi

Execution work of rerouting of 132 kV Dahanu Boisar(MIDC) Line at Loc No 61 for DFCCIL Projects under EHV Projects Dn Kalyan……….Labour portion

22-11-2018 06-12-2018 (181 KB)
EE/Major Store/Dhule/E-Enquiry/ no- 199 Nashik

3rd Call Notice  for Work of Annual maintaince contract for Street Lights &LM as per requirements at store yard of Major Store, Dhule.

22-11-2018 30-11-2018 (443 KB)
7000010065 Nashik

EHV (O&M) Circle, Nashik:Notice for work of Design, Supply, Installation, Testing & commissioning of 132 kV, 2X15 MVAR Capacitor Banks along with Associated HV Bays & civil works at 132 kV Akole Substation under EHV (O&M) Division, Babhaleshwar.

22-11-2018 21-12-2018 (223 KB)
7000010064 Nashik

EHV (O&M) Circle, Nashik:Notice for work of NashikDesign, Supply, Installation, Testing & commissioning of 132 kV, 2X15 MVAR Capacitor Banks along with Associated HV Bays & civil works at 132 kV Karjat Substation under EHV (O&M) Division, Babhaleshwar.

22-11-2018 21-12-2018 (223 KB)
5000000723 Corporate Office

Tender No. SP/T-0511/1118 for Procurement of 50 MVA 132/33KVand 50 MVA 220/33 KV Power Transformers alongwith New Uninhibited High Grade Mineral Insulating Oil for Augmentation Schemes under EHV PC O&M Amravati, Nagpur, Nashik and Pune Zones under Executive Engineer (St.V), CPA.

Document Title End Date File
Amendment No. 1. 27-12-2018 (164 KB)
21-11-2018 21-12-2018 (76 KB)
7000010862 Aurangabad

Work of manual cleaning by chemical washing of insulator string upto 132kV using high voltage insulator cleaner & protector, at 132kV Substation under EHV (O&M) Division,MSETCL Aurangabad.

21-11-2018 20-12-2018 (411 KB)
EE/ PLCC/Dn./Pune/363 Dt.20.11.2018 Pune

2nd Extension of Enquiry for providing 1 No.LMV Vehicle (Swift Desire with AC or equivalent )with driver on hire for the Executive Engineer ,MSETCL PLCC (Telecom) Division,Pune.PLCC Division, Pune.(dated 20-11-2018)

21-11-2018 30-11-2018 (299 KB)
EE/ PLCC/Dn./Pune/361 Dt.20.11.2018 Pune

1st Extension of Enquiry for Calibration /Repairing of Level meter & Oscillator Under PLCC Division, Pune.(dated 20-11-2018)

21-11-2018 30-11-2018 (296 KB)