Extension of E-Tender for providing outsourcing services of Unskilled labour (3 Nos.) and semiskilled Labour (2 nos.) at Line (M) S/Dn Boisar and Division office Boisar upto March 2019 under EHV O&M Division Boisar.
SRM e-Tender Notice No. 04/2018-19
Work of chemical washing of Insulator strings of 400KV Line under 400KV LMSD Waluj at 400KV R.S. Dn, Waluj
E-Enquiry for the work of Annual maintenance for computer along with Networking and printers at various EHV S/S, Administrative offices under EHV O&M Dn. Latur
E-Enquiry for for the Annual Maintenance Contract for Rodent control treatment & disinfestations services at 400/220KV Koradi-II S/S under 400 KV S/S Division, Koradi-II up to March 2020.
RE-Tender notice towards Supply & commissioning of Bay unit (BCU) required for extension of Busbar protection to 1 x 50 MVA, 220/33KV Transformer commissioned at 220KV Wathar substation (MBR NO. 2714) under EHV O&M Division Kolhapur.
Re-Tender for DGA testing of ICT OIl samples at agency laboratory as per requirement of 400kV R.S.Talandge
eTender Notice for Supply of Equipments/Material, Erection, Testing and Commissioning including Civil works for providing additional 3x105 MVA, 400/220/33 kV ICT with HV/LV bays at 400 kV R.S. New Koyna under EHV O&M Circle, Karad against MBR No. 126/12 Dtd. 23.02.2018 on TURN- KEY basis.
SRM e-enquiry in r/o work of Calibration of testing equipment at various S/S under EHV O&M Division Pimpri Chinchwad Pune.(dated 20-11-2018)
Publication of Re-E-Tender notice for Servicing, Repairing & Maintenance of battery sets and battery chargers at various substations under EHV O&M Division II, Pune.(dated 20-11-2018)
Tender notice 1st Ext. (RFX No. 7000010734) for the Work of providing outsource ITI Operators & Junior Technicians on contract basis in shift duty at various S/Stns under EHV O&M Division, Karad
Corrigendum for Providing mess facility and eating joint for training catering at 400KV Talandage, Dist. Kolhapur.
Enquiry for hiring of LMV(Diesel) such as TATA SUMO/BOLERO/Utility vehicle equivalent for Maintenance,Testing unit at 400kV R.S.Division Talandge.
E-tender towards of “Annual Maintenance Contract for servicing, repairs and maintenance of 48V,110V & 220V DC Battery Sets & Battery Chargers at various EHV substations under EHV O&M Circle,Akola”
SRM E-TENDER EXTENSION Work of providing and fixing of Fiber Insulator Circular Cap Type Bird Waste Deposition Guard for 400KV Chandrapur–Kumbhargaon Nanded-1 SCSC line on the top of suspension type insulation String only in live Line Condition under EHV O&M Division Yavatmal
Replenish of metal spreading work at 220/100 kV switchyard at Kalwa complex, Airoli.