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Total Records : 42740 SRM e-Tendering
Rfx No Zone Tender Title Start Date End Date View File
7000028346 SLDC Kalwa

Extension to the E-Tender for Annual Maintenance Service Contract of FBSM Database Servers (Make: NEC) for period of two years with Back to Back support from OEM at SLDC Airoli.

22-09-2023 28-09-2023 (136 KB)
7000027837 SLDC Kalwa

Extension to the Re-Enquiry for Annual Maintenance Service Contract of IBM X series Server hosted at SLDC Airoli for the period of One year(Comprehensive onsite support).

22-09-2023 28-09-2023 (134 KB)
7000028428 Amravati

SRM E-TENDER NOTICE  Work of Repairing and reconditioning of C&R panels, yard MBs, ACDC, DBs, JBs at various EHV S/Stn under EHV O&M Division Yavatmal

23-09-2023 30-09-2023 (135 KB)
RFx No. - 7000028619 Vashi
Providing & Fixing of Lug, Jumpers for AC Filter Capacitor Bank (Z11.Z3/Z4, Z21.Z1/Z2 & Z21.Z3) at 500kV HVDC Terminal Station, Padghe under HVDC RS (O&M) Circle, Padghe.
23-09-2023 29-09-2023 (214 KB)
7000028333 Nashik

(2nd call) Notice for AMC work of Oil filtration/ Drying out of various EHV TFs & ICTs available at various EHV substations under EHV (O&M) Circle, Nashik

23-09-2023 30-09-2023 (209 KB)
7000028249 Nashik

2nd CALL for the work of Supply of 33kV Potential Transformer (33kV PT)  & 39kV Lightning Arrester & 54kV Lightning Arrester as Emergency Spare for Tertiary Delta of 315MVA & 501MVA ICT's at 400KV R.S. Babahleshwar under 400kV R. S. (O&M) Division Babhaleshwar.

23-09-2023 01-10-2023 (314 KB)
7000028380 Nashik

2nd CALL Notice for the Work of supply of Electrical Maintenance kit at 400KV R.S. Babhaleshwar under 400KV R.S. (O&M) Division Babhaleshwar.

23-09-2023 01-10-2023 (284 KB)
7000028585 Vashi

Extension of existing SECURITRON make Fire Detection and Alarm System to 33kV GIS room at 400kV RS, Kharghar

25-09-2023 02-10-2023 (18 KB)
budgetary offer Vashi

revised notification for calling budgetary offer  for Supply of 6 no. (3 pairs) of TB60 Intelligent Flight Batteries and its charger kit for M300 RTK Remote Airborne Inspection & Scanning System (RAISS) available at 500 kV HVDC TL (O&M) Sub Division Padghe under the jurisdiction of 500kV HVDC TL (O&M) Dn, Rajgurunagar under HVDC R S(O&M) Circle, Padghe. 

25-09-2023 02-10-2023 (361 KB)
Tend-27/23-24 7000028186 Vashi

Supply of Rain suit of various sizes under  EHV O&M circle, Panvel for the block year2023-26

25-09-2023 02-10-2023 (404 KB)
Tend-26/23-24 7000028239 Vashi

Supply & erection of 22kV Z-Isolator between outgoing feeders at 100kV Murbad & 220kV Anandnagar S/stn under EHV (O&M) Circle, Panvel. 

25-09-2023 02-10-2023 (404 KB)
218 Karad

Supply of  CT injection Kit at PAC Division Karad

25-09-2023 05-10-2023 (95 KB)
Tender No:- 06/2023-24 RFX No:-7000028648 Pune

2nd call for the SRM E-Tender for work of Providing & fixing of EHV line insulation cover on various 132kV lines under EHV O&M Dn. Baramati. (dated 25-09-2023) 

25-09-2023 02-10-2023 (9 KB)
7000028400 Amravati

SRM Etender Supply, installation and commissioning of Desktop, Printer-cum-Scanner and Photocopier with MS office under EHV PC (O&M) Zone Amravati.

25-09-2023 01-10-2023 (153 KB)
EE/EHV O&M DN/RTN/T/ No.01461 Karad

Enquiry for the work of Attending severe leakage of SF6 gas of 145kV Siemens make Circuit Breaker of type 3AP1FG at 132 kV Kudal S/s, under EHV O&M Dn., Ratnagiri.

25-09-2023 03-10-2023 (342 KB)
EE/Dn./PBN/Tech/W-55/No. 00619 Aurangabad

E-Enquiry: The work of partition between old & extended panel room and Misc.Works at 132 KV Pathri, Dist.Parbhani., under EHV CCCM Division Parbhani.

25-09-2023 05-10-2023 (1.5 MB)
320 Pune

The budgetary offers through mail are invited for Supply & Fitting of Gas Collecting Device for 400/220/33kV ICTs at 400kv Jejuri S/s as per Schedule A' (dated 25-09-2023) 

25-09-2023 03-10-2023 (586 KB)
319 Pune

The budgetary offers through mail are invited for the Calibration of Omicron make realy testing kit and CT analyser kit at 400KV RS Jejuri as per Schedule A' (dated 25-09-2023) 

25-09-2023 03-10-2023 (538 KB)
7000028651 Nagpur

3rd CALL:- Tender for the Work of providing and fixing of fabrication work for 400 KV CB Plate form, , Cable trench cover plate in front of CT,CVT, CB MB boxes etc. installed in 400KV switch yard, store gate ,window grills,DG set shed,rain shed & ladder at 400 KV Switching s/stn under 400 KV RS (O&M) Dn.-II, Chandrapur.

25-09-2023 02-10-2023 (124 KB)
7000028635 Karad

SRM E-Tender for Cutting of Grass & Removal of Grass & shrubs at switchyards, Substation premises & weed control by chemical treatment at switchyard of various Substations, under EHV O&M Division,Ratnagiri

25-09-2023 02-10-2023 (285 KB)