7000028514 |
Vashi |
E-Tender for Augmentation of Substation by Addition / Replacement of Transformers (04 numbers of Transformers) at 03 Numbers of EHV Substation under EHV PC O&M Zone, Vashi including Supply, Erection, Testing & Commissioning of 22 kV GIS Bays works. (All Transformer will be provided by MSETCL)
14-09-2023 |
16-10-2023 |
(450 KB)
5000001145 |
Corporate Office |
CPA has advertised e-tender SP/T-0814/0923 [RFx No. 5000001145] on 11.09.2023 for Procurement and Installation of Centralized Visual Advance Monitoring System (CVAMS) at various critical 220 kV S/s and 400 kV Karjat S/s under Seven [7] EHV PCC O&M Zones of MSETCL.
Document Title |
End Date |
File |
14-09-2023 |
16-10-2023 |
(423 KB)
7000025243 |
Corporate Office |
Up-gradation of existing HVDC Control & Protection of ±500kV, 1500 MW Chandrapur- Padghe HVDC Bi-pole Link to suitable Control & Protection.
Document Title |
End Date |
File |
01-08-2023 |
16-10-2023 |
EE/EHV/Const./Div/Abad/Tech/1561 |
Aurangabad |
E-Enquiry: Work of maintenance of 33 kV Ektuni-Thaptitanda line in r/o 33kV auxiliary supply at 400kV Thaptitanda sub-station., under EHV Projects Division Aurangabad.
11-10-2023 |
17-10-2023 |
(2.7 MB)
7000028729 |
Vashi |
Providing and Fixing of air cell in Converter Transformer and Smoothing Reactors at HVDC, Padghe.
11-10-2023 |
17-10-2023 |
(194 KB)
7000028764 |
Vashi |
Work of Overhauling of Interrupter, Pole and Mechanism of 400 kV AC, SF6 Circuit Breaker, Make- ABB Sweden, Type HPL 550/31 B2 at 500kV HVDC Terminal Station, Padghe.
11-10-2023 |
17-10-2023 |
(200 KB)
7000028765 |
Vashi |
Enquiry for repairs and installation of telephonic inter connectivity modem (crystal Model) system along with 10Nos. of extension at EHV Project Division Kalwa.
11-10-2023 |
17-10-2023 |
(227 KB)
Enq10102023 |
Vashi |
Enquiry for repairs and installation of telephonic inter connectivity modem (crystal Model) system along with 10Nos. of extension at EHV Project Division Kalwa.
11-10-2023 |
17-10-2023 |
(2.4 MB)
7000028635 |
Karad |
SRM E-Tender for Cutting of Grass & Removal of Grass & shrubs at switchyards, Substation premises & weed control by chemical treatment at switchyard of various Substations, under EHV O&M Division Ratnagiri.
10-10-2023 |
17-10-2023 |
(202 KB)
7000028744 |
Karad |
SRM ReTender(3rd call) notice for work of Fixing of earth wire alongwith P & F accessories against missing Earth wire of EHV lines under EHV O&M Dn., Ratnagiri.
11-10-2023 |
17-10-2023 |
(410 KB)
7000028763 |
Karad |
SRM ReTender(2nd call) for Renovation of existing earthmat of 132kV Kudal S/stn and 132kV Kankavali S/stn under EHV O&M Dn., Ratnagiri.
11-10-2023 |
17-10-2023 |
(410 KB)
Corporate Office |
Inviting Limited quatations for work of "Supply, Installation and commissioning of All-in-one Desktop, Laptops and Printers for various depts. of Corporate Office MSETCL"
Document Title |
End Date |
File |
03-10-2023 |
17-10-2023 |
(2.3 MB)
7000028774 |
Karad |
SRM E-Tender for Providing & fixing of 100W LED Flood lights at various EHV Substations, under EHV O&M Division, Ratnagiri.
10-10-2023 |
17-10-2023 |
(285 KB)
7000028767 |
Nagpur |
2nd call E-tender for work of “Annual Maintenance for Civil work at HVDC Terminal Station, Chandrapur & 33 kV Electrode Station, Chincholi under HVDC Indoor Division, Chandrapur” for the year 2023-24. Estimated cost:- Ltd to Rs. 15 Lakhs (Including Taxes)
10-10-2023 |
17-10-2023 |
(16 KB)
EE/EHV (O&M)/Dn./DHL/Tech/ No.0961 |
Nashik |
E-Enquiry under the heading " Work of Hiring of the goods vehicle Mahindra Bolero/TATA Sumo or any equivalent vehicle along with driver for LMSD Nandurbar under EHV O&M Div., Dhule.”
10-10-2023 |
17-10-2023 |
(195 KB)
7000028766 |
Pune |
SRM Enquiry for work of health Analysis of existing Earthing System & Soil Resistivity Measurement at 132kV Mundhwa S/S, under EHV O&M Division-I, Pune. (dated 10-10-2023)
10-10-2023 |
17-10-2023 |
(581 KB)
7000027802 |
Aurangabad |
SRM E-Corrigendum: Work of Providing and fixing of IEC-61580 based Annunciation System at 220kV New GCR Unit 6 & 7 under EHV (O&M) Division Beed.
10-10-2023 |
17-10-2023 |
(365 KB)
7000028760 |
Karad |
SRM E-Tender for Deep Earthing with DDCP (Deep dug conductive pit) method dedicated earthing system at 220kV Niwali S/s & 132kV Talebazar S/s, under EHV O&M Division,Ratnagiri.
10-10-2023 |
17-10-2023 |
(282 KB)
EE/737 Dt: 09.10.2023 |
Pune |
Publication of E-Enquiry for Hiring of LMV for Executive Engineer EHV (O&M) Dn-II, Pune for the period of 11 months (dated 10-10-2023)
10-10-2023 |
17-10-2023 |
(270 KB)
RFX NO. 7000028743 |
Pune |
SRM Enquiry for Supply of Silica Gel (Blue Indicate) at various substations under EHV O&M Division-I,Pune. (RFX No.7000028743 ) (dated 10-10-2023)
10-10-2023 |
17-10-2023 |
(334 KB)