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Total Records : 42736 SRM e-Tendering
Rfx No Zone Tender Title Start Date End Date View File
7000010778 Vashi

Work of Supply Erection Testing and Commissioning of 1 Nos. of 22kV Feeder along Civil works at 100KV Ambernath Substation under EHV O&M Dn. Dombivali

03-12-2018 10-12-2018 (217 KB)
1314 Karad

Enquiry for Supply of Visitor’s Chairs for EHV PC O&M Zone, Karad.

03-12-2018 10-12-2018 (816 KB)
1407 Karad

Enquiry for providing TATA SUMO/Bolero equivalent vehicle on hired basis with driver for the office of Addl. Executive Engineer, EHV S/Stn. Projects Sub Division, Kolhapur.

01-12-2018 10-12-2018 (1.3 MB)
7000010782 Karad

7 Days Extension for SRM Enquiry for Purchase of Executive visitor chair for Executive cabin (RFX No. 7000010782).

29-11-2018 10-12-2018 (138 KB)
7000010559 Karad

7 Days Extension for Enquiry for Repairing of 33KV/11KV CT/PT at various substation (RFX No. 7000010559).

29-11-2018 10-12-2018 (168 KB)
7000010584 Karad

7 Days Extension for Enquiry for Repair of air conditioning system at 220KV Mudshingi Ss (RFX No. 7000010584).

29-11-2018 10-12-2018 (164 KB)
7000010647 Karad

7 Days Extension for Enquiry towards for attending SF6 gas leakage problem for 110KV SIEMENS make CB at 110KV Ichalkaranji substation under EHV O&M Division Kolhapur.

29-11-2018 10-12-2018 (170 KB)
7000010547 Karad
Annual Work Contract of Transportation of Equipments /Material from Major Stores, Karad to various EHV S/Stns vice versa & S/Stn to S/Stns under EHV O&M Division Sangli
26-11-2018 10-12-2018 (19 KB)
7000010875 Amravati

SRM SHORT E-TENDER Work of onsite overhauling of 132/11kV 16MVA EMCO make TF No.–I Sr.No.1256/11367 at 132kV S/Stn Khamgaon under EHV (O&M) Division,Buldhana.

26-11-2018 10-12-2018 (30 KB)
7000010828 Karad

Day-to-day sweeping and cleaning  of offices & operation of water supply scheme at Vishrambag, Sangli

23-11-2018 10-12-2018 (1.6 MB)
7000010827 Karad

Periodical maintenance of garden of EHV O&M Division office and at 110 KV Sub-Station Vishrambag, Sangli.

23-11-2018 10-12-2018 (130 KB)
EE/PRJ/NND/1992 Aurangabad

E-Enquiry for hiring of vehicle i.e. Tata Sumo/Scorpio/Bolero/Any Jeep along with driver for Addl. Executive Engineer, EHV 400kV Line project sub-Division Nanded under EHV project Division Nanded.

02-12-2018 09-12-2018 (363 KB)
7000010970 Pune

SRM Enquiry for providing & fixing of breathers for various TF’s/ICT’s at various EHV Sub-Stations under EHV O&M Division Manchar.(dated 01-12-2018)

01-12-2018 09-12-2018 (614 KB)
7000010773 Vashi

E-Tender Extension notice for work of Supply, Erection, Testing & Commissioning of 4 X 33 kV feeder bays for MSEDCL at 132  kV Palghar S/S under  EHV O&M Division Boisar under EHV O&M Circle Kalwa

03-12-2018 09-12-2018 (464 KB)
7000010644 Vashi

E-Tender Extension Notice for Work of the overhauling of OLTC of Transformer & ICT under various substation under EHV O&M  Circle, Kalwa.

03-12-2018 09-12-2018 (461 KB)
2246 Karad

Enquiry for Providing Electrical Insulating Mat of min. 3 mm thickness confirming to IS:15652:2006 at various Substations, under EHV O&M Division, Ratnagiri

29-11-2018 09-12-2018 (32 KB)
7000010573 Pune

Extension to SRM e-tender for Providing & Fixing of LED flood light (Syska, Philips or any IP67 equivalent standard make) at various substations under EHV O&M Division Pimpri Chinchwad, Pune.(dated 22-11-2018)

22-10-2018 09-12-2018 (28 KB)
7000010865 Nagpur


23-11-2018 08-12-2018 (87 KB)
7000010975 Nashik

EHV (O&M) Circle, Khadka Bhusawal:-Notice for Pre bid meeting regarding for the work of providing Outsourcing Manpower against sanctioned vacant staff of technical post at various sub-stations.

07-12-2018 07-12-2018 (143 KB)
EE/CCCM/PBN/401 Aurangabad

Grass cutting (Grass & Shrubs) of substation area (Switchyard) at 220KY Krushnoor S/s, Dist. Nanded under CCCM Division Parbhani

03-12-2018 07-12-2018 (734 KB)